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ICorDebugEval2::NewParameterizedArray Method

Allocates a new array of the specified element type and dimensions.


HRESULT NewParameterizedArray(
    [in] ICorDebugType          *pElementType,
    [in] ULONG32                rank,
    [in, size_is(rank)] ULONG32 dims[],
    [in, size_is(rank)] ULONG32 lowBounds[]


pElementType [in] A pointer to an ICorDebugType object that represents the type of element stored in the array.

rank [in] The number of dimensions of the array. In .NET Framework version 2.0, this value must be 1.

dims [in] The size, in bytes, of each dimension of the array.

lowBounds [in] Optional. The lower bound of each dimension of the array. If this value is omitted, a lower bound of zero is assumed for each dimension.


The elements of the array may be instances of a generic type. The array is always created in the application domain in which the thread is currently running. In .NET Framework 2.0, the value of rank must be 1.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: CorDebug.idl, CorDebug.h

Library: CorGuids.lib

.NET Framework Versions: Available since 2.0