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Tutorial: Create an R-powered Power BI visual

As a developer you can create your own Power BI visuals. These visuals can be used by you, your organization or by third parties.

This article is a step by step guide for creating an R-powered visual for Power BI.

In this tutorial, you learn how to:

  • Create an R-powered visual
  • Edit the R-script in Power BI Desktop
  • Add libraries to the dependencies file of the visual
  • Add a static property


Get started

  1. Prepare some sample data for the visual. You can save these values to an Excel database or a .csv file and import it into Power BI Desktop.

    MonthNo Total Units
    1 2303
    2 2319
    3 1732
    4 1615
    5 1427
    6 2253
    7 1147
    8 1515
    9 2516
    10 3131
    11 3170
    12 2762
  2. To create a visual, open PowerShell or Terminal, and run the following command:

    pbiviz new rVisualSample -t rvisual

    This command creates a new folder for the rVisualSample visual. The structure is based on the rvisual template. It creates a file called script.r in the root folder of the visual. This file holds the R-script that is run to generate the image when the visual is rendered. You can create your R-script in Power BI Desktop.

  3. From the newly created rVisualSample directory run the following command:

    pbiviz start
  4. In Power BI Desktop, select R script visual:

    Screenshot of the R script visual control in the Power BI Desktop.

  5. Assign data to the developer visual by dragging MonthNo and Total units to Values for the visual.

    Screenshot showing where to add data to values.

  6. Set the aggregation type of Total units to Don't summarize.

    Screenshot of menu with option for not summarizing data.

  7. From the R-script editor in your Power BI Desktop, type the following:


    This command creates a scatter chart using the values in the semantic model as input.

  8. Select the Run script icon to see the result.

    Screenshot of R visual chart with data.

Edit the R Script

The R-script can be modified to create other types of visuals. Let's create a line chart next.

  1. Paste the following R code into the R script editor.

    x <- dataset[,1] # get the first column from semantic model
    y <- dataset[,2] # get the second column from semantic model
    columnNames = colnames(dataset) # get column names
    plot(x, y, type="n", xlab=columnNames[1], ylab=columnNames[2]) # draw empty plot with axis and labels only
    lines(x, y, col="green") # draw line plot
  2. Select the Run script icon to see the result.

    Screenshot of the result of running the script, which is a line plot.

  3. When your R-script is ready, copy it to the script.r file located in the root directory of your visual project.

  4. In the capabilities.json file, change the dataRoles: name to dataset, and set the dataViewMappings input to dataset.

      "dataRoles": [
          "displayName": "Values",
          "kind": "GroupingOrMeasure",
          "name": "dataset"
      "dataViewMappings": [
          "scriptResult": {
            "dataInput": {
              "table": {
                "rows": {
                  "select": [
                      "for": {
                        "in": "dataset"
                  "dataReductionAlgorithm": {
                    "top": {}
  5. Add the following code to support resizing the image in the src/visual.ts file.

      public onResizing(finalViewport: IViewport): void {
          this.imageDiv.style.height = finalViewport.height + "px";
          this.imageDiv.style.width = finalViewport.width + "px";
          this.imageElement.style.height = finalViewport.height + "px";
          this.imageElement.style.width = finalViewport.width + "px";

Add libraries to visual package

The corrplot package creates a graphical display of a correlation matrix. For more information about corrplot, see An Introduction to corrplot Package.

  1. Add the corrplot library dependency to the dependencies.json file. Here is an example of the file content:

      "cranPackages": [
          "name": "corrplot",
          "displayName": "corrplot",
          "url": "https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/corrplot/"
  2. Now you can start using the corrplot package in your script.r file.

    corr <- cor(dataset)
    corrplot(corr, method="circle", order = "hclust")

    The result of using corrplot package looks like this example:

    Screenshot of the visualization pane with four ovals created by corrplot.

Add a static property to the property pane

Now that we have a basic corrplot visual, let's add properties to the property pane that allow the user to change the look and feel to the visual.

We use the method argument to configure the shape of the data points. The default script uses a circle. Modify your visual to let the user choose between several options.

  1. Define an object called settings in the capabilities.json file and give it the following properties.

    "settings": {
      "properties": {
        "method": {
          "type": {
            "enumeration": [
              { "value": "circle" },
              { "value": "square" },
              { "value": "ellipse" },
              { "value": "number" },
              { "value": "shade" },
              { "value": "color" },
              { "value": "pie" }
  2. Open the src/settings.ts file. Create a VisualCardSettings class with the public properties method, name, displayName and slices as shown in the code box bellow.

    import ItemDropdown = formattingSettings.ItemDropdown;
    const methodOptions = [
            displayName: "Circle",
            value: "circle"
            displayName: "Square",
            value: "square"
            displayName: "Ellipse",
            value: "ellipse"
            displayName: "Number",
            value: "number"
            displayName: "Shade",
            value: "shade"
            displayName: "Color",
            value: "color"
            displayName: "Pie",
            value: "pie"
    class VisualCardSettings extends FormattingSettingsCard {
        method: FormattingSettingsSlice = new ItemDropdown({
            name: "method",
            displayName: "Method",
            items: methodOptions,
            value: methodOptions[0]
        name: string = "settings";
        displayName: string = "Settings";
        slices: Array<FormattingSettingsSlice> = [this.method];

    After these steps, you can change the property of the visual.

    Screenshot of R visual settings.

    Finally, the R-script must have a default property. If the user doesn't change the property value (in this case, the shape setting), the visual uses this value.

    For R runtime variables for the properties, the naming convention is <objectname>_<propertyname>, in this case, settings_method.

  3. Run the following R-script:

    corr <- cor(dataset)
    if (!exists("settings_method"))
        settings_method = "circle";
    corrplot(corr, method=settings_method, order = "hclust")

Package and import your visual

Now you can package the visual and import it to any Power BI report.

  1. Fill in the displayName, supportUrl, description, author's name and email, and any other important information in the pbivis.json file.

  2. If you want to change the visual's icon on the visualization pane, replace the icon.png file in the assets folder.

  3. From the root directory of your visual run:

    pbiviz package

    For more information on packaging your visual see Packaging the custom visual

  4. Import the visual's pbiviz file to any Power BI report. See Import a visual file from your local computer into Power BI for instructions on how to do this.

  5. Your final visual looks like the following example:

Screenshot of R visual settings with changed value.