
Поділитися через

sys.dm_repl_articles (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server

Returns information about database objects published as articles in a replication topology.

Column name Data type Description
artcache_db_address varbinary(8) In-memory address of the cached database structure for the publication database.
artcache_table_address varbinary(8) In-memory address of the cached table structure for a published table article.
artcache_schema_address varbinary(8) In-memory address of the cached article schema structure for a published table article.
artcache_article_address varbinary(8) In-memory address of the cached article structure for a published table article.
artid bigint Uniquely identifies each entry within this table.
artfilter bigint ID of the stored procedure used to horizontally filter the article.
artobjid bigint ID of the published object.
artpubid bigint ID of the publication to which the article belongs.
artstatus tinyint Bitmask of the article options and status, which can be the bitwise logical OR result of one or more of these values:

1 = Article is active.

8 = Include the column name in INSERT statements.

16 = Use parameterized statements.

24 = Both include the column name in INSERT statements and use parameterized statements.

For example, an active article using parameterized statements would have a value of 17 in this column. A value of 0 means that the article is inactive and no additional properties are defined.
arttype tinyint Type of article:

1 = Log-based article.

3 = Log-based article with manual filter.

5 = Log-based article with manual view.

7 = Log-based article with manual filter and manual view.

8 = Stored procedure execution.

24 = Serializable stored procedure execution.

32 = Stored procedure (schema only).

64 = View (schema only).

128 = Function (schema only).
wszArtdesttable nvarchar(514) Name of published object at the destination.
wszArtdesttableowner nvarchar(514) Owner of published object at the destination.
wszArtinscmd nvarchar(510) Command or stored procedure used for inserts.
cmdTypeIns int Call syntax for the insert stored procedure, and can be one of these values.

1 = CALL

2 = SQL

3 = NONE

wszArtdelcmd nvarchar(510) Command or stored procedure used for deletes.
cmdTypeDel int Call syntax for the delete stored procedure, and can be one of these values.


1 = CALL

2 = SQL

3 = NONE

wszArtupdcmd nvarchar(510) Command or stored procedure used for updates.
cmdTypeUpd int Call syntax for the update stored procedure, and can be one of these values.


1 = CALL

2 = SQL

3 = NONE




wszArtpartialupdcmd nvarchar(510) Command or stored procedure used for partial updates.
cmdTypePartialUpd int Call syntax for the partial update stored procedure, and can be one of these values.

2 = SQL
numcol int Number of columns in the partition for a vertically filtered article.
artcmdtype tinyint Type of command currently being replicated, and can be one of these values.





5 = none

6 = internal use only

7 = internal use only

8 = partial UPDATE
artgeninscmd nvarchar(510) INSERT command template based on the columns included in the article.
artgendelcmd nvarchar(510) DELETE command template, which can include the primary key or the columns included in the article, depending on the call syntax is used.
artgenupdcmd nvarchar(510) UPDATE command template, which can include the primary key, updated columns, or a complete column list depending on the call syntax is used.
artpartialupdcmd nvarchar(510) Partial UPDATE command template, which includes the primary key and updated columns.
artupdtxtcmd nvarchar(510) UPDATETEXT command template, which includes the primary key and updated columns.
artgenins2cmd nvarchar(510) INSERT command template used when reconciling an article during concurrent snapshot processing.
artgendel2cmd nvarchar(510) DELETE command template used when reconciling an article during concurrent snapshot processing.
fInReconcile tinyint Indicates whether an article is currently being reconciled during concurrent snapshot processing.
fPubAllowUpdate tinyint Indicates whether the publication allows updating subscription.
intPublicationOptions bigint Bitmap that specifies additional publishing options, where the bitwise option values are:

0x1 - Enabled for peer-to-peer replication.

0x2 - Publish only local changes.

0x4 - Enabled for non-SQL Server Subscribers.


Requires VIEW DATABASE STATE permission on the publication database to call dm_repl_articles.


Information is only returned for replicated database objects that are currently loaded in the replication article cache.

Permissions for SQL Server 2022 and later

Requires VIEW DATABASE PERFORMANCE STATE permission on the database.

See also

Dynamic Management Views and Functions (Transact-SQL)
Replication Related Dynamic Management Views (Transact-SQL)