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Enhanced refresh with the Power BI REST API

You can use any programming language that supports REST calls to do semantic model refresh operations by using the Power BI Refresh Dataset REST API.

Optimized refresh for large and complex partitioned models is traditionally invoked with programming methods that use TOM (Tabular Object Model), PowerShell cmdlets, or TMSL (Tabular Model Scripting Language). However, these methods require long-running HTTP connections that can be unreliable.

The Power BI Refresh Dataset REST API can carry out model refresh operations asynchronously, so long-running HTTP connections from client applications aren't necessary. Compared to standard refresh operations, enhanced refresh with the REST API provides more customization options and the following features that are helpful for large models:

  • Batched commits
  • Table and partition-level refresh
  • Applying incremental refresh policies
  • GET refresh details
  • Refresh cancellation


  • Previously, enhanced refresh was called asynchronous refresh with REST API. However, a standard refresh that uses the Refresh Dataset REST API also runs asynchronously by its inherent nature.
  • Enhanced Power BI REST API refresh operations don't automatically refresh tile caches. Tile caches refresh only when a user accesses a report.

Base URL

The base URL is in the following format:


You can append resources and operations to the base URL based on parameters. In the following diagram, Groups, Datasets, and Refreshes are collections. Group, Dataset, and Refresh are objects.

Diagram that shows asynchronous refresh flow.


You need the following requirements to use the REST API:

  • A semantic model in Power BI Premium, Premium per user, or Power BI Embedded.
  • A group ID and dataset ID to use in the request URL.
  • Dataset.ReadWrite.All permission scope.

The number of refreshes is limited per the general limitations for API-based refreshes for Pro and Premium models.


All calls must authenticate with a valid Microsoft Entra ID OAuth 2 token in the Authorization header. The token must meet the following requirements:

  • Be either a user token or an application service principal.
  • Have the audience correctly set to https://api.powerbi.com.
  • Be used by a user or application that has sufficient permissions on the model.


REST API modifications don't change currently defined permissions for model refreshes.

POST /refreshes

To do a refresh, use the POST verb on the /refreshes collection to add a new refresh object to the collection. The Location header in the response includes the requestId. Because the operation is asynchronous, a client application can disconnect and use the requestId to check the status later if necessary.

The following code shows a sample request:

POST https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/groups/f089354e-8366-4e18-aea3-4cb4a3a50b48/datasets/cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229/refreshes

The request body might resemble the following example:

    "type": "Full",
    "commitMode": "transactional",
    "maxParallelism": 2,
    "retryCount": 2,
    "objects": [
            "table": "DimCustomer",
            "partition": "DimCustomer"
            "table": "DimDate"


The service accepts only one refresh operation at a time for a model. If there's a current running refresh and another request is submitted, a 400 Bad Request HTTP status code returns.


To do an enhanced refresh operation, you must specify one or more parameters in the request body. Specified parameters can specify the default or an optional value. When the request specifies parameters, all other parameters apply to the operation with their default values. If the request specifies no parameters, all parameters use their default values, and a standard refresh operation occurs.

Name Type Default Description
type Enum automatic The type of processing to perform. Types align with the TMSL refresh command types: full, clearValues, calculate, dataOnly, automatic, and defragment. The add type isn't supported.
commitMode Enum transactional Determines whether to commit objects in batches or only when complete. Modes are transactional and partialBatch. When using partialBatch the refresh operation doesn’t occur within one transaction. Each command is committed individually. If there’s a failure, the model might be empty or include only a subset of the data. To safeguard against failure and keep the data that was in the model before the operation started, execute the operation with commitMode = transactional.
maxParallelism Int 10 Determines the maximum number of threads that can run the processing commands in parallel. This value aligns with the MaxParallelism property that can be set in the TMSL Sequence command or by using other methods.
retryCount Int 0 Number of times the operation retries before failing.
objects Array Entire model An array of objects to process. Each object includes table when processing an entire table, or table and partition when processing a partition. If no objects are specified, the entire model refreshes.
applyRefreshPolicy Boolean true If an incremental refresh policy is defined, determines whether to apply the policy. Modes are true or false. If the policy isn't applied, the full process leaves partition definitions unchanged, and fully refreshes all partitions in the table.

If commitMode is transactional, applyRefreshPolicy can be true or false. If commitMode is partialBatch, applyRefreshPolicy of true isn't supported, and applyRefreshPolicy must be set to false.
effectiveDate Date Current date If an incremental refresh policy is applied, the effectiveDate parameter overrides the current date. If not specified, the current day is determined using time zone configuration under 'Refresh'.


202 Accepted

The response also includes a Location response-header field to point the caller to the refresh operation that was created and accepted. The Location is the location of the new resource the request created, which includes the requestId that some enhanced refresh operations require. For example, in the following response, requestId is the last identifier in the response 87f31ef7-1e3a-4006-9b0b-191693e79e9e.

x-ms-request-id: 87f31ef7-1e3a-4006-9b0b-191693e79e9e
Location: https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/groups/f089354e-8366-4e18-aea3-4cb4a3a50b48/datasets/cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229/refreshes/87f31ef7-1e3a-4006-9b0b-191693e79e9e

GET /refreshes

Use the GET verb on the /refreshes collection to list historical, current, and pending refresh operations.

The response body might look like the following example:

        "requestId": "1344a272-7893-4afa-a4b3-3fb87222fdac",
        "refreshType": "ViaEnhancedApi",
        "startTime": "2020-12-07T02:06:57.1838734Z",
        "endTime": "2020-12-07T02:07:00.4929675Z",
        "status": "Completed",
        "extendedStatus": "Completed"
        "requestId": "474fc5a0-3d69-4c5d-adb4-8a846fa5580b",
        "startTime": "2020-12-07T01:05:54.157324Z",
        "refreshType": "ViaEnhancedApi",
        "endTime": "2020-12-07T01:05:57.353371Z",
        "status": "Unknown"
        "requestId": "85a82498-2209-428c-b273-f87b3a1eb905",
        "refreshType": "ViaEnhancedApi",
        "startTime": "2020-12-07T01:05:54.157324Z",
        "endTime": "2020-12-07T01:05:57.353371Z",
        "status": "Unknown",
        "extendedStatus": "NotStarted"


Power BI might drop requests if there are too many requests in a short period of time. Power BI does a refresh, queues the next request, and drops all others. By design, you can't query status on dropped requests.

Response properties

Name Type Description
requestId Guid The identifier of the refresh request. You need requestId to query for individual refresh operation status or cancel an in-progress refresh operation.
refreshType String OnDemand indicates the refresh was triggered interactively through the Power BI portal.
Scheduled indicates that a model refresh schedule triggered the refresh.
ViaApi indicates that an API call triggered the refresh.
ViaEnhancedApi indicates that an API call triggered an enhanced refresh.
startTime String Date and time of refresh start.
endTime String Date and time of refresh end.
status String Completed indicates the refresh operation completed successfully.
Failed indicates the refresh operation failed.
Unknown indicates that the completion state can't be determined. With this status, endTime is empty.
Disabled indicates that the refresh was disabled by selective refresh.
Cancelled indicates the refresh was canceled successfully.
extendedStatus String Augments the status property to provide more information.


In Azure Analysis Services, the completed status result is succeeded. If you migrate an Azure Analysis Services solution to Power BI, you might have to modify your solutions.

Limit the number of refresh operations returned

The Power BI REST API supports limiting the requested number of entries in the refresh history by using the optional $top parameter. If not specified, the default is all available entries.

GET https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/groups/{groupId}/datasets/{datasetId}/refreshes?$top={$top}      

GET /refreshes/<requestId>

To check the status of a refresh operation, use the GET verb on the refresh object by specifying the requestId. If the operation is in progress, status returns InProgress, as in the following example response body:

    "startTime": "2020-12-07T02:06:57.1838734Z",
    "endTime": "2020-12-07T02:07:00.4929675Z",
    "type": "Full",
    "status": "InProgress",
    "currentRefreshType": "Full",
    "objects": [
            "table": "DimCustomer",
            "partition": "DimCustomer",
            "status": "InProgress"
            "table": "DimDate",
            "partition": "DimDate",
            "status": "InProgress"

DELETE /refreshes/<requestId>

To cancel an in-progress enhanced refresh operation, use the DELETE verb on the refresh object by specifying the requestId.

For example,

DELETE https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/groups/f089354e-8366-4e18-aea3-4cb4a3a50b48/datasets/cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229/refreshes/1344a272-7893-4afa-a4b3-3fb87222fdac

Considerations and limitations

The refresh operation has the following considerations and limitations:

Standard refresh operations

  • You can't cancel scheduled or on-demand manual model refreshes by using DELETE /refreshes/<requestId>.
  • Scheduled and on-demand manual model refreshes don't support getting refresh operation details by using GET /refreshes/<requestId>.
  • Get details and Cancel are new operations for enhanced refresh only. Standard refresh doesn't support these operations.

Power BI Embedded

If capacity is paused manually in the Power BI portal or by using PowerShell, or a system outage occurs, the status of any ongoing enhanced refresh operation remains InProgress for a maximum of six hours. If the capacity resumes within six hours, the refresh operation resumes automatically. If the capacity resumes after longer than six hours, the refresh operation might return a timeout error. You must then restart the refresh operation.

Semantic model eviction

Power BI uses dynamic memory management to optimize capacity memory. If the model is evicted from memory during a refresh operation, the following error might return:

    "messages": [
            "code": "0xC11C0020",
            "message": "Session cancelled because it is connected to a database that has been evicted to free up memory for other operations",
            "type": "Error"

The solution is to rerun the refresh operation. To learn more about dynamic memory management and model eviction, see Model eviction.

Refresh operation time limits

The maximum amount of time for a single refresh operation is five hours. If the refresh operation doesn't successfully complete within the five-hour limit, and retryCount isn't specified or is specified as 0 (the default) in the request body, a timeout error returns.

If retryCount specifies 1 or another number, a new refresh operation with a five-hour limit starts. If this retry operation fails, the service continues to retry the refresh operation up to the greatest number of retries that retryCount specifies, or the enhanced refresh processing time limit of 24 hours from the beginning of the first refresh request.

When you plan your enhanced model refresh solution with the Refresh Dataset REST API, it's important to consider these time limits and the retryCount parameter. A successful refresh completion can exceed five hours if an initial refresh operation fails and retryCount specifies 1 or more.

For example, if you request a refresh operation with "retryCount": 1, and the initial retry operation fails four hours from the start time, a second refresh operation for that request begins. If that second refresh operation succeeds in three hours, the total time for successful execution of the refresh request is seven hours.

If refresh operations regularly fail, exceed the five-hour time limit, or exceed your desired successful refresh operation time, consider reducing the amount of data being refreshed from the data source. You can split refresh into multiple requests, for example a request for each table. You can also specify partialBatch in the commitMode parameter.

Code sample

For a C# code sample to get you started, see RestApiSample on GitHub.

To use the code sample:

  1. Clone or download the repo.
  2. Open the RestApiSample solution.
  3. Find the line client.BaseAddress = … and provide your base URL.

The code sample uses service principal authentication.