What are managed identity sign-ins in Microsoft Entra?
Managed identities for Azure resources sign-ins are sign-ins that were performed by resources that have their secrets managed by Azure to simplify credential management. A VM with managed credentials uses Microsoft Entra ID to get an Access Token.
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To make it easier to digest the data, these sign-in events are grouped together. Sign-ins from the same entity are aggregated into a single row. You can expand the row to see all the different sign-ins and their different time stamps. Sign-ins are aggregated in the managed identities report when all of the following data matches:
- Managed identity name or ID
- Status
- Resource name or ID
Select an item in the list view to display all sign-ins that are grouped under a node. Select a grouped item to see all details of the sign-in.
Entries in the sign-in logs are system generated and can't be changed or deleted.