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News Search APIs v7 response objects

For a list of possible objects, see In this article in the right pane.

The top-level object in the response depends on the endpoint you call. If you call /news/search or /news, the top-level object in the response is the NewsAnswer object; and for /news/trendingtopics, it's TrendingTopicAnswer. If the request fails, the top-level object is the ErrorResponse object.


Because URL formats and parameters are subject to change without notice, use all URLs as-is. You should not take dependencies on the URL format or parameters except where noted.


Defines the error that occurred.

Name Value Type
code The error code that identifies the category of error. For a list of possible codes, see Error codes. String
message A description of the error. String
moreDetails A description that provides additional information about the error. String
parameter The query parameter in the request that caused the error. String
subCode The error code that identifies the error. For example, if code is InvalidRequest, subCode may be ParameterInvalid or ParameterInvalidValue. String
value The query parameter's value that was not valid. String


The top-level object that the response includes when the request fails.

Name Value Type
_type Type hint, which is set to ErrorResponse. String
errors A list of errors that describe the reasons why the request failed. Error[]


Defines a thumbnail image.


Because URL formats and parameters are subject to change without notice, all image URLs should be used as-is; you should not take dependencies on the URL format or parameters. The exception is those parameters and values discussed by Resize and crop thumbnail images.

Name Value Type
provider A list of owners of the image. Organization
thumbnail A link to a thumbnail of the image. Thumbnail
url A URL to the image. String


Defines the size of the media content.

Name Value Type
height The height of the media content, in pixels. Integer
width The width of the media content, in pixels. Integer


Defines the top-level object that the response includes when the news request succeeds.

If the service suspects a denial of service attack, the request succeeds (HTTP status code is 200 OK), but the body of the response is empty.

Name Value Type
_type Type hint. String
id An ID that uniquely identifies the news answer. Only Web Search API responses include this field. For information about how to use this field, see Ranking results in the Web Search API guide. String
readLink A URL to request news from News Search API. Include other query parameters as needed. Only Web Search API responses include this field. String
relatedTopics A list of news articles that are related to the search term.

Only the News Search API includes this field.
sort A list of options for sorting the news articles. For example, sort by relevance (default) or date. To determine which sort order the request used, see the isSelected field.

Only the News Search API includes this field.
totalEstimatedMatches The estimated number of news articles that are relevant to the query. Use this number along with the count and offset query parameters to page the results.

Only the News Search API includes this field.
value A list of news articles that are relevant to the query term.

If there are no results to return for the request, the array is empty.
webSearchUrl A URL to the top news stories on Bing. Included only for /news requests. String


Defines a news article.

Name Value Type
about For internal use only. Object[]
category The news category that the article belongs to. For example, Sports. If the news category cannot be determined, the article does not include this field.

For a list of possible categories, see News Categories by Market.

If your request specifies the Sports-Tennis category, the category property may contain Sports-Tennis or Sports.
clusteredArticles A list of related news articles. NewsArticle[]
contractualRules A list of rules that you must adhere to if you display the article.

The following contractual rules may apply:If the article provides contractual rules, you must abide by them.

NOTE: Only articles returned by Web Search API include contractual rules. Articles returned by the News endpoints do not include contractual rules.
datePublished The date and time that Bing discovered the article. The date is in the format, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. String
description A short description of the news article. String
headline A Boolean value that indicates whether the news article is a headline. If true, the article is a headline.

NOTE: The article includes this field only for news categories requests that do not specify the category query parameter.
id An ID that uniquely identifies this article in the list of articles.

For information about how to use this field, see Using Ranking to Display Results in the Web Search API guide.
image An image related to the new article.

The Image object in this context contains only the thumbnail field.
mentions A list of entities (places or persons) mentioned in the article. Thing[]
name The name of the article.

Use this name along with the URL to create a hyperlink that when clicked takes the user to the news article.
provider A list of providers that ran the article. Organization[]
url A URL to the news article.

Use this URL along with name to create a hyperlink that when clicked takes the user to the news article.
video A video that's related to the news article. Video


Defines the provider that ran the article.

Name Value Type
_type Type hint. String
name The name of the provider that ran the article. String


Defines the search query string.

Name Value Type
text A query string that returns the trending topic. String


Defines a list of news articles that are related to the search query.

Name Value Type
relatedNews A list of related news articles. NewsArticle
name The query term that returned the related news articles. String
webSearchUrl A URL that takes the user to the Bing search results for the related query. String


Defines a sort order to use for the request.

Name Value Type
id An identifier that identifies the articles sort order. The following are the possible values:
  • date — Sort by date.
  • relevance — Sort by relevance.
isSelected A Boolean value that determines whether the response used this sort order. If true, the response used this sort order. Boolean
name The display name of the sort order. String
url A URL that you can use to make the same request using this sort order. String


Defines a contractual rule for plain text attribution.

Name Value Type
_type A type hint, which is set to TextAttribution. String
text The attribution text.

Text attribution applies to the news article as a whole and should be displayed immediately following the article's presentation. If there are multiple text or link attribution rules that do not specify a target field, you should concatenate them and display them using a "Data from: " label.


Defines an entity that the article mentions.

Name Value Type
name The name of the entity that the article mentions. String


Defines a link to the related image.

Name Value Type
contentUrl The URL to the image. String
height The height of the image in pixels. Unsigned Short
width The width of the image in pixels. Unsigned Short


Defines a trending news topic.

Name Value Type
image A link to a related image.

The Image object in this context contains only the url and provider fields. The provider field is an array of Organization objects that identify the image providers.
isBreakingNews A Boolean value that indicates whether the topic is considered breaking news. If the topic is considered breaking news, the value is true. Boolean
name The title of the trending topic. String
newsSearchUrl A URL to the Bing News search results for the search query term (see the query field). String
query A search query term that returns this trending topic. Query
webSearchUrl A URL to the Bing search results for the search query term (see the query field). String


Defines the top-level object that the response includes when the trending topics request succeeds.

Name Value Type
value A list of trending news topics on Bing.

If there are no results to return for the request, the array is empty.


Defines a video that's related to the news article.


Because the URL format and parameters are subject to change without notice, use all URLs as-is. You should not take dependencies on the URL format or parameters.

Name Value Type
allowHttpsEmbed A Boolean value that determines whether you may embed the video (see the embedHtml field) on pages that use the HTTPS protocol. Boolean
embedHtml An iFrame that lets you embed and run the video in your webpage. String
motionThumbnailUrl A URL to an animated thumbnail that shows a preview of the video. Typically, you use this URL to play a preview of the video when the user mouses over the thumbnail of the video on your results page. String
name The name of the video. String
thumbnail The width and height of the thumbnail image or motion thumbnail. MediaSize
thumbnailUrl A URL to a thumbnail image of the video. For information about resizing the image, see Resize and crop thumbnail images. String