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Nimflow (Preview)

Nimflow Web API allows to dispatch actions, send responses and subscribe to events using standard web hooks.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Nimflow
URL https://nimflow.com
Email support@nimflow.com
Connector Metadata
Publisher Nimflow LLC
Website https://www.nimflow.com
Privacy policy https://www.nimflow.com/legal/privacy-policy
Categories Data

Nextcom’s cloud-based CRM solution is a safe and efficient way to streamline your workflow, create collaboration internally and increase sales. Tailored for you. Connect your data flow to Nextcom and utilize our cloud-based CRM services for optimizing sales and customer management.


You will need the following to proceed:

  • Sign Up for a Nextcom trial account.
  • Once signed up, a Nextcom representative will help you set up your unique Nextcom domain.
  • Our support staff will help you set up a dedicated API user in your Nextcom web interface, and this API user will be used to connect your services to Nextcom through Power Automate.

Connecting Power Automate to Nextcom

  • When your Nextcom domain has been set up, and you have created an API user, please connect to Nextcom using the API users Username and Password, along with your dedicated domain name.

Further Support

For any questions please feel free to contact-us.

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Not shareable


Applicable: All regions

Parameters for creating connection.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Name Type Description Required
Base url string The Base url for this connection True
API key securestring The API key for this connection True
Unit id string The nimflow unit id for this connection True
Subscription key string The nimflow subscription key for this connection

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Add task response

Send a task response to a context in nimflow

Dispatch action

Dispatch an action to a context in nimflow

Add task response

Send a task response to a context in nimflow


Name Key Required Type Description
Context reference
contextReference True string

Gets or sets the context´s reference the task should belongs to.

Sent by
sentBy string

Gets or sets a tracking value informing the application or integration sending the response.

payload object

Gets or sets the response payload object. Must satisfy corresponding JsonSchema if defined.

Started on
startedOn date-time

Gets or sets the date and time when work was started on the task before sending the response.

Sent on
sentOn date-time

Gets or sets the date and time when response was sent.

subject string

Gets a suggested subject to use when sending to an events communication service.

Context type name
contextTypeName True string

Gets or sets the context's type name the task should belongs to.

Task type name
taskTypeName True string

Gets or sets the task's type name of the active task.

Response type name
responseTypeName True string

Gets or sets the name of the response type, previously defined for its task type, for which you are trying to send a response.

Item key
itemKey string

Gets or sets the task item key.


Represents a result of executing a AddTaskResponse command.

Dispatch action

Dispatch an action to a context in nimflow


Name Key Required Type Description
Context type name
contextTypeName True string

Gets or set the context type name.

Context reference
reference True string

Gets or sets the reference of the context. The reference is a unique identifier per context type, known to external systems with business semantics. If a reference does not exists for the given context type and the action is initial, a new context will be created.

Action name
action True string

Get or sets the predefined action name to dispatch.

Action payload
payload object

Gets or sets the payload object for the action. Must satisfy corresponding JsonSchema if defined.

subject string

Gets a suggested subject to use when sending to an events communication service.


Represents the result of dispatching a context action.


When a milestone is cleared

Subscribe to a milestone cleared event.

When a milestone is reached

Subscribe to a milestone reached event.

When a task is archived

Subscribe to a task archived event.

When a task is created

Subscribe to a task created event.

When a task is updated

Subscribe to a task updated event.

When a milestone is cleared

Subscribe to a milestone cleared event.


Name Key Required Type Description
Context type name
contextTypeName string
Milestone name
milestoneName string


When a milestone is reached

Subscribe to a milestone reached event.


Name Key Required Type Description
Context type name
contextTypeName string
Milestone name
milestoneName string


When a task is archived

Subscribe to a task archived event.


Name Key Required Type Description
Context type name
contextTypeName string
Task type name
taskTypeName string


When a task is created

Subscribe to a task created event.


Name Key Required Type Description
Context type name
contextTypeName string
Task type name
taskTypeName string


When a task is updated

Subscribe to a task updated event.


Name Key Required Type Description
Context type name
contextTypeName string
Task type name
taskTypeName string




Represents the result of dispatching a context action.

Name Path Type Description
Context id
contextId string

Gets or sets the context id of the contexts the action was dispatched on.

Is new
isNew boolean

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the context was created as a result of the dispatched action.




Represents a result of executing a AddTaskResponse command.

Name Path Type Description
Response Id
responseId string

Gets or sets the id of the registered response.


Name Path Type Description
timestamp date-time
id string
Request id
requestId string
event string
Context id
contextId string
Context type name
contextTypeName string
reference string
Start date
startDate date-time
Start before date
startBeforeDate date-time
Due date
dueDate date-time
Task id
taskId string
Task type name
taskTypeName string
data object
Assigned to
assignedTo string
Assigned to role
assignedToRole string
importance Importance


Name Path Type Description
timestamp date-time
id string
Request id
requestId string
event string
Context id
contextId string
Context type name
contextTypeName string
reference string
Start date
startDate date-time
Start before date
startBeforeDate date-time
Due date
dueDate date-time
Task id
taskId string
Task type name
taskTypeName string
data object
Assigned to
assignedTo string
Assigned to role
assignedToRole string
importance Importance
oldImportance Importance
Old labels
oldLabels array of string
Old data
oldData object
Old start date
oldStartDate date-time
Old start before date
oldStartBeforeDate date-time
Old due date
oldDueDate date-time
Old assigned to
oldAssignedTo string
Old assigned to role
oldAssignedToRole string


Name Path Type Description
timestamp date-time
id string
Request id
requestId string
event string
Context id
contextId string
Context type name
contextTypeName string
reference string
Start date
startDate date-time
Start before date
startBeforeDate date-time
Due date
dueDate date-time
Task id
taskId string
Task type name
taskTypeName string
data object
Assigned to
assignedTo string
Assigned to role
assignedToRole string
importance Importance


Name Path Type Description
timestamp date-time
id string
Request id
requestId string
event string
Context id
contextId string
Context type name
contextTypeName string
reference string
Milestone name
milestoneName string
Last reached
lastReached date-time


Name Path Type Description
timestamp date-time
id string
Request id
requestId string
event string
Context id
contextId string
Context type name
contextTypeName string
reference string
Milestone name
milestoneName string