Secure Boot

This section covers how to work with Secure Boot in Windows.


For more information about Secure boot for PC manufacturers, see the Secure boot topic that's part of Security considerations for OEMs

In this section

Topic Description
Windows Secure Boot Key Creation and Management Guidance Describes the creation and management of the Secure Boot keys and certificates in a manufacturing environment
Secure Boot Key Generation and Signing Using HSM (Example) Example of how to generate Secure Boot keys using a hardware security module (HSM)
UEFI Validation Option ROM Validation Guidance Whitepaper that covers how to validate that firmware checks the signatures of its option ROM as part of the Secure Boot chain of trust
Disabling Secure Boot How to disable Secure Boot
Secure Boot isn't configured correctly: troubleshooting How to troubleshoot Secure Boot
BCD System Store Settings for UEFI BCD system store settings for UEFI
Validating Windows UEFI Firmware Update Platform Functionality How to validate Windows UEFI firmware update platform functionality