
Поділитися через

dotnet new search

This article applies to: ✔️ .NET Core 5.0.300 SDK and later versions


dotnet new search - searches for the templates supported by dotnet new on NuGet.org.


dotnet new search <TEMPLATE_NAME>

dotnet new search [<TEMPLATE_NAME>] [--author <AUTHOR>] [-lang|--language <language>]
    [--package <PACKAGE>] [--tag <TAG>] [--type <TYPE>]
    [--columns <author|language|tags|type>] [--columns-all]
    [-d|--diagnostics] [--verbosity <LEVEL>] [-h|--help]


The dotnet new search command searches for templates supported by dotnet new on NuGet.org. When the <TEMPLATE_NAME> is specified, searches for templates containing the specified name.


Starting with the .NET 7 SDK, the dotnet new syntax has changed:

  • The --list, --search, --install, and --uninstall options became list, search, install, and uninstall subcommands.
  • The --update-apply option became the update subcommand.
  • To use --update-check, use the update subcommand with the --check-only option.

Other options that were available before are still available to use with their respective subcommands. Separate help for each subcommand is available via the -h or --help option: dotnet new <subcommand> --help lists all supported options for the subcommand.

Additionally, tab completion is now available for dotnet new. It supports completion for installed template names and for the options a selected template provides. To activate tab completion for the .NET SDK, see Enable tab completion.

Examples of the old syntax:

  • Search for all templates available on NuGet.org matching the "we" substring and supporting the F# language

    dotnet new we --search --language "F#"



    If the argument is specified, only templates containing <TEMPLATE_NAME> in the template name or short name will be shown. The argument is mandatory when --author, --language, --package, --tag, or --type options are not specified.


    Starting with .NET SDK 6.0.100, you can put the <TEMPLATE_NAME> argument after the --search option. For example, dotnet new --search web provides the same result as dotnet new web --search. Using more than one argument is not allowed.


  • --author <AUTHOR>

    Filters templates based on template author. A partial match is supported.

  • --columns <COLUMNS>

    The list of columns to display in the output. The supported columns are:

    • author - The template author.
    • language - The template language.
    • tags - The list of template tags.
    • type - The template type.

    The template name, short name, package name, an indication if it's a trusted source, and total downloads count are always shown. The default list of columns is template name, short name, language, package, an indication if it's a trusted source, and total downloads. To specify multiple columns, use the --columns option multiple times.

  • --columns-all

    Displays all columns in the output.

  • -d|--diagnostics

    Enables diagnostic output. Available since .NET SDK 7.0.100.

  • -h|--help

    Prints out help for the search command. Available since .NET SDK 7.0.100.

  • -lang|--language <language>

    Filters templates based on language supported by the template. The language accepted varies by the template, possible languages are C#, F#, VB, SQL, JSON, TypeScript, and more. Not valid for some templates.


    Some shells interpret # as a special character. In those cases, enclose the language parameter value in quotes. For example, dotnet new --search --language "F#".

  • --package <PACKAGE>

    Filters templates based on NuGet package ID. A partial match is supported.

  • --tag <TAG>

    Filters templates based on template tags. To be selected, a template must have at least one tag that exactly matches the criteria.

  • --type <TYPE>

    Filters templates based on template type. Predefined values are project, item, and solution.

  • -v|--verbosity <LEVEL>

    Sets the verbosity level of the command. Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], and diag[nostic]. Available since .NET SDK 7.0.100.


To ensure that the template package appears in dotnet new --search result, set the NuGet package type to Template.


  • Search for all templates available on NuGet.org matching the spa substring.

    dotnet new search spa
  • Search for all templates available on NuGet.org matching the we substring and supporting the F# language.

    dotnet new search we --language "F#"
  • Search for item templates.

    dotnet new search --type item
  • Search for all C# templates, showing the type and tags in the output.

    dotnet new search --language "C#" --columns "type" --columns "tags"

See also