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Migration tool release notes

Use this article to stay up to date on what's coming, what's new, and known issues or bugs for the Stream (Classic) migration tool.

This page is updated bi-weekly. We try our best to keep this page up to date, but you may see some entries out of date for a few days.

Retirement date changes

Last updated: August 23, 2023

Based on customer feedback, the timeline to release enhancements to the migration tool, and addressing key known issues, we've decided to extend the retirement dates of Stream (Classic). The new dates have been updated in the retirement timeline itself. Here's a summary of the dates that were extended:

  • No new videos can be uploaded to Stream (Classic) for any customers
    • Previous: August 15, 2023
    • New: September 15, 2023
  • Stream (Classic) live events is retired & any events scheduled past this date are removed
    • Previous: September 15, 2023
    • New: January 31, 2024
  • Stream (Classic) is fully retired & automatically disabled
    • Previous: February 15, 2024
    • New: April 15, 2024

Migration tool feature enhancements

Last updated December 22, 2023

In development

No additional features currently planned.


  1. Additional information for inventory report - To help aid in planning and running the migrations, following additional information would be helpful to include in the inventory report. Admins need to rerun the report to get this information

    • User that created a companywide channel. A separate CSV will be generated for this in a folder named as CWCCreatorReport - ETA July 15, 2023 Released
    • Email enabled security groups that are owners of videos. The owner column will start showing email enabled security group, in case it was marked as owner on a video - ETA June 30, 2023 Released
    • Stream groups who are owners of video. The owner column will start showing Stream groups, in case it was marked as owner on a video - ETA June 30, 2023 Released
    • User's Microsoft Entra ID in report, this information can be used to join with available reports from Microsoft 365 apps. This will be displayed in a new column - ETA June 30, 2023 Released
    • Information on number of videos associated with each group in inventory report and their corresponding values in Stream (Classic). Required to update group ownership in Classic - ETA June 30, 2023 Released.
  2. Migration tool for GCC customers - The Stream (Classic) inventory report is available for GCC customers, migration tool is available at the mentioned date. GCC customers get a full one year to migrate from the day of release of the migration tool.

  3. Filters for partial migration - The tool previously only supported migrating all or no videos in a container. There are use cases, where admins need to migrate only specific videos in a container. We have now added the ability to filter videos to address this concern. See the details on what filters are available.

  4. Support to migrate orphaned content - The tool now supports migration of orphaned content (videos where original uploader left the organization and no other owner was assigned). A new type of container called 'Orphan videos' is now available. There could be multiple 'Orphaned' containers depending on how many such videos exist in a tenant.

  5. PowerBI template enhancements - The following changes are added in the Power BI.

    1. Enhancement to support partial migration filters: The filters in the tool won't show the number of videos migrated based on selected filters before the actual video movement happens. An admin might want to play with them to ascertain the number of videos migrated based on selecting different filters. The filters are already present in Power BI, but we'll enhance them so admins can simulate real migrations.
    2. Video level details: there's no straight way for admins to search a video, to get the container via which the video is moving into Stream (on SharePoint) or get its migrated destination URL. We intend to solve this problem.
    3. Other small improvements and bug fixes
  6. Script to clean up source content in Stream (Classic) - We're designing a script which admins can use to reassign permissions on videos in Stream(Classic). Read about the script. Initially this report is downloadable via documentation link.

  7. Increase in retention period when video gets hard deleted from Stream Classic, post migration - Videos hide from Stream(Classic) post migration and earlier they were hard deleted 180 days after migration. Now they're hard deleted on Classic infra deprecation. Read more.

  8. Video inventory report for GCC customers - The inventory report is now available for GCC customers. You can download the PowerShell script from the Stream (Classic) admin. See instructions on how to run the inventory report.

  9. Inline playback of videos saved to SharePoint sites and OneDrive - Previously videos stored in SharePoint team and communication sites or in OneDrive didn't play back inline when redirecting from the Stream (Classic) embed code to the new embed code for a migrated video. Instead there was a button you had to select to open the migrated video in a new tab in its new location. Now, all migrated videos redirect and play inline if you're using the old embed code to Stream (Classic).

  10. Include migrated video destination path in Inventory report - After you migrate videos with the migration tool, if you rerun the Stream (Classic) inventory report each video that has been migrated will include a new column showing the path in OneDrive or SharePoint where the video has been migrated to.

  11. Don't discover previously migrated containers on re-discovering from the migration tool - Currently the migration tool has a limit to only scan and list the first 49.5-K containers (user OneDrives, Microsoft 365 groups, Stream only groups, Companywide channels) in your environment. Customers who have more than 49.5-K containers aren't able to discover all of them at once. To help with this issue, the migration tool has been enhanced to remove previously migrated containers. Selecting 'Look for new containers' now won't discover migrated ones. But, admins who have more than 49.5-K containers should delete the migrated ones both from 'Scans' and 'Migrations' tab to free up space for more containers to get discovered. Such large tenants should migrate some containers, delete those and then select 'Look for new containers' to keep discovering more containers in their Stream(Classic) environment.

  12. Discover migrated videos from Stream Start Page - Users are able to find all their migrated videos. A link would be available on the SSP that would take the user to a page showing all their migrated (along with existing ODSP) videos.

  13. Move migrated videos within same site or rename the Stream migrated video folder without breaking redirect links - User will be able to move the videos or change the name of the folder as we're changing the redirection logic. We store the document ID of the video post successful migration and construct the destination URL from the document ID. We'll then redirect the constructed destination to play the videos from new Stream. This change works retrospectively (already migrated videos would also be supported).

  14. Support plan for Stream (classic) redirects after expiry - Migrated videos will show a notification, where end users are asked to change the Classic links before expiry. Read about the plan.

  15. Identifying videos that require remigration to enable redirection - Inventory report now has an "IsRemigrationNeeded" column, which identifies those videos that need to be remigrated due to status sync issues. This will help you identify content, which was migrated before August 15, 2023 but their redirections didn't kick, didn't get soft deleted from Stream (Classic) or destination column in inventory report wasn't populating. To resolve these issues, they need to be remigrated by the admin.

    IMP: Since it takes up to 48 hours for fresh migrations' status to be synced, recently migrated videos would also be shown requiring Remigration till the time their status sync is completed from the back-end. We recommend that you wait for a couple of days after migrating to reliably identify containers needing remigrations.

  16. Owners details of SoG in Inventory Report - Owners of SoG were previously not available in the inventory report. Going forward, the inventory report also contains SoG "owner" details (i.e. members who possess ownership permissions) for any video in the admin account.

  17. Creator details of orphaned videos - Inventory report has creator details of all videos that are present in orphaned videos. Earlier, the creator and owner details of these videos used to be empty.

  18. Update in video ownership assignment logic - Previously, if the creator of a video became inactive or deleted but that video had multiple owners, then the admin was assigned as the owner in lieu of the inactive/removed owner alongside other existing owners. For all new migrations after 20 Dec 2023, the admin will not be added as an owner if the video has another active owner present.

  19. Permission Scripts: Mode 2 to start supporting CWCs - Previously, this mode accepted only Microsoft 365 Group or User Microsoft Entra ID as input for container ID. We've added CWCs to the list of acceptable inputs.

Migration tool bugs undertaken to be fixed

Last updated December 21, 2023

Under investigation to be fixed

  1. Automatic destination mapping is incorrect for non English locale sites | Fix estimate: Not fixing - We aren't fixing this bug a workaround exists today.
    1. Admins can upload the destination path via CSV.
    2. Or use destination mapping script to generate destination URL


  1. Issues with "Everyone except external users" (EEEU) permissions while migrating videos to OneDrive or in some cases SharePoint - We're investigating issues where videos migrated to OneDrive have "Everyone except external users" assigned ‘Restricted View’ permissions via the migration tool. The problem users are seeing is that viewers are triggering request access emails to the owner even though everyone in the organization should have view access. Until we discover the root cause you can use these workarounds:

    • For a video with this problem, from the list of files in OneDrive
    • Select ... > Manage Access > Advanced
    • Remove the "Everyone except external users" user
    • Grant permissions to "Everyone except external users" by typing this special name into the Invite people box
    • Select Show options > Uncheck Send email invitation
    • Select Permission level as "Restricted View"
    • Alternatively you can just change the "Everyone except external users" user to have "Read" access via "Manage access," but it allows everyone in the organization to view and download the video. "Restricted View" allows viewing without downloading.
  2. Automatic destination mapping for group sites misses sites if you have more than 50K SharePoint sites - We weren't able to fix this underlying limitation in the migration manager platform but we've developed a PowerShell script that can be used to work around this limitation. See details on how to run the inventory script in a new mode that outputs the Microsoft 365 groups used in Stream (Classic) and associated site and document library that can be input into the migration tool to map the missing destinations.

  3. Video names containing '/' are truncated when migrated - Videos with a '/' in their name were truncated causing the video to be migrated with an incorrect name.

  4. Link and embed redirection for migrated videos fails when destination file path contains a '#' - Videos that were migrated to a location where the destination path contained the '#' character wouldn't redirect to the new migrated location, when navigating to the old Stream (Classic) link or embed code.

  5. Scan returning lesser number of videos than expected - The migration tool was returning a lesser number of videos during the scan as compared to actual number of videos in Stream (Classic) or those shown in Inventory report.

  6. Some Stream (Classic) tenants had uploads disabled - The date picker in Stream (Classic) admin center was setting incorrect details for non en-US locales and Stream (Classic) was temporarily disabled for some tenants.

  7. PowerPoint can be converted to video recording on Stream (Classic), even if the uploads are blocked. We aren't fixing this as this feature is infrequently used. This helps the crew focus on other critical bugs. Update (September 2023): We have resolved this issue by removing the feature in the latest PowerPoint release. The change has started rolling out.

  8. CSV Delimiter Issue in Destination Mapping Script for European Languages - The destination mapping script has a recognized problem with some European languages.

  9. Some videos aren't being hidden in Stream (Classic) after they are migrated & redirection from old link to new link isn't working | Fix estimate: September 30, 2023 - After videos are migrated they're suppose to hide from Stream (Classic). Anytime you navigate to the old link or embed code for a migrated video it should redirect to it's new location in OneDrive or SharePoint However, in certain cases this isn't happening. Also, sometime the migrated destination URL isn't populated in the inventory report due to the same root cause. During our investigations, we've discovered multiple bugs that result in these same symptoms. We have already fixed several of these issues but we're working to fix the remaining known issues. The resolution timeline is as follows:

Redirection bug fix timeline Bug Fix Action
Migrations that happened before 15 Aug 2023 Redirections won't work automatically. Remigrate the container from 'Migrations' tab to fix it. Note: To identify the containers that need to be migrated again, we'll let you identify these impacted containers via the inventory report (solution is currently being planned) through the IsRemigrationNeeded column. Remigrate them only after 1 Oct 2023.
Migrations that happened between 15 Aug to 30 Sept, 2023 Bug resolution of the impacted containers will start automatically (no action needed from the admin) and the redirections would start working by 15 Nov
Migrations that happen after 30 Sep 2023 Redirections work within 24-48 hr for 99% migrations

The following content type is supported for redirection:

Content Type Is Redirection Supported?
M365 Group Yes
Channels (in M365 Group) Yes
Company Wide Channels Yes
User Containers No
Stream Only Groups Yes
Videos Yes

Note: Redirection of groups will start only after all the videos in that group have been migrated successfully.

  1. Block Screen record to save videos in Classic when admin has enabled saving videos to Stream (on SharePoint) | Fix estimate: September 30, 2023- If admins have enabled saving videos to ODSP via this feature, screen recording still saves videos to Stream(Classic), this upload will also be disabled.

  2. Customers sometime see a Stream admin's name in creator or modified column after migration in SharePoint | Fix estimate: November 20, 2023 - If the creator of videos is null (uploader left the company) and no other User or Microsoft 365 group is listed as owner, the video qualifies to be migrated under orphan video container. If an orphaned video was associated with a company channel or Microsoft 365 group, it migrates with the corresponding container. In such cases, we look for tenant admins and assign them as creator. If no tenant admin exists, we assign a Stream admin. This admin's name is visible in SharePoint file list view inside the container under 'modified by.' There's no other effect on the video as permissions are mirrored from Stream (Classic). For all new migrations, instead of admin name, we will use a static string "stream migration admin" for 'modified by' and 'created by' field. The 'modified by' or 'created by' for already migrated video won't change retrospectively. To change the name admins, you need to delete such videos from SharePoint and remigrate them from 'Migrations' tab in the tool.

  3. EEEU Permissions are not applied to videos associated with public M365 groups | Fix estimate: November 15, 2023 November 30, 2023 December 10, 2023: Microsoft 365 groups created on Stream (Classic) with Privacy settings set to Public can be viewed by everyone in the organization. When these groups are migrated to Stream (on SharePoint), EEEU permissions are currently not applied due to which users who aren't a part of the destination SP site can't view those videos. This affects all videos associated with public Microsoft 365 Groups but migrated as part of other containers as well. We're working to fix this issue, post which, all migrated videos associated with public Microsoft 365 sites would have EEEU permissions.

  4. Redirects from old Stream to migrated location fails if the destination is a sub-site | Fix estimate: December 20, 2023: Video playback after redirection to migrated video is successful for all cases in Portal and Embed, except for cases where the migrated file destination path involves subsites. In this case, video playback post redirection won't work for video links. This will however continue to work for embeds. We're working to fix this issue and will provide an ETA soon.

  5. EEEU Permissions are not applied to videos associated with SoGs: Videos associated with SoG container groups on Stream (Classic) with Privacy settings set to Public can be viewed by everyone in the organization. When these videos are migrated to Stream (on SharePoint), EEEU permissions are currently not applied due to which users who aren't a part of the destination SP site can't view those videos. This affects all videos associated with SoG. This issue has been fixed on January 19, 2024 post which, all migrated videos associated with SoG groups would have EEEU permissions.

Known Issues/Limitation in the tool

Last updated: December 21, 2023

The list contains known issues & limitation that aren't picked by the migration crew to be fixed. Their priority may change in future based on customer feedback. Our endeavor is to keep this list up to date, please raise any known issues that you don't see in the list.

  1. Permissions: In some cases, after migration the users may have correct permissions on the video. They can watch the video and search for it. But the video may not be visible to them in the Stream migrated Videos folder. This can happen in the following cases:

    1. User had direct access to the video in Classic without being associated with any group. When it got migrated to the group site, user got custom permission on the video but can't see the video file since user didn't have access to the destination folder.
    2. Members/Owners of the second group that was associated with the video. In this case, members/owners of the second group get the access to the video but may not have access to the destination folder hence they may not see the video file.
  2. Manual addition of container: A manually added container doesn't show the name or type of the container. Manual addition of the container is useful when you don't see it auto discovered in the Scan's tab.

  3. Some video formats are not playable in new Stream. You can find details of all supported video formats here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/video-formats-you-can-play-on-microsoft-365-07c008b2-70e4-4ced-8a9b-f25bed77196a

  4. Scans & Migration tab container limits on UI: You can autodiscover up to 49.5-K containers on the migration tool. This happens because the platform supports showing only 50-K container line items on the UI. Stream connector has kept a limit of 49.5-K line items to keep a buffer 500 for adding containers manually. From our data, only 16 Stream customers will be affected by these limits.

  5. Stream migrated videos folder will be created only in English language. Non-English language tenants see the folder created in English language.

  6. Destinations for non-English language tenants will not be auto mapped for M365 groups and User. Admins can use the destination mapping script as a workaround.

  7. A document library should exist in SharePoint site for successful migration. By default, a doc lib is created for an SP site, but if it's deleted the migration won't happen even if the destination path is assigned for a container.

  8. Video files greater than 15GB size will not be migrated by the tool.

  9. Sync issues between Microsoft Entra ID and Stream (Classic). We have seen in some cases, that User is inactive in Microsoft Entra ID or has left the company, but migration tool still shows it as active and assigns videos to the User container. This happens due to legacy sync issues between Stream (Classic) and Microsoft Entra ID. In this case User container will be auto mapped to the ODB of the user that doesn't exist in Microsoft Entra ID and the migration will fail. Customers can change the destination of the container and migrate it at the desired location. Or they can reassign the videos to another container via permission fix script. We aren't fixing these issues as the work-around exist and the reported issue are few.

  10. Embed playback affected in some cases. In some cases, intermittently the embed shows the button UI as mentioned in the article instead of playing inline. We have a dependency on a Microsoft internal team to fix the issue. We're tracking it, unfortunately, we don't have a timeline yet.

  11. Embed video in PPT online do not play inline. Customers see the video buffer and it will not play inline. We need to investigate this issue, and it is in our backlog but low on priority and we aren't sure if and when it will be picked. Embed videos on PPT desktop app works fine and plays inline.

  12. DocID support not available for groups and channels: We have introduced docID based redirection support for videos. However, it is not available for groups and channels.