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SMS_DistributionPoint server WMI class

The SMS_DistributionPoint WMI class is an SMS Provider server class in Configuration Manager. It represents a distribution point from which a given package has been distributed to clients.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties.


Class SMS_DistributionPoint : SMS_BaseClass
      Boolean BitsEnabled;
      Boolean IsPeerDP;
      Boolean IsProtected;
      UInt8 ISVData[];
      UInt32 ISVDataSize;
      String ISVString;  
      DateTime LastRefreshTime;
      UInt32 ObjectTypeID;  
      String PackageID;
      UInt32 PackageType;  
      Boolean RefreshNow;
      String ResourceType;
      String SecureObjectID;  
      String ServerNALPath;
      String SiteCode;
      String SiteName;
      String SourceSite;
      UInt32 Status;


The following table lists the methods in the SMS_DistributionPoint class.

Method Description
VerifyPackage method in class SMS_DistributionPoint Verifies the integrity of the package.
CancelDistribution method in class SMS_DistributionPoint Cancels the distribution of a package.



Data type: Boolean

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: [read]

true if the distribution point is BITS-enabled. The default value is false.


Data type: Boolean

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: [read]

true if the distribution point is a branch distribution point. The default value is false.


Data type: Boolean

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: [read]

true if the distribution point site system is protected. The default value is false.


Data type: UInt8 Array

Access type: Read/Write

Qualifiers: [large, lazy]

Values allow a single ISV to store data that relates to the SMS_Program Server WMI Class object associated with the package. For more information, see Remarks.


Data type: UInt32

Access type: Read/Write

Qualifiers: [lazy]

The size of the data indicated by ISVData. The default value is 0.


Data type: String

Access type: Read/Write

Qualifiers: none

String for partner extensibility.


Data type: DateTime

Access type: Read/Write

Qualifiers: None

Date and time of when the package was last updated on the distribution server. The default value is 19900101000000.000000+***.


Data type: UInt32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: [enumeration, read]

Secured object class ID.

Value Object type
2 SMS_Package
14 SMS_OperatingSystemInstallPackage
18 SMS_ImagePackage
19 SMS_BootImagePackage
23 SMS_DriverPackage
24 SMS_SoftwareUpdatesPackage
31 SMS_Application


Data type: String

Access type: Read/Write

Qualifiers: [key]

ID for the package that was distributed to this distribution point. The default value is "".


Data type: UInt32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: [enumeration, read]

The type of package.

Value Description
0 Regular software distribution package
3 Driver package
4 Task sequence package
5 Software update package
6 Device setting package
257 Image package
258 Boot image package
259 OS upgrade package


Data type: Boolean

Access type: Read/Write

Qualifiers: None

true to signal Configuration Manager to update the package on the distribution point. The update is distribution point-specific and is equivalent to the Refresh Distribution Point action in the Configuration Manager console. This package update copies the latest content from the source of the package to a specific distribution point, so that the distribution point has the latest version. The source version of the package isn't incremented, and the package content isn't replicated to child sites. The default value is false.


Data type: String

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: [read]

The resource type of the distribution point. The default value is "".


Data type: String

Access type: Read/Write

Qualifiers: None

Security object key. For application, it's CI_UniqueID. For package, it's PackageID.


Data type: String

Access type: Read/Write

Qualifiers: [key]

Network abstraction layer (NAL) path to the distribution point server. The default value is "". For more information, see Remarks.


Data type: String

Access type: Read/Write

Qualifiers: [key, SizeLimit("3")]

Site code of the site that this distribution point belongs to. The default value is "".

The value that is furnished for this property must match the value of ServerNALPath. Your application retrieves the value from SMS_SystemResourceList server WMI class. For more information, see Remarks.


Data type: String

Access type: Read/Write

Qualifiers: None

Friendly name of the site where the package originates. The default value is "".


Data type: String

Access type: Read/Write

Qualifiers: [SizeLimit("3")]

Site code of the site where the package originates. The default value is "".


Data type: UInt32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: [read, enumeration]

Current status of the package on the distribution point. Possible values are listed below. For more information, see Remarks.

Value DP package status


There are no special class qualifiers for this class. For more information about both the class qualifiers and the property qualifiers included in the Properties section, see Configuration Manager class and property qualifiers.

A distribution point is always associated with a particular package, and a package can have several distribution points.

Your application can't change the PackageID property after the distribution point is created. To associate the distribution point with a different package, the application must delete the SMS_DistributionPoint object and create a new instance with a new PackageID value.

The SMS_SystemResourceList server WMI class class contains a list of the available distribution points and their NAL paths. Your application should select the NALPath property of SMS_SystemResourceList that corresponds to a RoleName property setting of "SMS Distribution Point".

When your application deletes an instance of SMS_DistributionPoint, the instance isn't totally deleted until its related components are deleted. Instead, Configuration Manager sets the Status property to 3 (delete) to inform the application that the distribution point is marked for deletion. To make sure that a query doesn't retrieve distribution points that have been deleted or marked for deletion, your application should add this case to its WHERE clause.

There are no restrictions or defined formats for the data that is indicated by ISVData. However, it's important that after ISV ownership of this property has been established, it shouldn't be overwritten. Therefore, the application should first read the existing data in this property. If the data doesn't belong to the caller, it shouldn't be modified. Any ISV or application that's using this property should include an identifier in the data so that the ownership can be easily established.


Runtime requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager server runtime requirements.

Development requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager server development requirements.

See also