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X509CertificateInitiatorServiceCredential.Certificate Property


Gets or sets the certificate to use in MutualCertificateDuplex message security authentication mode.

 property System::Security::Cryptography::X509Certificates::X509Certificate2 ^ Certificate { System::Security::Cryptography::X509Certificates::X509Certificate2 ^ get(); void set(System::Security::Cryptography::X509Certificates::X509Certificate2 ^ value); };
public System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 Certificate { get; set; }
member this.Certificate : System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 with get, set
Public Property Certificate As X509Certificate2

Property Value

The X509Certificate2 to use to encrypt messages sent to the client by the service in the uncorrelated duplex transport case if the MutualCertificateDuplex message security authentication mode is used.


An attempt was made to set a read-only credential.


The following code shows how to use this property to get the certificate.


This property is used for bindings that are configured to message security mode when MutualCertificateDuplex message security authentication mode is used.

Applies to