Monitor Configuration Functions
The following functions are used to get information from a monitor and to change a monitor's settings. Monitor configuration functions are categorized into high-level functions, low-level functions, and enumeration functions. For more information, see Using Monitor Configuration.
High-Level Functions
Function | Description |
DegaussMonitor | Degausses a monitor. |
GetMonitorBrightness | Retrieves a monitor's minimum, maximum, and current brightness settings. |
GetMonitorCapabilities | Retrieves the configuration capabilities of a monitor. |
GetMonitorColorTemperature | Retrieves a monitor's current color temperature. |
GetMonitorContrast | Retrieves a monitor's minimum, maximum, and current contrast settings. |
GetMonitorDisplayAreaPosition | Retrieves a monitor's minimum, maximum, and current horizontal or vertical position. |
GetMonitorDisplayAreaSize | Retrieves a monitor's minimum, maximum, and current width or height. |
GetMonitorRedGreenOrBlueDrive | Retrieves a monitor's red, green, or blue drive value. |
GetMonitorRedGreenOrBlueGain | Retrieves a monitor's red, green, or blue gain value. |
GetMonitorTechnologyType | Retrieves the type of technology used by a monitor. |
RestoreMonitorFactoryColorDefaults | Restores a monitor's color settings to their factory defaults. |
RestoreMonitorFactoryDefaults | Restores a monitor's settings to their factory defaults. |
SaveCurrentMonitorSettings | Saves the current monitor settings to the display's nonvolatile storage. |
SetMonitorBrightness | Sets a monitor's brightness value. |
SetMonitorColorTemperature | Sets a monitor's color temperature. |
SetMonitorContrast | Sets a monitor's contrast value. |
SetMonitorDisplayAreaPosition | Sets the horizontal or vertical position of a monitor's display area. |
SetMonitorDisplayAreaSize | Sets the width or height of a monitor's display area. |
SetMonitorRedGreenOrBlueDrive | Sets a monitor's red, green, or blue drive value. |
SetMonitorRedGreenOrBlueGain | Sets a monitor's red, green, or blue gain value. |
Low-Level Functions
Function | Description |
CapabilitiesRequestAndCapabilitiesReply | Retrieves a string describing a monitor's capabilities. |
GetCapabilitiesStringLength | Retrieves the length of a monitor's capabilities string. |
GetTimingReport | Retrieves a monitor's horizontal and vertical synchronization frequencies. |
GetVCPFeatureAndVCPFeatureReply | Retrieves the current value, maximum value, and code type of a Virtual Control Panel (VCP) code for a monitor. |
SaveCurrentSettings | Saves the current monitor settings to the display's nonvolatile storage. |
SetVCPFeature | Sets the value of a Virtual Control Panel (VCP) code for a monitor. |
Enumeration Functions
Function | Description |
DestroyPhysicalMonitor | Closes a handle to a physical monitor. |
DestroyPhysicalMonitors | Closes an array of physical monitor handles. |
GetNumberOfPhysicalMonitorsFromHMONITOR | Retrieves the number of physical monitors associated with an HMONITOR monitor handle. |
GetNumberOfPhysicalMonitorsFromIDirect3DDevice9 | Retrieves the number of physical monitors associated with a Direct3D device. |
GetPhysicalMonitorsFromHMONITOR | Retrieves the physical monitors associated with an HMONITOR monitor handle. |
GetPhysicalMonitorsFromIDirect3DDevice9 | Retrieves the physical monitors associated with a Direct3D device. |
Internal Functions
The following functions are used by the monitor configuration API to access functionality in the display driver. Applications should not call these functions.
- DDCCIGetCapabilitiesString
- DDCCIGetCapabilitiesStringLength
- DDCCIGetTimingReport
- DDCCIGetVCPFeature
- DDCCISaveCurrentSettings
- DDCCISetVCPFeature
- DestroyPhysicalMonitorInternal
- GetNumberOfPhysicalMonitors
- GetPhysicalMonitorDescription
- GetPhysicalMonitors
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