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Use try and catch blocks

After you limit invalid requests to the report server by adding conditional statements to your code, you should supply adequate exception handling by using try/catch blocks. This technique provides another layer of protection against requests that aren't valid. Let's say a request to the report server is encased in a try block and that request causes the report server to throw an exception. The exception is caught in the catch block, thus preventing your application from ending unexpectedly. Once the exception is caught, you can use the exception to either instruct the user to do something differently. Or, you can just let the user know, in a friendly way, that an error occurred. You can then use a finally block to clean up any resources. Ideally, you should generate a general exception-handling plan to avoid unnecessary duplication of try/catch blocks.

The following example uses try/catch blocks to enhance the reliability of the exception handling code.

// C#  
private void PublishReport()  
   int index;  
   string reservedChar;  
   string message;  
   // Check the text value of the name text box for "/",  
   // a reserved character  
   index = nameTextBox.Text.IndexOf(@"/");  
   if ( index != -1) // The text contains the character  
      reservedChar = nameTextBox.Text.Substring(index, 1);  
      // Build a user-friendly error message  
      message = "The name of the report cannot contain the reserved character " +  
         "\"" + reservedChar + "\". " +  
         "Please enter a valid name for the report. " +  
         "For more information about reserved characters, " +  
         "consult the online documentation";  
      MessageBox.Show(message, "Invalid Input Error");  
   else // Publish the report  
      Byte[] definition = null;  
      Warning[] warnings = {};  
      string name = nameTextBox.Text;  
         FileStream stream = File.OpenRead("MyReport.rdl");  
         definition = new Byte[stream.Length];  
         stream.Read(definition, 0, (int) stream.Length);  
         // Create report with user-defined name  
         rs.CreateCatalogItem("Report", name, "/Samples", false, definition, null, out warnings);  
         MessageBox.Show("Report: {0} created successfully", name);  
      // Catch expected exceptions beginning with the most specific,  
      // moving to the least specific  
      catch(IOException ex)  
         MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "File IO Exception");  
      catch (SoapException ex)  
         // The exception is a SOAP exception, so use  
         // the Detail property's Message element.  
         MessageBox.Show(ex.Detail["Message"].InnerXml, "SOAP Exception");   
      catch (Exception ex)  
         MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "General Exception");  

Introduction to exception management in Reporting Services
Reporting Services SoapException class