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event keyword (C++/CLI and C++/CX)

The event keyword declares an event, which is a notification to registered subscribers (event handlers) that something of interest has occurred.

All Runtimes

C++/CX supports declaring an event member or an event block. An event member is shorthand for declaring an event block. By default, an event member declares the add, remove, and raise functions that are declared explicitly in an event block. To customize the functions in an event member, declare an event block instead and then override the functions that you require.


// event data member
modifier event delegate^ event_name;

// event block
modifier event delegate^ event_name
   modifier return_value add(delegate^ name);
   modifier void remove(delegate^ name);
   modifier void raise(parameters);


A modifier that can be used on either the event declaration or an event accessor method. Possible values are static and virtual.

The delegate, whose signature the event handler must match.

The name of the event.

The return value of the event accessor method. To be verifiable, the return type must be void.

(optional) Parameters for the raise method, which match the signature of the delegate parameter.


An event is an association between a delegate and an event handler. An event handler is a member function that responds when the event gets triggered. It allows clients from any class to register methods that match the signature and return type of the delegate.

There are two kinds of events declarations:

event data member
The compiler automatically creates storage for the event in the form of a member of the delegate type, and creates internal add, remove, and raise member functions. An event data member must be declared inside a class. The return type of the return type of the delegate must match the return type of the event handler.

event block
An event block enables you to explicitly declare and customize the behavior of the add, remove, and raise methods.

You can use operator += and operator -= to add and remove an event handler, or call the add and remove methods explicitly.

event is a context-sensitive keyword. For more information, see Context-sensitive keywords.

Windows Runtime


For more information, see Events (C++/CX).

To add and later remove an event handler, save the EventRegistrationToken structure that's returned by the add operation. Then in the remove operation, use the saved EventRegistrationToken structure to identify the event handler to remove.


Compiler option: /ZW

Common Language Runtime

The event keyword lets you declare an event. An event is a way for a class to provide notifications when something of interest happens.


// event data member
modifier event delegate^ event_name;

// event block
modifier event delegate^ event_name
   modifier return_value add(delegate^ name);
   modifier void remove(delegate^ name);
   modifier void raise(parameters);


A modifier that can be used on either the event declaration or an event accessor method. Possible values are static and virtual.

The delegate, whose signature the event handler must match.

The name of the event.

The return value of the event accessor method. To be verifiable, the return type must be void.

(optional) Parameters for the raise method, which match the signature of the delegate parameter.


An event is an association between a delegate and an event handler. An event handler is a member function that responds when the event gets triggered. It allows clients from any class to register methods that match the signature and return type of the underlying delegate.

The delegate can have one or more associated methods. These methods get called when your code indicates that the event has occurred. An event in one program can be made available to other programs that target the .NET Framework common language runtime.

There are two kinds of event declarations:

event data members
The compiler creates storage for data member events as a member of the delegate type. An event data member must be declared inside a class. It's also known as a trivial event. See the code sample for an example.

event blocks
Event blocks let you customize the behavior of the add, remove, and raise methods, by implementing add, remove, and raise methods. The signature of the add, remove, and raise methods must match the signature of the delegate. Event block events aren't data members. Any use as a data member generates a compiler error.

The return type of the event handler must match the return type of the delegate.

In the .NET Framework, you can treat a data member as if it were a method itself (that is, the Invoke method of its corresponding delegate). To do so, predefine the delegate type for declaring a managed event data member. In contrast, a managed event method implicitly defines the corresponding managed delegate if it isn't already defined. See the code sample at the end of this article for an example.

When declaring a managed event, you can specify add and remove accessors that will be called when event handlers are added or removed using operators += and -=. The add, remove, and raise methods can be called explicitly.

The following steps must be taken to create and use events in Microsoft C++:

  1. Create or identify a delegate. If you're defining your own event, you must also ensure that there's a delegate to use with the event keyword. If the event is predefined, in the .NET Framework for example, then consumers of the event need only know the name of the delegate.

  2. Create a class that contains:

    • An event created from the delegate.

    • (Optional) A method that verifies that an instance of the delegate declared with the event keyword exists. Otherwise, this logic must be placed in the code that fires the event.

    • Methods that call the event. These methods can be overrides of some base class functionality.

    This class defines the event.

  3. Define one or more classes that connect methods to the event. Each of these classes will associate one or more methods with the event in the base class.

  4. Use the event:

    • Create an object of the class that contains the event declaration.

    • Create an object of the class that contains the event definition.

For more information on C++/CLI events, see Events in an Interface.


Compiler option: /clr


The following code example demonstrates declaring pairs of delegates, events, and event handlers. It shows how to subscribe (add), invoke, and then unsubscribe (remove) the event handlers.

// mcppv2_events.cpp
// compile with: /clr
using namespace System;

// declare delegates
delegate void ClickEventHandler(int, double);
delegate void DblClickEventHandler(String^);

// class that defines events
ref class EventSource {
   event ClickEventHandler^ OnClick;   // declare the event OnClick
   event DblClickEventHandler^ OnDblClick;   // declare OnDblClick

   void FireEvents() {
      // raises events
      OnClick(7, 3.14159);

// class that defines methods that will called when event occurs
ref class EventReceiver {
   void OnMyClick(int i, double d) {
      Console::WriteLine("OnClick: {0}, {1}", i, d);

   void OnMyDblClick(String^ str) {
      Console::WriteLine("OnDblClick: {0}", str);

int main() {
   EventSource ^ MyEventSource = gcnew EventSource();
   EventReceiver^ MyEventReceiver = gcnew EventReceiver();

   // hook handler to event
   MyEventSource->OnClick += gcnew ClickEventHandler(MyEventReceiver, &EventReceiver::OnMyClick);
   MyEventSource->OnDblClick += gcnew DblClickEventHandler(MyEventReceiver, &EventReceiver::OnMyDblClick);

   // invoke events

   // unhook handler to event
   MyEventSource->OnClick -= gcnew ClickEventHandler(MyEventReceiver, &EventReceiver::OnMyClick);
   MyEventSource->OnDblClick -= gcnew DblClickEventHandler(MyEventReceiver, &EventReceiver::OnMyDblClick);
OnClick: 7, 3.14159

OnDblClick: Hello

The following code example demonstrates the logic used to generate the raise method of a trivial event. If the event has one or more subscribers, calling the raise method implicitly or explicitly calls the delegate. If the delegate's return type isn't void and if there are zero event subscribers, the raise method returns the default value for the delegate type. If there are no event subscribers, calling the raise method immediately returns and no exception is raised. If the delegate return type isn't void, the delegate type is returned.

// trivial_events.cpp
// compile with: /clr /c
using namespace System;
public delegate int Del();
public ref struct C {
   int i;
   event Del^ MyEvent;

   void FireEvent() {
      i = MyEvent();

ref struct EventReceiver {
   int OnMyClick() { return 0; }

int main() {
   C c;
   c.i = 687;

   c.i = 688;

   EventReceiver^ MyEventReceiver = gcnew EventReceiver();
   c.MyEvent += gcnew Del(MyEventReceiver, &EventReceiver::OnMyClick);


See also

Component extensions for .NET and UWP