Tutorial: Install a locally modified dependency

This tutorial guides you on modifying a vcpkg port using custom overlays. We recommend that you read the tutorial on packaging a library before proceeding.

In this tutorial, you will learn to:


1 - Create an overlay port

The first step is to create an overlay port of the package you want to modify.

Create a directory to hold your overlay ports

The overlay ports directory can be created in any filesystem location of your choosing. In any step of this tutorial, replace $OVERLAY_LOCATION with your chosen location.


Copy the contents of the port into your overlay ports directory

For this tutorial, you'll modify the vcpkg-sample-library port in the packaging tutorial to add dynamic library support.

Copy-Item -Path <path/to/vcpkg-sample-library> -Destination "$OVERLAY_LOCATION" -Recurse
xcopy <path/to/vcpkg-sample-library> "$OVERLAY_LOCATION" /E
cp -R <path/to/vcpkg-sample-library> "$OVERLAY_LOCATION"

2 - Get the port's source code

To obtain the source code for the port you want to modify, run the following command:

vcpkg install "--overlay-ports=$OVERLAY_LOCATION" vcpkg-sample-library --editable

The output should contain a line similar to:

-- Using source at path/to/vcpkg/buildtrees/vcpkg-sample-library/src/1.0.0-b54c55c215

This is the location of the port's source code.

3 - Create a temporary Git registry

Initialize a temporary Git repository in the source code location. This is in order to use Git to generate patch files that you can apply in the portfile.cmake script. Replace $SOURCE_PATH with the location obtained in the previous step.

git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"

4 - Modify the necessary files

Modify the following source code files to add dynamic library support to vcpkg-sample-library.


#pragma once

#include <string>

std::string greet(const std::string& name);


Remove STATIC from the add_library() call.

add_library(my_sample_lib my_sample_lib.cpp)

Add a compile definition when building as a shared library.

    target_compile_definitions(my_sample_lib PRIVATE MYLIB_EXPORTS)

5 - Generate a patch file

In the source code directory, run the following command to generate a patch file.

git diff > "$OVERLAY_LOCATION/vcpkg-sample-library/add-dynamic-lib-support.patch"

This creates a file named add-dynamic-lib-support.patch in your overlay port, with contents similar to:

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 2b42f71..b347b53 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -6,11 +6,15 @@ project(my_sample_lib)
 find_package(fmt CONFIG REQUIRED)
 # Add your library
-add_library(my_sample_lib STATIC my_sample_lib.cpp)
+add_library(my_sample_lib my_sample_lib.cpp)
 # Link your library to fmt
 target_link_libraries(my_sample_lib PRIVATE fmt::fmt)
+    target_compile_definitions(my_sample_lib PRIVATE MYLIB_EXPORTS)
 # Add include directories
 target_include_directories(my_sample_lib PUBLIC 
     $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}>   # for headers when building
diff --git a/my_sample_lib.h b/my_sample_lib.h
index d6d70b8..0b62141 100644
--- a/my_sample_lib.h
+++ b/my_sample_lib.h
@@ -2,4 +2,7 @@
 #include <string>
 std::string greet(const std::string& name);

6 - Modify portfile.cmake to apply the patch

Change portfile.cmake to remove the ONLY_STATIC_LIBRARY restriction and apply your patch to the source code.


    REPO Microsoft/vcpkg-docs
    REF "${VERSION}"
    SHA512 3f206cc2fe61d9c97c82b30852e1e4e6df299d93f6159edd1e56c644fa03ccc4670f7681e356d0e3db898a74e099a1ec531821df5430a7b14d61c743c5aa8c30
    HEAD_REF cmake-sample-lib


vcpkg_cmake_config_fixup(PACKAGE_NAME "my_sample_lib")

    RENAME copyright
configure_file("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/usage" "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/share/${PORT}/usage" COPYONLY)

7 - Install your overlay port

Run the following command:

vcpkg install "--overlay-ports=$OVERLAY_LOCATION" vcpkg-sample-library

Make sure to remove the --editable flag, so that the patch file applies to a clean copy of the source code. You should see a line about applying your patch file to the source code in the output:

-- Cleaning sources at D:/Work/vcpkg/buildtrees/vcpkg-sample-library/src/1.0.0-8f646312ed.clean. Use --editable to skip cleaning for the packages you specify.
-- Extracting source D:/Work/vcpkg/downloads/Microsoft-vcpkg-docs-1.0.0.tar.gz
-- Applying patch add-dynamic-lib-support.patch

Next steps

And that's it! You have installed a locally modified dependency using a patch file.

Here are some tasks to try next: