

plannerExternalBucketSource resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Contains information about the relationship of a plannerBucket to a user experience outside of Planner. This allows surfacing or syncing buckets in Planner with other experiences to track work in the context of that experience.

You can display data in a plannerExternalBucketSource in a user interface to sync information for an external service, or to point to where a task was created in the external service.

The combination of the contextScenarioId and externalObjectId properties is unique within a tenant. If creation is called with existing contextScenarioId and externalObjectId values, the existing object is returned with no modifications.

This type is derived from plannerBucketCreation.


Property Type Description
creationSourceKind plannerCreationSourceKind Specifies what kind of creation source the bucket is created with. The possible values are: external, publication and unknownFutureValue. The value of this property is external. Inherited from plannerBucketCreation.
contextScenarioId String Nullable. An identifier for the scenario associated with this external source. This should be in reverse DNS format. For example, Contoso company owned application for customer support would have a value like "com.constoso.customerSupport".
externalObjectId String Nullable. The ID of the entity that an external service associates with a bucket.
externalContextId String Nullable. The ID of the external entity's containing entity or context.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.plannerExternalBucketSource",
  "creationSourceKind": "String-value",
  "externalObjectId": "String-value",
  "externalContextId": "String-value",
  "contextScenarioId": "String-value",