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Export a report by using URL access

You can optionally specify the format in which to render a report by using the rs:Format URL parameter. The HTML4.0 and HTM5 formats (rendering extension) render in the browser and for other formats, the browser prompts to save the report output to a local file.

For example, to get a PDF copy of a report directly from a native mode report server:


And, from a SharePoint integrated mode report server:


For example the following URL command in your browser exports a PPTX report from a named instance of the report server:


Valid values for this parameter are based on the report rendering extensions that are installed on the report server being accessed. Common extensions are HTML4.0, MHTML, IMAGE, EXCELOPENXML (xlsx), WORDOPENXML (docx), CSV, PDF, XML, and NULL. If a specified rendering extension isn't installed on the report server, the report isn't rendered and an error is generated and displayed in the browser.

If you don't include the Format parameter as part of the URL, the report server detects the browser and renders the report in the appropriate HTML format.