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UTF-7 code paths are obsolete

The UTF-7 encoding is no longer in wide use among applications, and many specs now forbid its use in interchange. It's also occasionally used as an attack vector in applications that don't anticipate encountering UTF-7-encoded data. Microsoft warns against use of System.Text.UTF7Encoding because it doesn't provide error detection.

Consequently, the Encoding.UTF7 property and UTF7Encoding constructors are now obsolete. Additionally, Encoding.GetEncoding and Encoding.GetEncodings no longer allow you to specify UTF-7.

Change description

Previously, you could create an instance of the UTF-7 encoding by using the Encoding.GetEncoding APIs. For example:

Encoding enc1 = Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-7"); // By name.
Encoding enc2 = Encoding.GetEncoding(65000); // By code page.

Additionally, an instance that represents the UTF-7 encoding was enumerated by the Encoding.GetEncodings() method, which enumerates all the Encoding instances registered on the system.

Starting in .NET 5, the Encoding.UTF7 property and UTF7Encoding constructors are obsolete and produce warning SYSLIB0001. However, to reduce the number of warnings that callers receive when using the UTF7Encoding class, the UTF7Encoding type itself is not marked obsolete.

// The next line generates warning SYSLIB0001.
UTF7Encoding enc = new UTF7Encoding();
// The next line does not generate a warning.
byte[] bytes = enc.GetBytes("Hello world!");

Additionally, the Encoding.GetEncoding methods treat the encoding name utf-7 and the code page 65000 as unknown. Treating the encoding as unknown causes the method to throw an ArgumentException.

// Throws ArgumentException, same as calling Encoding.GetEncoding("unknown").
Encoding enc = Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-7");

Finally, the Encoding.GetEncodings() method doesn't include the UTF-7 encoding in the EncodingInfo array that it returns. The encoding is excluded because it cannot be instantiated.

foreach (EncodingInfo encInfo in Encoding.GetEncodings())
    // The next line would throw if GetEncodings included UTF-7.
    Encoding enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(encInfo.Name);

Reason for change

Many applications call Encoding.GetEncoding("encoding-name") with an encoding name value that's provided by an untrusted source. For example, a web client or server might take the charset portion of the Content-Type header and pass the value directly to Encoding.GetEncoding without validating it. This could allow a malicious endpoint to specify Content-Type: ...; charset=utf-7, which could cause the receiving application to misbehave.

Additionally, disabling UTF-7 code paths allows optimizing compilers, such as those used by Blazor, to remove these code paths entirely from the resulting application. As a result, the compiled applications run more efficiently and take less disk space.

Version introduced


In most cases, you don't need to take any action. However, for apps that have previously activated UTF-7-related code paths, consider the guidance that follows.

  • If your app calls Encoding.GetEncoding with unknown encoding names provided by an untrusted source:

    Instead, compare the encoding names against a configurable allow list. The configurable allow list should at minimum include the industry-standard "utf-8". Depending on your clients and regulatory requirements, you may also need to allow region-specific encodings, such as "GB18030".

    If you don't implement an allow list, Encoding.GetEncoding will return any Encoding that's built into the system or that's registered via a custom EncodingProvider. Audit your service's requirements to validate that this is the desired behavior. UTF-7 continues to be disabled by default unless your application re-enables the compatibility switch mentioned later in this article.

  • If you're using Encoding.UTF7 or UTF7Encoding within your own protocol or file format:

    Switch to using Encoding.UTF8 or UTF8Encoding. UTF-8 is an industry standard and is widely supported across languages, operating systems, and runtimes. Using UTF-8 eases future maintenance of your code and makes it more interoperable with the rest of the ecosystem.

  • If you're comparing an Encoding instance against Encoding.UTF7:

    Instead, consider performing a check against the well-known UTF-7 code page, which is 65000. By comparing against the code page, you avoid the warning and also handle some edge cases, such as if somebody called new UTF7Encoding() or subclassed the type.

    void DoSomething(Encoding enc)
        // Don't perform the check this way.
        // It produces a warning and misses some edge cases.
        if (enc == Encoding.UTF7)
            // Encoding is UTF-7.
        // Instead, perform the check this way.
        if (enc != null && enc.CodePage == 65000)
            // Encoding is UTF-7.
  • If you must use Encoding.UTF7 or UTF7Encoding:

    You can suppress the SYSLIB0001 warning in code or within your project's .csproj file.

    #pragma warning disable SYSLIB0001 // Disable the warning.
    Encoding enc = Encoding.UTF7;
    #pragma warning restore SYSLIB0001 // Re-enable the warning.
    <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
       <!-- NoWarn below suppresses SYSLIB0001 project-wide -->


    Suppressing SYSLIB0001 only disables the Encoding.UTF7 and UTF7Encoding obsoletion warnings. It doesn't disable any other warnings or change the behavior of APIs like Encoding.GetEncoding.

  • If you must support Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-7", ...):

    You can re-enable support for this via a compatibility switch. This compatibility switch can be specified in the application's .csproj file or in a runtime configuration file, as shown in the following examples.

    In the application's .csproj file:

    <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
       <!-- Re-enable support for UTF-7 -->

    In the application's runtimeconfig.template.json file:

      "configProperties": {
        "System.Text.Encoding.EnableUnsafeUTF7Encoding": true


    If you re-enable support for UTF-7, you should perform a security review of code that calls Encoding.GetEncoding.

Affected APIs