List alerts_v2
APIs under the /beta
version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.
Get a list of alert resources that were created to track suspicious activities in an organization.
This operation lets you filter and sort through alerts to create an informed cyber security response. It exposes a collection of alerts that were flagged in your network, within the time range you specified in your environment retention policy. The most recent alerts are displayed at the top of the list.
This API is available in the following national cloud deployments.
Global service | US Government L4 | US Government L5 (DOD) | China operated by 21Vianet |
✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ |
Choose the permission or permissions marked as least privileged for this API. Use a higher privileged permission or permissions only if your app requires it. For details about delegated and application permissions, see Permission types. To learn more about these permissions, see the permissions reference.
Permission type | Least privileged permissions | Higher privileged permissions |
Delegated (work or school account) | SecurityAlert.Read.All | SecurityAlert.ReadWrite.All |
Delegated (personal Microsoft account) | Not supported. | Not supported. |
Application | SecurityAlert.Read.All | SecurityAlert.ReadWrite.All |
HTTP request
GET /security/alerts_v2
Optional query parameters
This method supports the following OData query parameters to help customize the response: $count
, $filter
, $skip
, $top
The following properties support $filter
: assignedTo, classification, determination, createdDateTime, lastUpdateDateTime, severity, serviceSource, and status.
Use @odata.nextLink
for pagination.
The following are examples of their use:
GET /security/alerts_v2?$filter={property}+eq+'{property-value}'
GET /security/alerts_V2?$top=100&$skip=200
For general information, see OData query parameters.
Request headers
Name | Description |
Authorization | Bearer {token}. Required. Learn more about authentication and authorization. |
Request body
Don't supply a request body for this method.
If successful, this method returns a 200 OK
response code and a collection of alert objects in the response body.
The following example shows a request.
The following example shows a response.
Note: The response object shown here might be shortened for readability.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json
"value": [
"@odata.type": "",
"id": "da637551227677560813_-961444813",
"providerAlertId": "da637551227677560813_-961444813",
"incidentId": "28282",
"status": "new",
"severity": "low",
"classification": "unknown",
"determination": "unknown",
"serviceSource": "microsoftDefenderForEndpoint",
"detectionSource": "antivirus",
"detectorId": "e0da400f-affd-43ef-b1d5-afc2eb6f2756",
"tenantId": "b3c1b5fc-828c-45fa-a1e1-10d74f6d6e9c",
"title": "Suspicious execution of hidden file",
"description": "A hidden file has been launched. This activity could indicate a compromised host. Attackers often hide files associated with malicious tools to evade file system inspection and defenses.",
"recommendedActions": "Collect artifacts and determine scope\n�\tReview the machine timeline for suspicious activities that may have occurred before and after the time of the alert, and record additional related artifacts (files, IPs/URLs) \n�\tLook for the presence of relevant artifacts on other systems. Identify commonalities and differences between potentially compromised systems.\n�\tSubmit relevant files for deep analysis and review resulting detailed behavioral information.\n�\tSubmit undetected files to the MMPC malware portal\n\nInitiate containment & mitigation \n�\tContact the user to verify intent and initiate local remediation actions as needed.\n�\tUpdate AV signatures and run a full scan. The scan might reveal and remove previously-undetected malware components.\n�\tEnsure that the machine has the latest security updates. In particular, ensure that you have installed the latest software, web browser, and Operating System versions.\n�\tIf credential theft is suspected, reset all relevant users passwords.\n�\tBlock communication with relevant URLs or IPs at the organization�s perimeter.",
"category": "DefenseEvasion",
"assignedTo": null,
"alertWebUrl": "",
"incidentWebUrl": "",
"actorDisplayName": null,
"threatDisplayName": null,
"threatFamilyName": null,
"mitreTechniques": [
"createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
"lastUpdateDateTime": "2021-05-02T14:19:01.3266667Z",
"resolvedDateTime": null,
"firstActivityDateTime": "2021-04-26T07:45:50.116Z",
"lastActivityDateTime": "2021-05-02T07:56:58.222Z",
"comments": [],
"evidence": [
"@odata.type": "",
"createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
"verdict": "unknown",
"remediationStatus": "none",
"remediationStatusDetails": null,
"firstSeenDateTime": "2020-09-12T07:28:32.4321753Z",
"mdeDeviceId": "73e7e2de709dff64ef64b1d0c30e67fab63279db",
"azureAdDeviceId": null,
"deviceDnsName": "",
"hostName": "yonif-lap3",
"ntDomain": null,
"dnsDomain": "",
"osPlatform": "Windows10",
"osBuild": 22424,
"version": "Other",
"healthStatus": "active",
"riskScore": "medium",
"rbacGroupId": 75,
"rbacGroupName": "UnassignedGroup",
"onboardingStatus": "onboarded",
"defenderAvStatus": "unknown",
"ipInterfaces": [
"loggedOnUsers": [],
"roles": [
"detailedRoles": [
"Main device"
"tags": [
"Test Machine"
"vmMetadata": {
"vmId": "ca1b0d41-5a3b-4d95-b48b-f220aed11d78",
"cloudProvider": "azure",
"resourceId": "/subscriptions/8700d3a3-3bb7-4fbe-a090-488a1ad04161/resourceGroups/WdatpApi-EUS-STG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/NirLaviTests",
"subscriptionId": "8700d3a3-3bb7-4fbe-a090-488a1ad04161"
"@odata.type": "",
"createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
"verdict": "unknown",
"remediationStatus": "none",
"remediationStatusDetails": null,
"detectionStatus": "detected",
"mdeDeviceId": "73e7e2de709dff64ef64b1d0c30e67fab63279db",
"roles": [],
"detailedRoles": [
"Referred in command line"
"tags": [],
"fileDetails": {
"sha1": "5f1e8acedc065031aad553b710838eb366cfee9a",
"sha256": "8963a19fb992ad9a76576c5638fd68292cffb9aaac29eb8285f9abf6196a7dec",
"fileName": "MsSense.exe",
"filePath": "C:\\Program Files\\temp",
"fileSize": 6136392,
"filePublisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
"signer": null,
"issuer": null
"@odata.type": "",
"createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
"verdict": "unknown",
"remediationStatus": "none",
"remediationStatusDetails": null,
"processId": 4780,
"parentProcessId": 668,
"processCommandLine": "\"MsSense.exe\"",
"processCreationDateTime": "2021-08-12T12:43:19.0772577Z",
"parentProcessCreationDateTime": "2021-08-12T07:39:09.0909239Z",
"detectionStatus": "detected",
"mdeDeviceId": "73e7e2de709dff64ef64b1d0c30e67fab63279db",
"roles": [],
"detailedRoles": [],
"tags": [],
"imageFile": {
"sha1": "5f1e8acedc065031aad553b710838eb366cfee9a",
"sha256": "8963a19fb992ad9a76576c5638fd68292cffb9aaac29eb8285f9abf6196a7dec",
"fileName": "MsSense.exe",
"filePath": "C:\\Program Files\\temp",
"fileSize": 6136392,
"filePublisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
"signer": null,
"issuer": null
"parentProcessImageFile": {
"sha1": null,
"sha256": null,
"fileName": "services.exe",
"filePath": "C:\\Windows\\System32",
"fileSize": 731744,
"filePublisher": "Microsoft Corporation",
"signer": null,
"issuer": null
"userAccount": {
"accountName": "SYSTEM",
"domainName": "NT AUTHORITY",
"userSid": "S-1-5-18",
"azureAdUserId": null,
"userPrincipalName": null,
"displayName": "System"
"@odata.type": "",
"createdDateTime": "2021-04-27T12:19:27.7211305Z",
"verdict": "unknown",
"remediationStatus": "none",
"remediationStatusDetails": null,
"registryHive": "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE",
"roles": [],
"detailedRoles": [],
"tags": []
"systemTags" : [
"Defender Experts"