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Google Contacts

Google Contacts is an online address book, integrated across your Google products and more.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Standard All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Standard All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Microsoft
URL Microsoft LogicApps Support
Microsoft Power Automate Support
Microsoft Power Apps Support
Connector Metadata
Publisher Microsoft
Website https://contacts.google.com/
Privacy policy https://policies.google.com/privacy

To use this integration, you will need a Google account. If you are not a user yet, sign up for a new account. When trying to make a connection, you will be prompted to authenticate against your account. If you have multiple accounts, pick the one you would like to use and Sign in. Once verified, you will need to authorize Microsoft to access your contacts. Click on Allow to continue.

Image 1

You're now ready to start using this integration.

Known issues and limitations

Action "Get my contacts" currently does not support pagination. It returns 1024 contacts maximum. If you have more contacts, only first 1024 will be returned back by the action.


Starting from June 15, 2021 some actions will start to fail due to Google deprecating the endpoints these actions are using. To know about it more, please see the following post from Google: https://developers.google.com/contacts/v3/announcement.

The following actions are affected:

Create a contact; Get my contacts; Get my contacts V2; and When a contact changes.

To avoid interruptions use the following actions:

Create a contact V2; Get my contacts V4; and When a contact changes V3.

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Create a contact [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Create a contact V3 instead.

Create a contact within Google Contacts

Create a contact V2

Create a contact within Google Contacts V2

Create a contact V3 (Preview)

Create a contact within Google Contacts V3

Get my contacts [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Get my contacts V4 instead.

Get my contacts.

Get my contacts V2 [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Get my contacts V4 instead.

Get my contacts V2.

Get my contacts V3 [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Get my contacts V4 instead.

Get my contacts V3.

Get my contacts V4

Get my contacts V4.

Create a contact [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Create a contact V3 instead.

Create a contact within Google Contacts


Name Key Required Type Description
Display Name
displayName True string

Display name for the contact.

Work Email Address
workEmail string
group string

Group to add the contact to.

company string
Work Phone Number
workPhoneNumber string
Mobile Phone Number
mobilePhoneNumber string
Home Email Address
homeEmail string

Home Email address for the contact.

Other Email Address
otherEmail string
nickName string
Home Address
homeAddress string
Work Address
workAddress string
Other Address
otherAddress string
Job Title
jobTitle string
Home Phone Number
homePhoneNumber string
Other Phone Number
otherPhoneNumber string
notes string


Name Path Type Description
entry Entry

Create a contact V2

Create a contact within Google Contacts V2


Name Key Required Type Description
Given Name
givenName True string

Given name for the contact.

Family Name
familyName string

Family name for the contact.

Work Email Address
workEmail string
group string

Group to add the contact to.

company string
Work Phone Number
workPhoneNumber string
Mobile Phone Number
mobilePhoneNumber string
Home Email Address
homeEmail string

Home Email address for the contact.

Other Email Address
otherEmail string
nickName string
Home Address
homeAddress string
Work Address
workAddress string
Other Address
otherAddress string
Job Title
jobTitle string
Home Phone Number
homePhoneNumber string
Other Phone Number
otherPhoneNumber string


Create a contact V3 (Preview)

Create a contact within Google Contacts V3


Name Key Required Type Description
Given Name
givenName True string

Given name for the contact.

Family Name
familyName string

Family name for the contact.

Work Email Address
workEmail string
group string

Group to add the contact to.

company string
Work Phone Number
workPhoneNumber string
Mobile Phone Number
mobilePhoneNumber string
Home Email Address
homeEmail string

Home Email address for the contact.

Other Email Address
otherEmail string
nickName string
Home Address
homeAddress string
Work Address
workAddress string
Other Address
otherAddress string
Job Title
jobTitle string
Home Phone Number
homePhoneNumber string
Other Phone Number
otherPhoneNumber string


Get my contacts [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Get my contacts V4 instead.

Get my contacts.


Name Path Type Description
feed.entry array of Entry

Get my contacts V2 [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Get my contacts V4 instead.

Get my contacts V2.


Name Path Type Description
value array of Entry

Get my contacts V3 [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Get my contacts V4 instead.

Get my contacts V3.


Name Path Type Description
connections array of PeopleApiConnection

Get my contacts V4

Get my contacts V4.


Name Path Type Description
connections array of PeopleApiConnectionV2


When a contact changes [DEPRECATED]

When a contact changes in Google Contacts.

When a contact changes V2 [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use When a contact changes V3 instead.

When a contact changes in Google Contacts V2.

When a contact changes V3

When a contact changes in Google Contacts V3.

When a contact changes [DEPRECATED]

When a contact changes in Google Contacts.


Name Path Type Description
feed.entry array of Entry

When a contact changes V2 [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use When a contact changes V3 instead.

When a contact changes in Google Contacts V2.


Name Path Type Description
connections array of PeopleApiConnection

When a contact changes V3

When a contact changes in Google Contacts V3.


Name Path Type Description
connections array of PeopleApiConnectionV2



Name Path Type Description
id.$t string

The id of the contact.

Updated DateTime
updated.$t date-time

The datetime the contact was last updated, in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (2016-07-20T08:00:59.000Z).

title.$t string

The job title of the contact.

Full Name
gd$name.gd$fullName.$t string

The full name of the contact.

Given Name
gd$name.gd$givenName.$t string

The given name of the contact.

Last Name
gd$name.gd$familyName.$t string

The family name of the contact.

gContact$nickname.$t string

The nickname of the contact.

gd$organization array of object
gd$organization.gd$orgName.$t string

The origanization name.

gd$organization.gd$orgTitle.$t string

The organization title.

Work Email
workEmail string

The work email address of the contact.

Home Email
homeEmail string

The home address of the contact.

Other Email
otherEmail string

The other address of the contact.

Work Phone Number
workPhoneNumber string

The work phone number of the contact.

Home Phone Number
homePhoneNumber string

The home phone number of the contact.

Other Phone Number
otherPhoneNumber string

The other phone number of the contact.

Mobile Phone Number
mobilePhoneNumber string

The mobile phone number of the contact.

Work Address
workAddress string

The work address of the contact.

Home Address
homeAddress string

The home address of the contact.

Other Address
otherAddress string

The other address of the contact.


Name Path Type Description
metadata.source.id string

The id of the contact.

Updated DateTime
metadata.source.updatedTime date-time

The datetime the contact was last updated, in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (2016-07-20T08:00:59.000Z).

Full Name
name.displayName string

The full name of the contact.

Given Name
name.givenName string

The given name of the contact.

Family Name
name.familyName string

The family name of the contact.

nickname.value string

The nickname of the contact.

organizations array of object
organizations.name string

The origanization name.

organizations.title string

The organization title.

Work Address
addressesObject.work.formattedValue string

The work address of the contact.

Home Address
addressesObject.home.formattedValue string

The home address of the contact.

Other Address
addressesObject.other.formattedValue string

The other address of the contact.

Work Email
emailAddressesObject.work.value string

The work email address of the contact.

Home Email
emailAddressesObject.home.value string

The home email address of the contact.

Other Email
emailAddressesObject.other.value string

The other email address of the contact.

Work Phone Number
phoneNumbersObject.work.value string

The work phone number of the contact.

Home Phone Number
phoneNumbersObject.home.value string

The home phone number of the contact.

Mobile Phone Number
phoneNumbersObject.mobile.value string

The mobile phone number of the contact.

Other Phone Number
phoneNumbersObject.other.value string

The other phone number of the contact.


Name Path Type Description
metadata.source.id string

The id of the contact.

Updated DateTime
metadata.source.updateTime date-time

The datetime the contact was last updated, in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (2016-07-20T08:00:59.000Z).

Full Name
name.displayName string

The full name of the contact.

Given Name
name.givenName string

The given name of the contact.

Family Name
name.familyName string

The family name of the contact.

nickname.value string

The nickname of the contact.

organizations array of object
organizations.name string

The origanization name.

organizations.title string

The organization title.

addresses array of object
addresses.formattedValue string

The address of the contact.

emailAddresses array of object
emailAddresses.value string

The email address of the contact.

emailAddresses.formattedType string

The type of email address of the contact.

phoneNumbers array of object
Phone Number
phoneNumbers.value string

The phone number of the contact.

phoneNumbers.formattedType string

The phone number of the contact.