您每隔 24 小時最多可以重新整理敏感性資訊的資料庫 5 次。 您必須重新雜湊並上傳您的敏感性資訊來源表格。 重新整理會以新的敏感性資訊源數據表覆寫現有的敏感性資訊源數據表。
將敏感數據重新匯出至應用程式,例如 Microsoft Excel,並以 .csv、.tsv 格式或管道分隔 (儲存盤案 |) 格式。 保留您先前雜湊和上傳檔案時所使用的相同檔案名稱和位置。 如需匯出敏感數據並使其變成正確格式的詳細資訊,請參閱匯出 源數據以取得以精確數據比對為基礎的敏感性資訊類型 。
如果敏感性資訊來源表格檔案的結構 (欄位名稱) 沒有任何變更,重新整理資料時,您不需要對資料庫結構描述檔案進行任何變更。 但如果您必須進行變更,請務必相應地編輯資料庫結構描述和規則套件。 請參閱管理您的資料完全相符結構描述,以取得編輯或移除結構描述的步驟。 若要瞭解如何使用 dit 或移除 EDM SIT/規則套件,請參閱 建立精確的數據比對敏感性資訊類型/規則套件。
您可以使用工作排程器來自動化雜湊並上傳敏感性資訊來源表格,以取得資料完全相符資訊類型程序。 您可以使用數個方法來排程工作:
方法 處理方式 PowerShell 請參閱 ScheduledTasks 文件,以及本文中的範例 PowerShell 指令碼 工作排程器 API 請參閱工作排程器文件 Windows 使用者介面 在 Windows 中,按一下 [開始],然後輸入「工作排程器」。 然後在結果清單中,以滑鼠右鍵按一下 [工作排程器],然後選擇 [以系統管理員身分執行]。
如果您不是 E5 客戶,請使用 90 天的 Microsoft Purview 解決方案試用版來探索其他 Purview 功能如何協助貴組織管理數據安全性與合規性需求。 立即從 Microsoft Purview 合規性入口網站 試用中樞開始。 瞭解 有關註冊和試用版條款的詳細數據。
工作排程器的範例 PowerShell 指令碼
本節包含的範例 PowerShell 指令碼,可供您用來對雜湊資料及上傳已雜湊的資料工作進行排程:
\# Assuming current user is also the user context to run the task
$user = "$env:USERDOMAIN\\$env:USERNAME"
$edminstallpath = 'C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft\\EdmUploadAgent\\'
$edmuploader = $edminstallpath + 'EdmUploadAgent.exe'
$csvext = '.csv'
$schemaext = '.xml'
\# Assuming file name is same as data store name and file is in .csv format
$dataFile = "$fileLocation\\$dataStoreName$csvext"
\# Assuming location to store hash file is same as the location of csv file
$hashLocation = $fileLocation
\# Assuming Schema file name is same as data store name
$schemaFile = "$fileLocation\\$dataStoreName$schemaext"
$uploadDataArgs = '/UploadData /DataStoreName ' + $dataStoreName + ' /DataFile ' + $dataFile + ' /HashLocation' + $hashLocation + ' /Schema ' + $schemaFile
\# Set up actions associated with the task
$actions = @()
$actions += New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute $edmuploader -Argument $uploadDataArgs -WorkingDirectory $edminstallpath
\# Set up trigger for the task
$trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Weekly -DaysOfWeek Sunday -At 2am
\# Set up task settings
$principal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -UserId $user -LogonType S4U -RunLevel Highest
$settings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable -StartWhenAvailable -WakeToRun
\# Create the scheduled task
$scheduledTask = New-ScheduledTask -Action $actions -Principal $principal -Trigger $trigger -Settings $settings
\# Get credentials to run the task
$creds = Get-Credential -UserName $user -Message "Enter credentials to run the task"
\# Register the scheduled task
$taskName = 'EDMUpload\_' + $dataStoreName
Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName $taskName -InputObject $scheduledTask -User $user -Password $password
\# Assuming current user is also the user context to run the task
$user = "$env:USERDOMAIN\\$env:USERNAME"
$edminstallpath = 'C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft\\EdmUploadAgent\\'
$edmuploader = $edminstallpath + 'EdmUploadAgent.exe'
$csvext = '.csv'
$edmext = '.EdmHash'
$schemaext = '.xml'
\# Assuming file name is same as data store name and file is in .csv format
$dataFile = "$fileLocation\\$dataStoreName$csvext"
$hashFile = "$fileLocation\\$dataStoreName$edmext"
\# Assuming Schema file name is same as data store name
$schemaFile = "$fileLocation\\$dataStoreName$schemaext "
\# Assuming location to store hash file is same as the location of csv file
$hashLocation = $fileLocation
$createHashArgs = '/CreateHash' + ' /DataFile ' + $dataFile + ' /HashLocation ' + $hashLocation + ' /Schema ' + $schemaFile
$uploadHashArgs = '/UploadHash /DataStoreName ' + $dataStoreName + ' /HashFile ' + $hashFile
\# Set up actions associated with the task
$actions = @()
$actions += New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute $edmuploader -Argument $createHashArgs -WorkingDirectory $edminstallpath
$actions += New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute $edmuploader -Argument $uploadHashArgs -WorkingDirectory $edminstallpath
\# Set up trigger for the task
$trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Weekly -DaysOfWeek Sunday -At 2am
\# Set up task settings
$principal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -UserId $user -LogonType S4U -RunLevel Highest
$settings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable -StartWhenAvailable -WakeToRun
\# Create the scheduled task
$scheduledTask = New-ScheduledTask -Action $actions -Principal $principal -Trigger $trigger -Settings $settings
\# Get credentials to run the task
$creds = Get-Credential -UserName $user -Message "Enter credentials to run the task"
\# Register the scheduled task
$taskName = 'EDMUpload\_' + $dataStoreName
Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName $taskName -InputObject $scheduledTask -User $user -Password $password