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XML Serializer Generator tool (Sgen.exe)

The XML Serializer Generator creates an XML serialization assembly for types in a specified assembly. The serialization assembly improves the startup performance of a XmlSerializer when it serializes or deserializes objects of the specified types.


This tool is specific to .NET Framework assemblies. To generator XML serializers for .NET (Core) assemblies, see Use Microsoft XML Serializer Generator on .NET Core.


Run the tool from the command line.

sgen [options]


For .NET Framework tools to function properly, you must either use Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt or Visual Studio Developer PowerShell or set the Path, Include, and Lib environment variables correctly. To set these environment variables, run SDKVars.bat, which is located in the <SDK>\<version>\Bin directory.


Option Description
/a[ssembly]:filename Generates serialization code for all the types contained in the assembly or executable specified by filename. Only one file name can be provided. If this argument is repeated, the last file name is used.
/c[ompiler]:options Specifies the options to pass to the C# compiler. All csc.exe options are supported as they are passed to the compiler. This can be used to specify that the assembly should be signed and to specify the key file.
/d[ebug] Generates an image that can be used with a debugger.
/f[orce] Forces the overwriting of an existing assembly of the same name. The default is false.
/help or /? Displays command syntax and options for the tool.
/k[eep] Suppresses the deletion of the generated source files and other temporary files after they have been compiled into the serialization assembly. This can be used to determine whether the tool is generating serialization code for a particular type.
/n[ologo] Suppresses the display of the Microsoft startup banner.
/o[ut]:path Specifies the directory in which to save the generated assembly. Note: The name of the generated assembly is composed of the name of the input assembly plus "xmlSerializers.dll".
/p[roxytypes] Generates serialization code only for the XML Web service proxy types.
/r[eference]:assemblyfiles Specifies the assemblies that are referenced by the types requiring XML serialization. Accepts multiple assembly files separated by commas.
/s[ilent] Suppresses the display of success messages.
/t[ype]:type Generates serialization code only for the specified type.
/v[erbose] Displays verbose output for debugging. Lists types from the target assembly that cannot be serialized with the XmlSerializer.
/? Displays command syntax and options for the tool.


When the XML Serializer Generator is not used, XmlSerializer generates serialization code and a serialization assembly for each type every time an application is run. To improve the performance of XML serialization startup, use the Sgen.exe tool to generate those assemblies in advance. These assemblies can then be deployed with the application.

The XML Serializer Generator can also improve the performance of clients that use XML web service proxies to communicate with servers, because the serialization process won't incur a performance hit when the type is loaded the first time.

The generated assemblies can't be used on the server side of a web service. This tool is only for web service clients and manual serialization scenarios.


The sgen tool is not compatible with init-only setters. The tool will fail if the target assembly contains any public properties that use this feature.


If the assembly containing the type to serialize is named MyType.dll, then the associated serialization assembly will be named MyType.XmlSerializers.dll.


The following command creates an assembly named Data.XmlSerializers.dll for serializing all the types contained in the assembly named Data.dll.

sgen Data.dll

The Data.XmlSerializers.dll assembly can be referenced from code that needs to serialize and deserialize the types in Data.dll.

See also