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Earnings - Revenue report in Partner Center

Appropriate roles: Incentives: Incentives admin | Incentives user

The Revenue page helps you:

  • Understand the eligibility of revenue or usage evaluated for Microsoft Commerce Incentives.
  • Get insights into the top 50 customer by eligible and ineligible revenue and usage with ability to search and look up for any customer.
  • Get insights into customer, subscription, product level revenue, usage metrics.
  • Search for revenue capability at customer or subscription level.
  • For ineligible revenue/usage, learn why the earnings are ineligible, and download detailed reports of ineligible revenue/usage.

Sign in to Partner Center, and select Earnings > Revenue.

Incentives eligible revenue card

  • Incentives Eligible Revenue - As Of: Latest earning generation date (also known as the Calc date found in the export file) in UTC.
  • Incentives Eligible Revenue - Total: Sum of distinct transaction amounts in USD for all non-usage based engagements that are assessed as part of Modern Commerce Incentives engagements and are eligible for at least one engagement. Modern work usage won't be part of this total, because it's based on usage.

Incentives ineligible revenue card

  • Incentives Ineligible Revenue - As Of: Latest earning generation date (also known as the Calc date found in the export file) in UTC.
  • Incentives ineligible Revenue - Total: Sum of distinct transaction amounts in USD for all nonusage based transactions that are assessed as part of Modern Commerce Incentives engagements and don't have even a single earning against any engagement. Modern work usage won't be part of this total, because it's based on usage.
  • View ineligible reasons: Shows distinct ineligible reasons applicable for the partner. Shows the ineligible revenue or ineligible usage parked under the reason.

Revenue and earnings

This section shows the top 50 earning customers in two views:

  • Revenue-based earnings: This view shows the 50 highest revenue-earning customers. Any earning from engagements that are transaction-based or consumption-based are covered here. Examples: Modern work and business applications transactions or Azure consumption. The default sorting is by highest revenue.
  • Usage-based earnings: This view shows the 50 highest-usage customers. Any earning from engagements that are usage-based are covered here. Example: Modern work and business applications usage. The default sorting is by highest usage.

Search for any customer (not just top 50) in the search box, and the results show as available against both views.

You can download reports from these views.

Incentives eligible and ineligible: Eligible section

Shows all revenue and usage details that became eligible for incentives against one or many engagements. Sorted by Revenue (USD).

  • Customer name: End customer name. Available for all.
  • Customer Id: End customer ID. Examples: TPID for Azure consumption, Business Applications usage for PAL or Tenant ID for Modern Work, Business Applications transact. Available for all.
  • Subscription ID: Subscription Identity. It's not available for Modern Work usage or Business Applications usage for PAL.
  • Product: Product name consistently available for revenue-based engagements. Optionally available for usage-based engagements.
  • Workload: Workload name consistently available for usage-based engagements. Optionally available for revenue-based engagements.
  • Quantity: Shows units sold for transact-based engagements, none for Azure consumption and monthly active usage (MAU) or monthly active capacity (MAC) for Modern Work and Business Applications usage-based engagements.
  • RevenueUSD: Total transaction amount, in USD. Available only for nonusage based engagements.
  • EarningsUSD: Total earning amount in USD. Available for all.

Selecting the customizable columns show more attributes. Select these columns to view them in the main table:

  • Quantity Alt: Shows paid available units for Modern work usage based engagements and shows NPSA for Business Applications presales engagement (previously OSA)
  • Prior highwater mark: highest value of measured monthly active users (MAU) by Tenant and Workload over time since the workload start date under a specific tenant
  • Compensable Units: Used to calculate earnings. Represents Maximum (Minimum(MAU, PAU), Prior Highwatermark),0) for Modern work usage engagement. Since each subscription has different NPSA, value represents pro-rated value at offer, tenant and subscription level for Business Applications presales engagement (previously OSA)
  • Compensable Units Alt: (NPSA - PriorHWM) at Tenant/Offer. Applicable for Business Applications presales engagement (previously OSA)

Incentives eligible and ineligible: Ineligible section

Shows all revenue and usage details that became ineligible for incentives against one or more engagements. Sorted by Revenue (USD).

  • Customer name: End customer name. Available for all.
  • Customer Id: End customer ID. Examples: Top Parent ID (TPID) for Azure consumption, BizApps usage for PAL, or tenant ID for Modern Work, Business Applications transact. Available for all.
  • Subscription Id: Subscription Identity. It's not available for Modern Work usage or Business Applications usage for PAL.
  • Product: Product name consistently available for revenue-based engagements. Optionally available for usage-based engagements.
  • Workload: Workload name consistently available for usage-based engagements. Optionally available for revenue-based engagements.
  • Quantity: Shows units sold for transact based engagements, none for Azure consumption and monthly active usage (MAU) or monthly active capacity (MAC) for Modern Work and Business Applications usage-based engagements.
  • Revenue USD: Total transaction amount USD. Available only for non-usage-based engagements.
  • Reason: Reason for ineligibility. See the list of reasons for ineligibility.

Selecting the customizable columns show more attributes. Select these columns to view them in the main table:

  • Quantity Alt: Shows paid available units for Modern work usage based engagements and shows NPSA for Business Applications presales engagement (previously OSA)
  • Prior highwater mark: highest value of measured monthly active users (MAU) by Tenant and Workload over time since the workload start date under a specific tenant
  • Compensable Units: Used to calculate earnings. Represents Maximum (Minimum(MAU, PAU), Prior Highwatermark),0) for Modern work usage engagement. Since each subscription has different NPSA, value represents pro-rated value at offer, tenant and subscription level for Business Applications presales engagement (previously OSA)
  • Compensable Units Alt: (NPSA - PriorHWM) at Tenant/Offer. Applicable for Business Applications presales engagement (previously OSA)

Page filters

Time filter: Has 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, 36 months, and custom date picker options. If you select 3 months, the report returns data for the three past months from today. There are multiple page filters. All of them support multiselect options.

Filter attribute Description Applicability
Enrollment ID, Location Partner ID with which you're enrolled in the program. Applies to the whole page
Program name Incentive, store or marketplace program name Applies to the whole page
Solution area High level product categorization. Examples: Azure, Modern Work and Security. Useful only for Microsoft Commerce Incentives. Applies to all except the Payments, Estimated Payments and Payment summary views
Engagement name Name of the incentive engagement under Microsoft commerce incentive program. Useful only for Microsoft Commerce Incentives. Applies to all except the Payments, Estimated Payments and Payment summary views
Lever Reflects the calculation rule/policy Applies to the whole page

Ineligibility reason codes

Reason code (internal) Ineligible reason string Can Partner take action? How to become eligible again?
CUSPUBSEC Customer is public sector Yes, if customer is in United States, Puerto Rico, or India If you responded to a proof of execution (POE) request and it was rejected, you can't become eligible again. (When a POE is rejected, email is sent explaining why.)

You can request another POE within 90 days of the transaction or earning date. (Be sure to confirm receipt of the POE email when it arrives.) You can also dispute ineligibility within 90 days by contacting support with the ineligibility reason, subscription and customer information, and reason for dispute.
CUSNOTNEW Customer tenant creation outside valid period No
IVDADV Advanced specialization requirement not fulfilled Yes Learn about advanced specializations
IVDCOMP Competency status not met or expired Yes View your competency status at Competencies. View the required competencies for your engagement at Incentives Engagements
IVDCOSELL Co-sell eligibility not established or expired Yes See Co-sell with Microsoft sales teams and partners overview
IVDMPA MPA agreement not signed or expired Yes Verify and sign MPA agreement by guidance on The Microsoft Partner Agreement for CSP program partners
IVDMPN PartnerID not eligible to participate in engagement No Partner can't become eligible again by policy
IVDGEO Partner location ineligible for engagement No Partner can't become eligible again by policy
IVDCUST Customer already accounted for in past customer adds earnings No A customer that has already generated customer adds incentives won't be eligible for future customer adds incentives for any partner
CUSEQPTR Partner is customer No Sale to self isn't eligible for earning
CHREVNONCH China revenue shouldn't belong to non-China partner No Partner can't become eligible again by policy
IVDPTRROLE Invalid partner role No Partner association not eligible per policy to earn
IVDPOE Proof of execution isn't approved Yes Proof-of-execution request is applicable only for public sector or DPOR. Effective October 1, 2021, DPOR is no longer incentivized for Azure, so POE requests aren't sent.

If you responded to email with the subject Proof of execution required and your response was rejected, you can't become eligible again.
INVTNXACO Azure credit offer is active for customer No Incentives aren't provided when customer is using Azure credit offer.
PAULWPHWM PAU less than or equal to prior HWM No Paid available units less than or equal to the prior high watermark
MAULWPHWM MAU less than or equal to Prior HWM No Monthly active usage less than or equal to the prior high watermark
IVDCLD Invalid cloud No Invalid cloud
MINTHNTMT Min threshold for HWM not met No Minimum threshold for high watermark not met
MXTMCPMT Met max time cap since claim attach date No Met maximum threshold to earn since claim attach date

Ineligible revenue usage download

Detailed ineligible records for the chosen filter criteria can be downloaded from the top of the page through Download > Ineligible revenue usage details. The file contains the following attributes:

Attribute name Description Availability
agreementNumber Enterprise agreement number Only for any Enterprise Agreement-based engagements

Compensable Units are calculated by subtracting the Prior High Water Mark (HWM) at the start of the month by Tenant/workload from the paid seats at the end of the month by Tenant/workload. For example, Compensable units by tenant and workload = Paid seats - Prior HWM. Applicable for Microsoft Commerce Incentives - Modern Workplace Usage and Online Advisor
customerId Identity of the customer associated with a subscription/resource. All
customerIdType Top Parent ID (TPID) or Tenant ID. TPID is available for Azure consumption engagements and some build intent workshops. The rest have tenant IDs. All
customerName Name of customer All


Partner identity in the transact relationship For all incentive, store and marketplace programs. Useful when multiple transacting partner IDs are mapped into a single enrollment ID
engagementName Name of the incentives engagement under Microsoft Commerce Incentives Only for transactions dated Oct 1, 2021 and later
invoiceNumber Invoice number Only for modern partner-led, field-led and customer-led for Azure consumption, all new commerce transactions for other products.
partnerAssociation Type of relationship partner has to a customer. Examples: reseller, PAL.Owner For all incentive, store and marketplace programs
partnerCountryCode Enrolled Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program location All
partnerId PartnerID of the enrolled partner All
partnerName Name of the partner All
partnerRole Categorization of the kind of engagement. Categories include: build intent, transact, deploy and use. For Microsoft Commerce Incentives only
productId Commerce product name. Available for commerce-based transactions All
productFamily Product family All
reason Reason for ineligibility All
subscriptionId Subscription ID Only for commerce transactions (subscription-based) and Azure consumption
transactionAmountUSD Consumption amount in US dollars All
transactionDate Date of consumption or billing All
unearnedId Unique identifier that can help you to create a support inquiry All
quantity Indicates the active usage or seats Only for BizApps usage-based engagements
quantityType Elaborates the type of quantity - for example, MAU or seats Only for BizApps usage-based engagements
quantityAlt Alternate quantity value Optionally available for incentive programs. Example: Modern Work usage.
quantityAltType Alternate quantity unit For example, Paid available units (PAU) Optionally available for incentive programs. Example: For Modern Work usage.
resourceID Indicates the resource Applicable for Business Applications with PAL
solutionArea High level product categorization. Examples: Azure, Modern Work and Security. For Microsoft Commerce Incentives only
workload Service name or workload name. Applicable for Azure consumption or monthly active usage based data. Only for Azure consumption and BizApps usage