Control page breaks, headings, columns, and rows in paginated reports (Power BI Report Builder)
Power BI Report Builder
Power BI Desktopmd)]
A page break divides a Power BI paginated report into separate pages for viewing and printing purposes. Page breaks determine how the content fits within a page, specific to the export format chosen. Hard-paged formats such as PDF or Image will strictly fit or push content to pages. Logical-paged formats such as Excel, will determine a best fit between content size and the page.
Adding page breaks may also improve performance of large reports when they are processed. A rendered page is displayed while the rest of the pages are rendered in the background. This allows you to begin viewing the initial pages of the report while waiting for additional pages to become available.
Page breaks can be added to report items such as a table, matrix, list, chart, gauge, or image. You can also add page breaks to groups in a table, matrix, or list. Page breaks can be added before, after, and between groups. Page breaks between groups are not added to the report by default.
For more information, see Display Row and Column Headers on Multiple Pages (Report Builder and SSRS) and Keep Headers Visible When Scrolling Through a Report (Report Builder).