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The string type represents immutable text as a sequence of Unicode characters. string is an alias for System.String in .NET.


String literals are delimited by the quotation mark (") character. The backslash character ( \ ) is used to encode certain special characters. The backslash and the next character together are known as an escape sequence. Escape sequences supported in F# string literals are shown in the following table.

Character Escape sequence
Alert \a
Backspace \b
Form feed \f
Newline \n
Carriage return \r
Tab \t
Vertical tab \v
Backslash \\
Quotation mark \"
Apostrophe \'
Unicode character \DDD (where D indicates a decimal digit; range of 000 - 255; for example, \231 = "ç")
Unicode character \xHH (where H indicates a hexadecimal digit; range of 00 - FF; for example, \xE7 = "ç")
Unicode character \uHHHH (UTF-16) (where H indicates a hexadecimal digit; range of 0000 - FFFF; for example, \u00E7 = "ç")
Unicode character \U00HHHHHH (UTF-32) (where H indicates a hexadecimal digit; range of 000000 - 10FFFF; for example, \U0001F47D = "👽")


The \DDD escape sequence is decimal notation, not octal notation like in most other languages. Therefore, digits 8 and 9 are valid, and a sequence of \032 represents a space (U+0020), whereas that same code point in octal notation would be \040.


Being constrained to a range of 0 - 255 (0xFF), the \DDD and \x escape sequences are effectively the ISO-8859-1 character set, since that matches the first 256 Unicode code points.

Verbatim Strings

If preceded by the @ symbol, the literal is a verbatim string. Declaring a verbatim string means that any escape sequences are ignored, except that two quotation mark characters are interpreted as one quotation mark character.

Triple Quoted Strings

Additionally, a string may be enclosed by triple quotes. In this case, all escape sequences are ignored, including double quotation mark characters. To specify a string that contains an embedded quoted string, you can either use a verbatim string or a triple-quoted string. If you use a verbatim string, you must specify two quotation mark characters to indicate a single quotation mark character. If you use a triple-quoted string, you can use the single quotation mark characters without them being parsed as the end of the string. This technique can be useful when you work with XML or other structures that include embedded quotation marks.

// Using a verbatim string
let xmlFragment1 = @"<book author=""Milton, John"" title=""Paradise Lost"">"

// Using a triple-quoted string
let xmlFragment2 = """<book author="Milton, John" title="Paradise Lost">"""

In code, strings that have line breaks are accepted and the line breaks are interpreted as the newline encoding used in source, unless a backslash character is the last character before the line break. Leading white space on the next line is ignored when the backslash character is used. The following code produces a string str1 that has value "abc\ndef" and a string str2 that has value "abcdef".

let str1 =

let str2 =

String Indexing and Slicing

You can access individual characters in a string by using array-like syntax. The following examples use [] to index strings. This syntax was introduced in F# 6.0. You can also use .[] to index strings in all versions. The new syntax is preferred.

printfn "%c" str1[1]

The output is b.

Or you can extract substrings by using array slice syntax, as shown in the following code.

printfn "%s" str1[0..2]
printfn "%s" str2[3..5]

The output is as follows.


You can represent ASCII strings by arrays of unsigned bytes, type byte[]. You add the suffix B to a string literal to indicate that it's an ASCII string. ASCII string literals used with byte arrays support the same escape sequences as Unicode strings, except for the Unicode escape sequences.

// "abc" interpreted as a Unicode string.
let str1: string = "abc"
// "abc" interpreted as an ASCII byte array.
let bytearray: byte[] = "abc"B

String Operators

The + operator can be used to concatenate strings, maintaining compatibility with the .NET Framework string handling features. The following example illustrates string concatenation.

let string1 = "Hello, " + "world"

String Class

Because the string type in F# is actually a .NET Framework System.String type, all the System.String members are available. System.String includes the + operator, which is used to concatenate strings, the Length property, and the Chars property, which returns the string as an array of Unicode characters. For more information about strings, see System.String.

By using the Chars property of System.String, you can access the individual characters in a string by specifying an index, as is shown in the following code.

let printChar (str: string) (index: int) =
    printfn "First character: %c" (str.Chars(index))

String Module

Additional functionality for string handling is included in the String module in the FSharp.Core namespace. For more information, see String Module.

See also