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Business Central Admin Center API - Environment Settings


Azure Active Directory is now Microsoft Entra ID. Learn more

Allows you to manage environment-specific settings such as the AppInsights key or the update window.

Get Update Settings

Returns the update settings for the environment.

GET /admin/v2.21/applications/{applicationFamily}/environments/{environmentName}/settings/upgrade

Route Parameters

applicationFamily - Family of the environment's application as is. (for example "BusinessCentral")

environmentName - Name of the targeted environment


Returns the environment's update settings, or "null" if none exist

  "preferredStartTime": string, // Start of environment update window in 24h format (HH:mm). Supported by API version 2.13 and later only. 
  "preferredEndTime": string, // End of environment update window in 24h format (HH:mm). Supported by API version 2.13 and later only.  
  "timeZoneId": string, // Windows time zone identifier. Supported by API version 2.13 and later only.  
  "preferredStartTimeUtc": datetime, // Start of an environment's update window, expressed as an UTC timestamp
  "preferredEndTimeUtc": datetime // End of an environment's update window, expressed as an UTC timestamp


The UTC values identify the current or next immediate occurrence of the update window. For instance, when the request is issued, if the current time is within the update window defined for the environment, then preferredStartTimeUtc will identify an instant in the past, and preferredEndTimeUtc will identify an instant in the future. Otherwise, both the start and end times will identify instants in the future. For a static, deterministic set of values that uniquely identify the definition of the update window for a given environment, refer to the preferredStartTime, preferredEndTime, and timeZoneId values.

Expected Error Codes

environmentNotFound - the targeted environment couldn't be found

  • target: {applicationFamily}/{environmentName}

Get Time Zones for Update Settings

INTRODUCED IN: API version 2.13

Returns a list of time zones and basic information associated with them, such as daylight saving time and the current offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Time zone identifiers are the only allowed values for the timeZoneId parameter of the update settings.

GET /admin/v2.21/applications/settings/timezones


Returns a wrapped array of time zones.

        "id": string, // Time zone identifier (for example, "Romance Standard Time")
        "displayName": string, // Display name of the time zone (for example, "(UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris")
        "currentUtcOffset": string, // Offset from UTC, expressed as a time span with +/-HH:mm format (for example, "+01:00", "-09:00")
        "supportsDaylightSavingTime": boolean, // Indicates whether the time zone supports daylight saving time rules
        "isCurrentlyDaylightSavingTime": boolean, // Indicates whether daylight saving time is in effect for the given time zone, at the instant the request is issued

Put Update Settings

Sets the update window start and end times.

Content-Type: application/json
PUT /admin/v2.21/applications/{applicationFamily}/environments/{environmentName}/settings/upgrade

Route Parameters

applicationFamily - Family of the environment's application as is. (for example "BusinessCentral")

environmentName - Name of the targeted environment


With API version 2.13 and later, there are two different parameter sets for defining the update window: the wall-time + timezone parameter set and the UTC parameter set. Consumers can provide either parameter set, but not both. Earlier API versions only support the UTC parameter set.

  • The wall-time + timezone parameter set identifies the clock time (or "real time")—expressed in 24-hour format, like "22:00" for 10:00 PM or "07:30" for 7:30 AM—for a given time zone. The time zone ID must be a valid Windows time zone identifier, for example, "Romance Standard Time" or "Pacific Standard Time".
  • The UTC parameter set identifies the start and end times in Coordinated Universal Time.


If the UTC parameter set is used when modifying the update window settings and the country of the environment supports multiple time zones, the time zone shown on the Environment Details page in the admin center will be reset to the default time zone for the country, which may not always be desirable. We recommend to use the new parameter set when consuming API v2.13 and later.

Example with wall-time + timezone parameter set (supported only by API v2.13 and later):


  "preferredStartTime": string, // Start of environment update window,

  "preferredEndTime": string, // End of environment update window

  "timeZoneId": string // Windows time zone identifier


Example with UTC parameter set:

  "preferredStartTimeUtc": datetime, // Start of environment update window
  "preferredEndTimeUtc": datetime, // End of environment update window


Returns the updated settings

  "preferredStartTimeUtc": datetime, // Start of environment update window
  "preferredEndTimeUtc": datetime, // End of environment update window


The date components of the values are ignored, only the time components are used.

Expected Error Codes

environmentNotFound - the targeted environment couldn't be found

  • target: {applicationFamily}/{environmentName}

- invalidRange: - the targeted logical range is invalid in some way

  • target: "Preferred Upgrade Window" - the specified window is too small

requestBodyRequired - the request body must be provided

ScheduledUpgradeConstraintViolation - the update window conflicts with the current update date that's set for the environment. Either the update would occur outside the allowed update date range or, if the update date is today, the update window is in the past. Adjust the update window or change the update date.

Put AppInsights key

Sets the connection string or instrumentation key an environment uses for Azure Application Insights resource, which you can use to gather telemetry. For information about Application Insights and the connection string/instrumentation key, go to Enable Environment Telemetry.


This process requires a restart to the environment, which is triggered automatically when you call this API. Plan to do this during non-working hours to avoid disruptions.

Content-Type: application/json
PUT /admin/v2.21/applications/{applicationFamily}/environments/{environmentName}/settings/appinsightskey

Route Parameters

applicationFamily - Family of the environment's application (for example, "BusinessCentral")

environmentName - Name of the targeted environment


  "key": string, // The Application Insights key for the environment

Expected Error Codes

environmentNotFound - the targeted environment couldn't be found

  • target: {applicationFamily}/{environmentName}

requestBodyRequired - the request body must be provided

cannotSetAppInsightsKey - the targeted environment's status isn't 'Active'

Get Security Group

INTRODUCED IN: API version 2.8

Gets the Microsoft Entra group currently assigned to an environment.

GET /admin/v2.21/applications/{applicationFamily}/environments/{environmentName}/settings/securitygroupaccess

Route Parameters

applicationFamily - Family of the environment's application (for example, "BusinessCentral")

environmentName - Name of the targeted environment


If the group exists in Azure AD graph:

    "id": "796d9c99-80e4-479c-8544-e745ffd18150",
    "displayName": "Security group 1"

If a previously assigned group no longer exists in Azure AD graph:

    "id": "796d9c99-80e4-479c-8544-e745ffd18150",
    "displayName": ""

If no group is configured for the tenant, returns 204.

Set Security Group

INTRODUCED IN: API version 2.8

Assigns a Microsoft Entra group to an environment.

Content-Type: application/json
POST /admin/v2.21/applications/{applicationFamily}/environments/{environmentName}/settings/securitygroupaccess

Route Parameters

applicationFamily - Family of the environment's application (for example, "BusinessCentral")

environmentName - Name of the targeted environment


  "Value": GUID, // The object Id of the Microsoft Entra group, "a0a0a0a0-bbbb-cccc-dddd-e1e1e1e1e1e1"


Returns 200 if successful, or 404 if the group doesn't exist in Microsoft Entra ID.

Clear Security Group

INTRODUCED IN: API version 2.8

Clears a Microsoft Entra group that is currently assigned to an environment.

DELETE /admin/v2.21/applications/{applicationFamily}/environments/{environmentName}/settings/securitygroupaccess

Route Parameters

applicationFamily - Family of the environment's application (for example, "BusinessCentral")

environmentName - Name of the targeted environment

Get access with Microsoft 365 licenses

INTRODUCED IN: API version 2.12

Returns a boolean value that indicates whether the environment allows access with Microsoft 365 licenses. Supported on environments of version 21.1 or later. Learn more at Set Up Access with Microsoft 365 licenses.

GET /admin/v2.21/applications/{applicationFamily}/environments/{environmentName}/settings/accesswithm365licenses

Route Parameters

applicationFamily - Family of the environment's application (for example, "BusinessCentral")

environmentName - Name of the targeted environment


  "enabled": true/false

Set access with Microsoft 365 licenses

INTRODUCED IN: API version 2.12

Specifies whether users can access the environment with Microsoft 365 licenses. Supported on environments of version 21.1 or later. Learn more at Set Up Access with Microsoft 365 licenses.

Content-Type: application/json
POST /admin/v2.21/applications/{applicationFamily}/environments/{environmentName}/settings/accesswithm365licenses

Route Parameters

applicationFamily - Family of the environment's application (for example, "BusinessCentral")

environmentName - Name of the targeted environment


   "enabled": "true" 


Returns 200 if successful.

Set App Update Cadence for Environment

INTRODUCED IN: API version 2.19

Specifies whether AppSource apps installed on the environment should be updated with every major environment update or every major and minor update. Learn more at Manage Apps.

Content-Type: application/json
POST /admin/v2.21/applications/{applicationFamily}/environments/{environmentName}/settings/appSourceAppsUpdateCadence

Route Parameters

applicationFamily - Family of the environment's application (for example, "BusinessCentral")

environmentName - Name of the targeted environment


   "value": string //Accepted values are 'Default', 'DuringMajorUpgrade', and 'DuringMajorMinorUpgrade'


Returns 200 if successful.

See Also

The Business Central Administration Center API
Manage Apps
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Server Administration Tool