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Earnings - Payments report in Partner Center

Appropriate roles: Incentives: Incentives admin | Incentives user; Marketplace/Store: Financial contributor

The Payments report shows payment order details for all incentive, marketplace, and store programs.

To get this report:

  1. Sign in to Partner Center and select Earnings.
  2. Select Download report > Earnings | Payments, and follow the instructions to get the report. To learn more, see Get detailed earnings reports. The report contains the following attributes:


Attribute name Description
CIReferenceNumber Invoice reference number; generated only for countries that require the tax Proof of Execution (POE) process for incentives.
earned Amount earned in the Pay To currency for that program/participantID.
earnedCurrencyCode Currency code corresponding to the earned value. Usually depicts the chosen payment currency.
earnedUSD Amount earned for the program/participant ID, in USD.
participantID The primary identity of the partner earning under the program.
participantIDType Usually program ID for Incentives programs and Seller ID for Store programs.
participantName Name of the earning partner.
paymentCurrencyCode Currency code corresponding to the totalPayment value. Usually depicts the chosen payment currency.
paymentDate Date Microsoft sent payment.
paymentID Unique identifier for the payment. This number is usually visible in your bank statement (applicable for SAP payments only).
paymentMethod The method used to pay the partner, for example, electronic bank transfer, credit note
paymentStatus Payment status.
paymentStatusDescription Friendly description of payment status.
programName Incentives/store program name.
salesTax Total amount of sales tax in the Pay To currency for the program/participantID (applicable for incentives programs only).
serviceFeeTax Total amount of serviceFeeTax in Pay To currency for the program/participantID (applicable for store programs and Azure Marketplace only).
totalPayment Total payment in local currency excluding the withholding tax and including the sales tax (if applicable) for the program/participantID.
withheldTax Amount of tax withheld in the Pay To currency for the program/participantID.