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Real-Time Intelligence tutorial part 1: Create resources


This tutorial is part of a series. For the previous section, see: Introduction to the Real-Time Intelligence tutorial.

In this part of the tutorial, you set up the environment. Specifically, you create an eventhouse, which automatically creates a child KQL database, and then you enable OneLake availability.

Create an eventhouse

  1. Browse to the workspace in which you want to create your tutorial resources.
  2. On the bottom left experience switcher, select Real-Time Intelligence.
  3. In the upper left corner, select + New > Eventhouse.
  4. Enter Tutorial as the eventhouse name. A KQL database is created simultaneously with the same name.
  5. Select Create. When provisioning is complete, the eventhouse System overview page is shown.

Turn on OneLake availability

  1. From the System overview page, select the KQL database you created in the previous step.

    Screnshot of the System overview for new eventhouse with Tutorial database selected and highlighted with a red box.

  2. In the Database details section, select the pencil icon next to OneLake availability.

  3. Toggle the button to Active and select Done.

    Screenshot showing how to turn on OneLake availability.

For more information about tasks performed in this tutorial, see:

Next step