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Data Activator tutorial using sample data

This step-by-step tutorial uses the sample Packages data that comes with Data Activator. In this tutorial, you learn how to do these tasks:

  • Explore the main features of Data Activator.
  • Create an object.
  • Create and start a rule.


Data Activator is currently in preview.


  • Before you begin, you need a workspace with a Fabric capacity. You can learn about Fabric workspaces in the Workspaces article.

Step 1: Create a sample Data Activator reflex

From the Fabric homepage, select a workspace with a Fabric capacity and create a new Data Activator reflex. Select the sample to create a reflex that is prepopulated with sample events and objects.

Screenshot showing Data Activator selected as well as the Reflex sample preview.

Step 2: Explore the package delivery events

In this step, we explore the event stream data this sample is built on.

  • In the newly created reflex, select the Package delivery events stream. These events show the real-time status of packages that are in the process of being delivered by a logistics company. Look at the incoming events and note the columns on the events. The Package ID column uniquely identifies the packages. This column is the unique ID column that we use to assign the Package events to Package objects.

Step 3: Explore the Package object

  1. In the Explorer pane to the left, look at the event stream called Delivery events. Delivery events is now added to the Package object. With this data, you can create rules about packages that use data from the event stream.

  2. Select the rule called Too hot for medicine. Observe how it works:

    1. It monitors the Temperature column from Delivery events.

    2. It detects the temperature becoming greater than 10, but only if the Special Care column equals Medicine.

    3. It sends a Teams message if the condition is true.

  3. Look at the other rules to learn how they work.

Step 4: Start the Too hot for medicine rule

Now that you are familiar with the package events and objects, you're ready to start a rule.

  1. Select too hot for medicine.

  2. Review the Action step, which sends a Teams message. Make sure that the recipient is yourself.

  3. Select Edit action to view a preview of the message you're sending. Alter the headline and message fields to your liking.

  4. Select Test action. You receive a test Teams message. Make sure it looks the way you expect and matches the preview.

  5. Select Save and start. This causes the rule to message you whenever a medicine package is too hot. The rule should trigger several times every hour.

  6. Later, you can turn off the rule using the Stop button.

Step 5: Recreate a package object

Now it's time to create an object of your own. In this section, delete the Package object. Then, recreate it to track the status of packages in Redmond where the hours in delivery becomes greater than the average.

  1. Select the Package delivery events stream.

  2. Select New object in the ribbon.

  3. Name your new object Package and choose Package ID as the unique ID.

  4. Add Hours in delivery and Current city as properties of the object.

  5. Select Create.

Step 6: Create a rule on the Package object

Create a rule that alerts you if the average time in delivery exceeds a threshold.

  1. Select your new Hours in delivery property. Select New rule then name it Average transit time above target. Your Package object looks like this.

    Average transit time trigger for data activator tutorial.

  2. In your rule's monitor card, select Hours in delivery. Then select Summarize data to set an aggregation window size of 1 hour and a step size of 1 hour. The Monitor chart updates to reflect the summarization, and your rule looks like this.

    Average transit time chart for data activator tutorial.

  3. In the condition step, detect when the average transit time becomes greater than 1. Set the rule to alert you every time the condition is met. After you complete this step, the Condition chart updates, and the rule looks like this.

    Average transit time trigger detection chart for data activator tutorial.

  4. Specify an action for your rule. You can choose to send a Teams message or Email. Customize your action according to how you would like it to appear.

    Action trigger window for data activator tutorial.

  5. Test your rule by selecting the Test button. Make sure you get an alert. If using email, it might take a minute or two to arrive.

  6. Start your rule by selecting Save and start.

Congratulations on completing the tutorial

You created your first object and rule. As next steps, you might try setting up some other rules on the Package object. When you're ready to try using Data Activator on your own data, follow the steps in the Get data for Data Activator article.

Once you finish with the rules you created as part of the tutorial, be sure to stop them so you don’t incur any charges for background processing of the rules. Select each rule in turn and select the Stop button from the ribbon.

Screenshot that shows the trigger stop button for data activator tutorial.

You can also learn more about Microsoft Fabric: