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MED-V Event Log Messages

The log files for Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization (MED-V) 2.0 provide detailed information about how to deploy and manage MED-V in your enterprise and help verify functionality or help troubleshoot issues.

Event IDs

The following are a list of MED-V event IDs to help troubleshoot issues that you might encounter when you deploy or manage MED-V.


Shows the event IDs for first time setup.

Event ID 3066

Start virtual machine operation failed.

Description A potential problem exists with the virtual hard disk (VHD) that you are using to create a MED-V workspace.

Solution Verify that you can create a virtual machine with the VHD for MED-V and that it can be started.

Event ID 3071

Virtual machine preparation failed.

Description A problem occurred with first time setup that might have been caused by many different issues. These include problems with network connectivity.

Solution Restart the MED-V Host Agent to rerun first time setup.

Event ID 3078

Virtual machine preparation failed.

Description A potential problem exists with the VHD that you are using to create a MED-V workspace.

Solution Verify that you can create a virtual machine with the VHD for MED-V and that it can be started.

Event ID 3079

Retrying virtual machine preparation.

Description MED-V is trying to prepare the virtual machine.

Solution No action is required. Let first time setup finish.

Event ID 3080

The client was stopped when preparing the virtual machine.

Description MED-V stops unexpectedly when it tries to prepare the virtual machine.

Solution Start the MED-V Host Agent and let first time setup complete

Event ID 3084

Virtual machine is not valid. First time setup needs to be re-run.

Description The MED-V Host Agent detected a problem with the virtual machine.

Solution No action is required. Let first time setup finish.

Event ID 3099

Call to start virtual machine failed.

Description A potential problem exists with the VHD you are using to create a MED-V workspace.

Solution Verify that you can create a virtual machine with the VHD for MED-V and that it can be opened.

VM Management

Event ID 4022

VMManagerException Fatal error while issuing command to VM.

Description The end user tried to exit MED-V by logging off or by shutting down the MED-V host, and the VMTaskTimeout configuration setting was exceeded.

Solution Restart MED-V.

Event ID 4028

VM Operation timed out.

Description The end user tried to exit MED-V by logging off or by shutting down the host, and the VMTaskTimeout configuration setting was exceeded.

Solution Restart MED-V.

Event ID 4038

Vmsal posted an error message to the user.

Description An error message is displayed to the end user stating that MED-V could not start the virtual application.

Solution If the error is logged two or more times in a row, stop MED-V and connect to the virtual machine by using Windows Virtual PC console and attempt to start the application in Full Screen.

Event ID 4040

Recycling Additions because TerminalServices is not initialized in the guest.

Description MED-V rebooted the virtual machine because Remote Desktop Services was not initialized on the virtual machine.

Solution If the error is logged two or more times in a row, stop MED-V and connect to the virtual machine by using Windows Virtual PC console.

Event ID 4042

Failed to recycle additions in the guest.

Description MED-V failed to recycle virtual machine additions on the virtual machine.

Solution If the error is logged two or more times in a row, stop MED-V and connect to the virtual machine by using Windows Virtual PC console.

Event ID 4043

Failed to reset expired password in the virtual machine.

Description The end user did not reset the password in the virtual machine before it expired. As a result, the user might not be able to access network resources or save work.

Solution Shut down the MED-V guest and restart it.

URL Redirection

Event ID 5005

Couldn’t get VM name from configuration; can’t launch guest browser.

Description URL Redirection could not obtain the MED-V workspace name from the configuration. As a result, it cannot inform Windows Virtual PC to open the redirected URL in the MED-V workspace browser.

Solution Ensure that the MED-V workspace name is set and that it matches a virtual machine name in the C:\Users\<user>\Virtual Machines directory. The MED-V workspace name is located at HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Medv\v2\VM\Name.

For example, if the user is "Matt" and the workspace name is "mattsworkspace", the value of HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Medv\v2\VM\Name should be "mattsworkspace", and there should be a file that is named C:\Users\Matt\Virtual Machines\mattsworkspace.vcmx.

Event ID 5006

Failed to create pipe server.

Description The URL Redirection service could not create the pipe server to communicate with Internet Explorer.

Solution Check system event logs for attempts to create a file or resource whose path begins similar to the following: "\\.\pipe\MEDVUrlRedirectionPipe_" and ends with the user’s user name and domain name. If this is not present in the event log, restart the computer.

ConfigMgr (Guest)

Event ID 7001

The host network configuration data is not properly formatted.

Description Either the network configuration received from the host is an incorrectly formatted XML string, or the network information returned from the host cannot be written to an XML document.

Solution Restart the host computer and the virtual machine.

Event ID 7005

A change to the host network configuration was detected, but was not able to be applied because the host network configuration data was not properly formatted.

Description A change to the host network configuration was communicated to the virtual machine, but could not be processed in the virtual machine because of an error. This error could be caused by incorrectly formatted data or the inability to set the information into the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) CCMNetworkAdapter instance.

Solution Restart the host and virtual machine.

ConfigMgr (Host)

Event ID 8006

The virtual machine cannot be found.

Description Windows Virtual PC 7 cannot locate the virtual machine. The virtual machine might have been deleted, moved, removed, or access was denied.

Solution Reinstall the virtual machine.

Event ID 8008

The workstation's network configuration information could not be retrieved.

Description Network configuration information could not be collected from the MED-V host, most likely because of a system call failure in the .NET Framework. This failure can also occur if the network information returned from the MED-V host cannot be written to an XML document.

Solution Restart the host workstation.

Event ID 8010

The network configuration data could not be set in the virtual machine.

Description The MED-V host network address translation (NAT) could not be communicated to the virtual machine, most likely because the virtual machine is in a bad state or the Windows Virtual PC Additions were not installed or enabled.

Solution Shut down and restart the virtual machine. In addition, you might have to reinstall the virtual machine.

Event ID 8011

The network configuration data could not be reset in the virtual machine.

Description The MED-V host network configuration (BRIDGED) could not be communicated to the virtual machine, most likely because the virtual machine is in a bad state or the Windows Virtual PC Additions were not installed or enabled.

Solution Shut down and restart the virtual machine. In addition, you might have to reinstall the virtual machine.

Printer Redirection

Event ID 9001

File Permission Error.

Description The end user is not authorized to access the folder required to open or create the MED-V printer file for reading.

Solution Verify that the User\AppData\ path can be accessed and that the user has permission to read and write to it. For example, if the user is "Matt", the path C:\Users\Matt\AppData\, and all files therein should have Read and Write permissions. And if it exists, the path C:\Users\Matt\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MEDV\v2\ and all files therein should have Read and Write permissions.

Event ID 9002

File Permission Error.

Description The end user is not authorized to access the folder required to open or create the MED-V printer file for writing.

Solution Ensure that the User\AppData\ path can be accessed, and that the user has permission to read and write to it. For example, if the user is "Matt", the path C:\Users\Matt\AppData\ and all files therein should have Read and Write permissions. And if it exists, the path C:\Users\Matt\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MEDV\v2\ and all files therein should have Read and Write permissions.

Event ID 9004

Could not create path for storing MEDV printer files.

Description The printer redirection service could not access files or create directories required for storing the printer information.

Solution Verify that the User\AppData\ path can be accessed and that the user has permission to read and write to it. For example, if the user is "Matt", the path C:\Users\Matt\AppData\ and all files therein should have Read and Write permissions. And if it exists, the path C:\Users\Matt\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MEDV\v2\ and all files therein should have Read and Write permissions.

Event ID 9005

Couldn’t get VM name from configuration; cannot launch guest installer. Cannot update MED-V – No host network detected.

Description The printer redirection service was not able to obtain the MED-V workspace name from the MED-V configuration and cannot inform Windows Virtual PC to start the installer on the MED-V guest.

Solution Ensure that the MED-V workspace name is set and that it matches a virtual machine name in the C:\Users\<user>\Virtual Machines directory. The MED-V workspace name is located at HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Medv\v2\VM\Name.

For example, if the user is "Matt" and the workspace name is "mattsworkspace", the value of HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Medv\v2\VM\Name should be "mattsworkspace" and there should be a file that is named C:\Users\Matt\Virtual Machines\mattsworkspace.vcmx.

Application Publishing

Event ID 10015

A file system error occurred during the reconcile process. The reconcile process will not process the file <filename> but will continue to process any other changes.

Description An unauthorized access or I/O error occurred when a shortcut was being created or deleted.

Solution Check that the file path can be accessed and that the user has permissions to create or delete the specified file.

Event ID 10021

Error <error_information> for file operation <operation_name> on file <filename>.

Description An unauthorized access or I/O error occurred when a shortcut was being created or deleted.

Solution Check that the file path can be accessed and that the user has permissions to create or delete the specified file.

Guest Patching

Event ID 11001

Guest wakeup task usage message.

Description MedvHost.exe with the /GuestWakeup option was executed incorrectly, or the command is formatted incorrectly.

Solution Ensure that the command is executed with the following format:

Medvhost.exe /GuestWakeup /d:< duration_in_minutes> /v:”< workspace_name>” where

<duration_in_minutes> is the number of minutes that the virtual machine should stay awake (default is 240) and

<workspace_name> is the name of the virtual machine that should be awakened.

Event ID 11002

Cannot update MED-V – No host network detected.

Description Guest patching could not finish because no host network connection was detected.

Solution Connect the MED-V host to an active network connection before you run guest patching.

Event ID 11003

Cannot update MED-V – Host not running on A/C powerFailed to create pipe server.

Description Guest patching could not finish because the host appears to be running on battery power instead of from a power cord.

Solution Connect the host computer to a power cord before you run guest patching.

Client UX

Event ID 14003

The following tray status message was too long and could not be displayed: <tray_status_message>

Description MED-V created an unanticipated string that was too long for the tray tooltip or balloon message. As a result, the displayed message was truncated.

Solution This is a rare error that can occur when MED-V is randomly creating the tooltip text. There is no solution.

Event ID 14004

MED-V stopped due to an unhandled exception.

Description An unhandled exception caused MED-V to stop unexpectedly.

Solution Restart MED-V.

Event ID 14005

Server attempted to create mutex but it already existed.

Description A second instance of MedvHost.exe is stuck in memory.

Solution Open TaskManager and end all MedvHost.exe processes.

Event ID 14006

Error modifying or deleting registry value <registry_value>.

Description MED-V is unable to modify the specified entry in the registry.

Solution Ensure that you install or uninstall MED-V with administrative credentials.

Event ID 14007

The file specified (<filename>) is not valid.

Description During install or uninstall, a corrupted temp file was passed to MED-V host.

Solution Delete all files in the Temp folder and reinstall or uninstall MED-V.

Event ID 14008

File not found: <filename>.

Description During install or uninstall, a path of a required temp file was not found.

Solution Delete all files in the Temp folder and reinstall or uninstall MED-V.

Event ID 14009

Unable to read parameter file <filename>.

Description During the install or uninstall process, MED-V was unable to read a temp file.

Solution Delete all files in the Temp folder and reinstall or uninstall MED-V. In addition, verify that the user has the necessary rights and permissions to the Temp folder.

Event ID 14010

Error deserializing parameter file <filename>.

Description During the install or uninstall process, MED-V encountered a corrupted temp file.

Solution Delete all files in the Temp folder and reinstall or uninstall MED-V. In addition, verify that the user has the necessary rights and permissions to the Temp folder.

Event ID 14011

Unexpected error deserializing parameter file <filename>.

Description During the install or uninstall process, MED-V encountered a corrupted temp file.

Solution Delete all files in the Temp folder and reinstall or uninstall MED-V. In addition, verify that the user has the necessary rights and permissions to the Temp folder.

Event ID 14012

Unexpected error when settings rights on folder <folder_name> for user <username>.

Description An error occurs when MED-V is unable to set rights and permissions on certain folders during installation.

Solution Check the administrator rights to the following folders:




Event ID 14013

Unexpected error when creating lock file.

Description An error occurs when MED-V is unable to create a file in the @"%ProgramData%\\Microsoft\\Medv\\MedvLock" folder during installation.

Solution Check the administrator rights to the MedvLock folder.

Troubleshooting MED-V