17 бер., 23 - 21 бер., 23
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Зареєструватися заразЦей браузер більше не підтримується.
Замініть його на Microsoft Edge, щоб користуватися перевагами найновіших функцій, оновлень безпеки та технічної підтримки.
F# is a universal programming language for writing succinct, robust and performant code.
F# allows you to write uncluttered, self-documenting code, where your focus remains on your problem domain, rather than the details of programming.
It does this without compromising on speed and compatibility - it is open-source, cross-platform and interoperable.
open System // Gets access to functionality in System namespace.
// Defines a list of names
let names = [ "Peter"; "Julia"; "Xi" ]
// Defines a function that takes a name and produces a greeting.
let getGreeting name = $"Hello, {name}"
// Prints a greeting for each name!
|> List.map getGreeting
|> List.iter (fun greeting -> printfn $"{greeting}! Enjoy your F#")
F# has numerous features, including:
A full set of features are documented in the F# language guide.
Types such as Records and Discriminated Unions let you represent your data.
// Group data with Records
type SuccessfulWithdrawal =
{ Amount: decimal
Balance: decimal }
type FailedWithdrawal =
{ Amount: decimal
Balance: decimal
IsOverdraft: bool }
// Use discriminated unions to represent data of 1 or more forms
type WithdrawalResult =
| Success of SuccessfulWithdrawal
| InsufficientFunds of FailedWithdrawal
| CardExpired of System.DateTime
| UndisclosedFailure
F# records and discriminated unions are non-null, immutable, and comparable by default, making them very easy to use.
F# functions are easy to define. When combined with pattern matching, they allow you to define behavior whose correctness is enforced by the compiler.
// Returns a WithdrawalResult
let withdrawMoney amount = // Implementation elided
let handleWithdrawal amount =
let w = withdrawMoney amount
// The F# compiler enforces accounting for each case!
match w with
| Success s -> printfn $"Successfully withdrew %f{s.Amount}"
| InsufficientFunds f -> printfn $"Failed: balance is %f{f.Balance}"
| CardExpired d -> printfn $"Failed: card expired on {d}"
| UndisclosedFailure -> printfn "Failed: unknown :("
F# functions are also first-class, meaning they can be passed as parameters and returned from other functions.
F# has full support for objects, which are useful when you need to blend data and functionality. F# members and functions can be defined to manipulate objects.
type Set<'T when 'T: comparison>(elements: seq<'T>) =
member s.IsEmpty = // Implementation elided
member s.Contains (value) =// Implementation elided
member s.Add (value) = // Implementation elided
// ...
// Further Implementation elided
// ...
interface IEnumerable<'T>
interface IReadOnlyCollection<'T>
module Set =
let isEmpty (set: Set<'T>) = set.IsEmpty
let contains element (set: Set<'T>) = set.Contains(element)
let add value (set: Set<'T>) = set.Add(value)
In F#, you will often write code that treats objects as a type for functions to manipulate. Features such as generic interfaces, object expressions, and judicious use of members are common in larger F# programs.
To learn more about a larger set of F# features, check out the F# Tour.
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.NET – це проект із відкритим кодом. Виберіть посилання, щоб надати відгук:
17 бер., 23 - 21 бер., 23
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F# – це мова кросплатформного програмування з відкритим кодом, яка дає змогу легко писати стислий, перформативний, надійний і практичний код. Це мова загального призначення, яка дає змогу створювати різні типи програм, як-от Web API, Desktop, IoT, Gaming тощо.
F# docs - get started, tutorials, reference.
Learn F# programming - for developers new to F#, and experienced F# / .NET developers
Examine some of the key features of the F# programming language in this tour with code samples.
We will drive F# evolution and support the F# ecosystem with language leadership and governance. We will encourage community contributions to improve the F# language and developer experience.