你当前正在访问 Microsoft Azure Global Edition 技术文档网站。 如果需要访问由世纪互联运营的 Microsoft Azure 中国技术文档网站,请访问 https://docs.azure.cn



如果使用 Microsoft 产品或服务处理生物识别数据,则需负责以下事项:(i) 向数据主体提供通知,包括有关保留期和销毁的通知;(ii) 从数据主体处获得同意;(iii) 根据适用的数据保护要求删除生物识别数据。 “生物识别数据”将具有 GDPR 第 4 条中所述的含义,以及其他数据保护要求中的等效术语(如果适用)。 如需相关信息,请参阅人脸的数据和隐私


为了支持我们负责任的 AI 原则,基于资格和使用标准对人脸服务访问进行限制。 人脸服务仅适用于 Microsoft 托管客户和合作伙伴。 使用人脸识别引入表单来申请访问。 有关详细信息,请参阅人脸受限访问页面。

开始使用适用于 .NET 的人脸客户端库进行人脸识别。 通过 Azure AI 人脸服务,可以访问用于检测和识别图像中的人脸的高级算法。 按照以下步骤安装包,并尝试使用远程图像进行基本面部识别的示例代码。

参考文档 | 库源代码 | 包 (NuGet) | 示例


  • Azure 订阅 - 免费创建订阅
  • Visual Studio IDE 或最新版本的 .NET Core
  • 你的 Azure 帐户必须分配有 Cognitive Services Contributor 角色,这样你才能同意负责任 AI 条款并创建资源。 若要将此角色分配给你的帐户,请按照分配角色文档中的步骤进行操作,或与管理员联系。
  • 拥有 Azure 订阅后,请在 Azure 门户中创建人脸资源,以获取密钥和终结点。 部署后,选择”转到资源”。
    • 需要从创建的资源获取密钥和终结点,以便将应用程序连接到人脸 API。
    • 可以使用免费定价层 (F0) 试用该服务,然后再升级到付费层进行生产。



转到 Azure 门户。 如果在“先决条件”部分创建的资源部署成功,请选择“后续步骤”下的“转到资源”。 在“密钥和终结点”页的“资源管理”下,可以找到密钥和终结点。 你的资源密钥与你的 Azure 订阅 ID 不同。


请不要直接在代码中包含密钥,并且绝不公开发布密钥。 有关 Azure Key Vault 等更多身份验证选项,请参阅 Azure AI 服务安全性一文。


  1. 若要设置 VISION_KEY 环境变量,请将 your-key 替换为资源的其中一个密钥。
  2. 若要设置 VISION_ENDPOINT 环境变量,请将 your-endpoint 替换为资源的终结点。
setx VISION_KEY your-key
setx VISION_ENDPOINT your-endpoint



  1. 新建 C# 应用程序

    使用 Visual Studio 创建新的 .NET Core 应用程序。


    创建新项目后,右键单击“解决方案资源管理器”中的项目解决方案,然后选择“管理 NuGet 包”,以安装客户端库 。 在打开的包管理器中,选择“浏览”,选中“包括预发行版”并搜索 Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.Face。 选择最新版本,然后选择“安装”。

  2. 将以下代码添加到 Program.cs 文件。



    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.Face;
    using Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.Face.Models;
    namespace FaceQuickstart
        class Program
            static string personGroupId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            // URL path for the images.
            const string IMAGE_BASE_URL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-sample-data-files/master/Face/images/";
            // From your Face subscription in the Azure portal, get your subscription key and endpoint.
            const string SUBSCRIPTION_KEY = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VISION_KEY");
            const string ENDPOINT = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VISION_ENDPOINT");
             static void Main(string[] args)
                // Recognition model 4 was released in 2021 February.
                // It is recommended since its accuracy is improved
                // on faces wearing masks compared with model 3,
                // and its overall accuracy is improved compared
                // with models 1 and 2.
                const string RECOGNITION_MODEL4 = RecognitionModel.Recognition04;
                // Authenticate.
                IFaceClient client = Authenticate(ENDPOINT, SUBSCRIPTION_KEY);
                // Identify - recognize a face(s) in a person group (a person group is created in this example).
                IdentifyInPersonGroup(client, IMAGE_BASE_URL, RECOGNITION_MODEL4).Wait();
                Console.WriteLine("End of quickstart.");
             *	AUTHENTICATE
             *	Uses subscription key and region to create a client.
            public static IFaceClient Authenticate(string endpoint, string key)
                return new FaceClient(new ApiKeyServiceClientCredentials(key)) { Endpoint = endpoint };
            // Detect faces from image url for recognition purposes. This is a helper method for other functions in this quickstart.
            // Parameter `returnFaceId` of `DetectWithUrlAsync` must be set to `true` (by default) for recognition purposes.
            // Parameter `FaceAttributes` is set to include the QualityForRecognition attribute. 
            // Recognition model must be set to recognition_03 or recognition_04 as a result.
            // Result faces with insufficient quality for recognition are filtered out. 
            // The field `faceId` in returned `DetectedFace`s will be used in Face - Face - Verify and Face - Identify.
            // It will expire 24 hours after the detection call.
            private static async Task<List<DetectedFace>> DetectFaceRecognize(IFaceClient faceClient, string url, string recognition_model)
                // Detect faces from image URL. Since only recognizing, use the recognition model 1.
                // We use detection model 3 because we are not retrieving attributes.
                IList<DetectedFace> detectedFaces = await faceClient.Face.DetectWithUrlAsync(url, recognitionModel: recognition_model, detectionModel: DetectionModel.Detection03, returnFaceAttributes: new List<FaceAttributeType> { FaceAttributeType.QualityForRecognition });
                List<DetectedFace> sufficientQualityFaces = new List<DetectedFace>();
                foreach (DetectedFace detectedFace in detectedFaces){
                    var faceQualityForRecognition = detectedFace.FaceAttributes.QualityForRecognition;
                    if (faceQualityForRecognition.HasValue && (faceQualityForRecognition.Value >= QualityForRecognition.Medium)){
                Console.WriteLine($"{detectedFaces.Count} face(s) with {sufficientQualityFaces.Count} having sufficient quality for recognition detected from image `{Path.GetFileName(url)}`");
                return sufficientQualityFaces.ToList();
             * IDENTIFY FACES
             * To identify faces, you need to create and define a person group.
             * The Identify operation takes one or several face IDs from DetectedFace or PersistedFace and a PersonGroup and returns 
             * a list of Person objects that each face might belong to. Returned Person objects are wrapped as Candidate objects, 
             * which have a prediction confidence value.
            public static async Task IdentifyInPersonGroup(IFaceClient client, string url, string recognitionModel)
                Console.WriteLine("========IDENTIFY FACES========");
                // Create a dictionary for all your images, grouping similar ones under the same key.
                Dictionary<string, string[]> personDictionary =
                    new Dictionary<string, string[]>
                        { { "Family1-Dad", new[] { "Family1-Dad1.jpg", "Family1-Dad2.jpg" } },
                          { "Family1-Mom", new[] { "Family1-Mom1.jpg", "Family1-Mom2.jpg" } },
                          { "Family1-Son", new[] { "Family1-Son1.jpg", "Family1-Son2.jpg" } },
                          { "Family1-Daughter", new[] { "Family1-Daughter1.jpg", "Family1-Daughter2.jpg" } },
                          { "Family2-Lady", new[] { "Family2-Lady1.jpg", "Family2-Lady2.jpg" } },
                          { "Family2-Man", new[] { "Family2-Man1.jpg", "Family2-Man2.jpg" } }
                // A group photo that includes some of the persons you seek to identify from your dictionary.
                string sourceImageFileName = "identification1.jpg";
                // Create a person group. 
                Console.WriteLine($"Create a person group ({personGroupId}).");
                await client.PersonGroup.CreateAsync(personGroupId, personGroupId, recognitionModel: recognitionModel);
                // The similar faces will be grouped into a single person group person.
                foreach (var groupedFace in personDictionary.Keys)
                    // Limit TPS
                    await Task.Delay(250);
                    Person person = await client.PersonGroupPerson.CreateAsync(personGroupId: personGroupId, name: groupedFace);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Create a person group person '{groupedFace}'.");
                    // Add face to the person group person.
                    foreach (var similarImage in personDictionary[groupedFace])
                        Console.WriteLine($"Check whether image is of sufficient quality for recognition");
                        IList<DetectedFace> detectedFaces1 = await client.Face.DetectWithUrlAsync($"{url}{similarImage}", 
                            recognitionModel: recognitionModel, 
                            detectionModel: DetectionModel.Detection03,
                            returnFaceAttributes: new List<FaceAttributeType> { FaceAttributeType.QualityForRecognition });
                        bool sufficientQuality = true;
                        foreach (var face1 in detectedFaces1)
                            var faceQualityForRecognition = face1.FaceAttributes.QualityForRecognition;
                            //  Only "high" quality images are recommended for person enrollment
                            if (faceQualityForRecognition.HasValue && (faceQualityForRecognition.Value != QualityForRecognition.High)){
                                sufficientQuality = false;
                        if (!sufficientQuality){
                        // add face to the person group
                        Console.WriteLine($"Add face to the person group person({groupedFace}) from image `{similarImage}`");
                        PersistedFace face = await client.PersonGroupPerson.AddFaceFromUrlAsync(personGroupId, person.PersonId,
                            $"{url}{similarImage}", similarImage);
                // Start to train the person group.
                Console.WriteLine($"Train person group {personGroupId}.");
                await client.PersonGroup.TrainAsync(personGroupId);
                // Wait until the training is completed.
                while (true)
                    await Task.Delay(1000);
                    var trainingStatus = await client.PersonGroup.GetTrainingStatusAsync(personGroupId);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Training status: {trainingStatus.Status}.");
                    if (trainingStatus.Status == TrainingStatusType.Succeeded) { break; }
                List<Guid> sourceFaceIds = new List<Guid>();
                // Detect faces from source image url.
                List<DetectedFace> detectedFaces = await DetectFaceRecognize(client, $"{url}{sourceImageFileName}", recognitionModel);
                // Add detected faceId to sourceFaceIds.
                foreach (var detectedFace in detectedFaces) { sourceFaceIds.Add(detectedFace.FaceId.Value); }
                // Identify the faces in a person group. 
                var identifyResults = await client.Face.IdentifyAsync(sourceFaceIds, personGroupId);
                foreach (var identifyResult in identifyResults)
                    if (identifyResult.Candidates.Count==0) {
                        Console.WriteLine($"No person is identified for the face in: {sourceImageFileName} - {identifyResult.FaceId},");
                    Person person = await client.PersonGroupPerson.GetAsync(personGroupId, identifyResult.Candidates[0].PersonId);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Person '{person.Name}' is identified for the face in: {sourceImageFileName} - {identifyResult.FaceId}," +
                        $" confidence: {identifyResult.Candidates[0].Confidence}.");
                    VerifyResult verifyResult = await client.Face.VerifyFaceToPersonAsync(identifyResult.FaceId, person.PersonId, personGroupId);
                    Console.WriteLine($"Verification result: is a match? {verifyResult.IsIdentical}. confidence: {verifyResult.Confidence}");
  3. 运行应用程序

    单击 IDE 窗口顶部的“调试”按钮,运行应用程序。


========IDENTIFY FACES========

Create a person group (3972c063-71b3-4328-8579-6d190ee76f99).
Create a person group person 'Family1-Dad'.
Add face to the person group person(Family1-Dad) from image `Family1-Dad1.jpg`
Add face to the person group person(Family1-Dad) from image `Family1-Dad2.jpg`
Create a person group person 'Family1-Mom'.
Add face to the person group person(Family1-Mom) from image `Family1-Mom1.jpg`
Add face to the person group person(Family1-Mom) from image `Family1-Mom2.jpg`
Create a person group person 'Family1-Son'.
Add face to the person group person(Family1-Son) from image `Family1-Son1.jpg`
Add face to the person group person(Family1-Son) from image `Family1-Son2.jpg`
Create a person group person 'Family1-Daughter'.
Create a person group person 'Family2-Lady'.
Add face to the person group person(Family2-Lady) from image `Family2-Lady1.jpg`
Add face to the person group person(Family2-Lady) from image `Family2-Lady2.jpg`
Create a person group person 'Family2-Man'.
Add face to the person group person(Family2-Man) from image `Family2-Man1.jpg`
Add face to the person group person(Family2-Man) from image `Family2-Man2.jpg`

Train person group 3972c063-71b3-4328-8579-6d190ee76f99.
Training status: Succeeded.

4 face(s) with 4 having sufficient quality for recognition detected from image `identification1.jpg`
Person 'Family1-Dad' is identified for face in: identification1.jpg - 994bfd7a-0d8f-4fae-a5a6-c524664cbee7, confidence: 0.96725.
Person 'Family1-Mom' is identified for face in: identification1.jpg - 0c9da7b9-a628-429d-97ff-cebe7c638fb5, confidence: 0.96921.
No person is identified for face in: identification1.jpg - a881259c-e811-4f7e-a35e-a453e95ca18f,
Person 'Family1-Son' is identified for face in: identification1.jpg - 53772235-8193-46eb-bdfc-1ebc25ea062e, confidence: 0.92886.

End of quickstart.


人脸 API 在一组预构建的模型呢上运行,这些模型在本质上是静态的(模型的性能不会因为运行服务而提高或降低)。 如果 Microsoft 更新模型的后端,但不迁移整个新模型版本,那么模型生成的结果可能会变化。 若要使用更新的模型版本,可重新训练 PersonGroup,将更新的模型指定为具有相同注册映像的参数。


如果想要清理并移除 Azure AI 服务订阅,可以删除资源或资源组。 删除资源组同时也会删除与之相关联的任何其他资源。

若要删除在本快速入门中创建的 PersonGroup,请在程序中运行以下代码:

// At end, delete person groups in both regions (since testing only)
Console.WriteLine("========DELETE PERSON GROUP========");
DeletePersonGroup(client, personGroupId).Wait();


 * After this entire example is executed, delete the person group in your Azure account,
 * otherwise you cannot recreate one with the same name (if running example repeatedly).
public static async Task DeletePersonGroup(IFaceClient client, String personGroupId)
    await client.PersonGroup.DeleteAsync(personGroupId);
    Console.WriteLine($"Deleted the person group {personGroupId}.");


在本快速入门中,你已了解如何使用适用于 .NET 的人脸客户端库来执行基本人脸识别。 接下来,了解不同的人脸检测模型,学习如何为你的用例指定适当的模型。

开始使用适用于 Python 的人脸客户端库进行人脸识别。 请按照以下步骤安装程序包并试用基本任务的示例代码。 通过人脸服务,可以访问用于检测和识别图像中的人脸的高级算法。 按照以下步骤安装包,并尝试使用远程图像进行基本面部识别的示例代码。

参考文档 | 库源代码 | 包 (PiPy) | 示例


  • Azure 订阅 - 免费创建订阅
  • Python 3.x
    • 你的 Python 安装应包含 pip。 可以通过在命令行上运行 pip --version 来检查是否安装了 pip。 通过安装最新版本的 Python 获取 pip。
  • 你的 Azure 帐户必须分配有 Cognitive Services Contributor 角色,这样你才能同意负责任 AI 条款并创建资源。 若要将此角色分配给你的帐户,请按照分配角色文档中的步骤进行操作,或与管理员联系。
  • 拥有 Azure 订阅后,请在 Azure 门户中创建人脸资源,以获取密钥和终结点。 部署后,选择”转到资源”。
    • 需要从创建的资源获取密钥和终结点,以便将应用程序连接到人脸 API。
    • 可以使用免费定价层 (F0) 试用该服务,然后再升级到付费层进行生产。



转到 Azure 门户。 如果在“先决条件”部分创建的资源部署成功,请选择“后续步骤”下的“转到资源”。 在“密钥和终结点”页的“资源管理”下,可以找到密钥和终结点。 你的资源密钥与你的 Azure 订阅 ID 不同。


请不要直接在代码中包含密钥,并且绝不公开发布密钥。 有关 Azure Key Vault 等更多身份验证选项,请参阅 Azure AI 服务安全性一文。


  1. 若要设置 VISION_KEY 环境变量,请将 your-key 替换为资源的其中一个密钥。
  2. 若要设置 VISION_ENDPOINT 环境变量,请将 your-endpoint 替换为资源的终结点。
setx VISION_KEY your-key
setx VISION_ENDPOINT your-endpoint



  1. 安装客户端库

    在安装 Python 后,可以通过以下命令安装客户端库:

    pip install --upgrade azure-cognitiveservices-vision-face
  2. 创建新的 Python 应用程序

    创建新的 Python 脚本,例如 quickstart-file.py。 然后在偏好的编辑器或 IDE 中打开它,并粘贴以下代码。



    import asyncio
    import io
    import os
    import sys
    import time
    import uuid
    import requests
    from urllib.parse import urlparse
    from io import BytesIO
    # To install this module, run:
    # python -m pip install Pillow
    from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
    from azure.cognitiveservices.vision.face import FaceClient
    from msrest.authentication import CognitiveServicesCredentials
    from azure.cognitiveservices.vision.face.models import TrainingStatusType, Person, QualityForRecognition
    # This key will serve all examples in this document.
    KEY = os.environ["VISION_KEY"]
    # This endpoint will be used in all examples in this quickstart.
    ENDPOINT = os.environ["VISION_ENDPOINT"]
    # Base url for the Verify and Facelist/Large Facelist operations
    IMAGE_BASE_URL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-sample-data-files/master/Face/images/'
    # Used in the Person Group Operations and Delete Person Group examples.
    # You can call list_person_groups to print a list of preexisting PersonGroups.
    # SOURCE_PERSON_GROUP_ID should be all lowercase and alphanumeric. For example, 'mygroupname' (dashes are OK).
    PERSON_GROUP_ID = str(uuid.uuid4()) # assign a random ID (or name it anything)
    # Used for the Delete Person Group example.
    TARGET_PERSON_GROUP_ID = str(uuid.uuid4()) # assign a random ID (or name it anything)
    # Create an authenticated FaceClient.
    face_client = FaceClient(ENDPOINT, CognitiveServicesCredentials(KEY))
    Create the PersonGroup
    # Create empty Person Group. Person Group ID must be lower case, alphanumeric, and/or with '-', '_'.
    print('Person group:', PERSON_GROUP_ID)
    face_client.person_group.create(person_group_id=PERSON_GROUP_ID, name=PERSON_GROUP_ID, recognition_model='recognition_04')
    # Define woman friend
    woman = face_client.person_group_person.create(PERSON_GROUP_ID, name="Woman")
    # Define man friend
    man = face_client.person_group_person.create(PERSON_GROUP_ID, name="Man")
    # Define child friend
    child = face_client.person_group_person.create(PERSON_GROUP_ID, name="Child")
    Detect faces and register them to each person
    # Find all jpeg images of friends in working directory (TBD pull from web instead)
    woman_images = ["https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-sample-data-files/master/Face/images/Family1-Mom1.jpg", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-sample-data-files/master/Face/images/Family1-Mom2.jpg"]
    man_images = ["https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-sample-data-files/master/Face/images/Family1-Dad1.jpg", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-sample-data-files/master/Face/images/Family1-Dad2.jpg"]
    child_images = ["https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-sample-data-files/master/Face/images/Family1-Son1.jpg", "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-sample-data-files/master/Face/images/Family1-Son2.jpg"]
    # Add to woman person
    for image in woman_images:
        # Check if the image is of sufficent quality for recognition.
        sufficientQuality = True
        detected_faces = face_client.face.detect_with_url(url=image, detection_model='detection_03', recognition_model='recognition_04', return_face_attributes=['qualityForRecognition'])
        for face in detected_faces:
            if face.face_attributes.quality_for_recognition != QualityForRecognition.high:
                sufficientQuality = False
            face_client.person_group_person.add_face_from_url(PERSON_GROUP_ID, woman.person_id, image)
            print("face {} added to person {}".format(face.face_id, woman.person_id))
        if not sufficientQuality: continue
    # Add to man person
    for image in man_images:
        # Check if the image is of sufficent quality for recognition.
        sufficientQuality = True
        detected_faces = face_client.face.detect_with_url(url=image, detection_model='detection_03', recognition_model='recognition_04', return_face_attributes=['qualityForRecognition'])
        for face in detected_faces:
            if face.face_attributes.quality_for_recognition != QualityForRecognition.high:
                sufficientQuality = False
            face_client.person_group_person.add_face_from_url(PERSON_GROUP_ID, man.person_id, image)
            print("face {} added to person {}".format(face.face_id, man.person_id))
        if not sufficientQuality: continue
    # Add to child person
    for image in child_images:
        # Check if the image is of sufficent quality for recognition.
        sufficientQuality = True
        detected_faces = face_client.face.detect_with_url(url=image, detection_model='detection_03', recognition_model='recognition_04', return_face_attributes=['qualityForRecognition'])
        for face in detected_faces:
            if face.face_attributes.quality_for_recognition != QualityForRecognition.high:
                sufficientQuality = False
                print("{} has insufficient quality".format(face))
            face_client.person_group_person.add_face_from_url(PERSON_GROUP_ID, child.person_id, image)
            print("face {} added to person {}".format(face.face_id, child.person_id))
        if not sufficientQuality: continue
    Train PersonGroup
    # Train the person group
    print("pg resource is {}".format(PERSON_GROUP_ID))
    rawresponse = face_client.person_group.train(PERSON_GROUP_ID, raw= True)
    while (True):
        training_status = face_client.person_group.get_training_status(PERSON_GROUP_ID)
        print("Training status: {}.".format(training_status.status))
        if (training_status.status is TrainingStatusType.succeeded):
        elif (training_status.status is TrainingStatusType.failed):
            sys.exit('Training the person group has failed.')
    Identify a face against a defined PersonGroup
    # Group image for testing against
    test_image = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-sample-data-files/master/Face/images/identification1.jpg"
    print('Pausing for 10 seconds to avoid triggering rate limit on free account...')
    time.sleep (10)
    # Detect faces
    face_ids = []
    # We use detection model 3 to get better performance, recognition model 4 to support quality for recognition attribute.
    faces = face_client.face.detect_with_url(test_image, detection_model='detection_03', recognition_model='recognition_04', return_face_attributes=['qualityForRecognition'])
    for face in faces:
        # Only take the face if it is of sufficient quality.
        if face.face_attributes.quality_for_recognition == QualityForRecognition.high or face.face_attributes.quality_for_recognition == QualityForRecognition.medium:
    # Identify faces
    results = face_client.face.identify(face_ids, PERSON_GROUP_ID)
    print('Identifying faces in image')
    if not results:
        print('No person identified in the person group')
    for identifiedFace in results:
        if len(identifiedFace.candidates) > 0:
            print('Person is identified for face ID {} in image, with a confidence of {}.'.format(identifiedFace.face_id, identifiedFace.candidates[0].confidence)) # Get topmost confidence score
            # Verify faces
            verify_result = face_client.face.verify_face_to_person(identifiedFace.face_id, identifiedFace.candidates[0].person_id, PERSON_GROUP_ID)
            print('verification result: {}. confidence: {}'.format(verify_result.is_identical, verify_result.confidence))
            print('No person identified for face ID {} in image.'.format(identifiedFace.face_id))
    print('End of quickstart.')
  3. 使用 python 命令从应用程序目录运行人脸识别应用。

    python quickstart-file.py


    人脸 API 在一组预构建的模型呢上运行,这些模型在本质上是静态的(模型的性能不会因为运行服务而提高或降低)。 如果 Microsoft 更新模型的后端,但不迁移整个新模型版本,那么模型生成的结果可能会变化。 若要使用更新的模型版本,可重新训练 PersonGroup,将更新的模型指定为具有相同注册映像的参数。


Person group: c8e679eb-0b71-43b4-aa91-ab8200cae7df
face 861d769b-d014-40e8-8b4a-7fd3bc9b425b added to person f80c1cfa-b8cb-46f8-9f7f-e72fbe402bc3
face e3c356a4-1ac3-4c97-9219-14648997f195 added to person f80c1cfa-b8cb-46f8-9f7f-e72fbe402bc3
face f9119820-c374-4c4d-b795-96ae2fec5069 added to person be4084a7-0c7b-4cf9-9463-3756d2e28e17
face 67d626df-3f75-4801-9364-601b63c8296a added to person be4084a7-0c7b-4cf9-9463-3756d2e28e17
face 19e2e8cc-5029-4087-bca0-9f94588fb850 added to person 3ff07c65-6193-4d3e-bf18-d7c106393cd5
face dcc61e80-16b1-4241-ae3f-9721597bae4c added to person 3ff07c65-6193-4d3e-bf18-d7c106393cd5
pg resource is c8e679eb-0b71-43b4-aa91-ab8200cae7df
<msrest.pipeline.ClientRawResponse object at 0x00000240DAD47310>
Training status: running.

Training status: succeeded.

Pausing for 10 seconds to avoid triggering rate limit on free account...
Identifying faces in image
Person for face ID 40582995-d3a8-41c4-a9d1-d17ae6b46c5c is identified in image, with a confidence of 0.96725.
Person for face ID 7a0368a2-332c-4e7a-81c4-2db3d74c78c5 is identified in image, with a confidence of 0.96921.
No person identified for face ID c4a3dd28-ef2d-457e-81d1-a447344242c4 in image.
Person for face ID 360edf1a-1e8f-402d-aa96-1734d0c21c1c is identified in image, with a confidence of 0.92886.


如果想要清理并移除 Azure AI 服务订阅,可以删除资源或资源组。 删除资源组同时也会删除与之相关联的任何其他资源。

若要删除在本快速入门中创建的 PersonGroup,请在脚本中运行以下代码:

# Delete the main person group.
print("Deleted the person group {} from the source location.".format(PERSON_GROUP_ID))


在本快速入门中,你已了解如何使用适用于 Python 的人脸客户端库来执行基本人脸识别。 接下来,了解不同的人脸检测模型,学习如何为你的用例指定适当的模型。

开始使用适用于 JavaScript 的人脸客户端库进行人脸识别。 请按照以下步骤安装程序包并试用基本任务的示例代码。 通过人脸服务,可以访问用于检测和识别图像中的人脸的高级算法。 按照以下步骤安装包,并尝试使用远程图像进行基本面部识别的示例代码。

参考文档 | 库源代码 | 包 (npm) | 示例


  • Azure 订阅 - 免费创建订阅
  • 最新版本的 Node.js
  • 你的 Azure 帐户必须分配有 Cognitive Services Contributor 角色,这样你才能同意负责任 AI 条款并创建资源。 若要将此角色分配给你的帐户,请按照分配角色文档中的步骤进行操作,或与管理员联系。
  • 拥有 Azure 订阅后,请在 Azure 门户中创建人脸资源,以获取密钥和终结点。 部署后,选择”转到资源”。
    • 需要从创建的资源获取密钥和终结点,以便将应用程序连接到人脸 API。
    • 可以使用免费定价层 (F0) 试用该服务,然后再升级到付费层进行生产。



转到 Azure 门户。 如果在“先决条件”部分创建的资源部署成功,请选择“后续步骤”下的“转到资源”。 在“密钥和终结点”页的“资源管理”下,可以找到密钥和终结点。 你的资源密钥与你的 Azure 订阅 ID 不同。


请不要直接在代码中包含密钥,并且绝不公开发布密钥。 有关 Azure Key Vault 等更多身份验证选项,请参阅 Azure AI 服务安全性一文。


  1. 若要设置 VISION_KEY 环境变量,请将 your-key 替换为资源的其中一个密钥。
  2. 若要设置 VISION_ENDPOINT 环境变量,请将 your-endpoint 替换为资源的终结点。
setx VISION_KEY your-key
setx VISION_ENDPOINT your-endpoint



  1. 创建新的 Node.js 应用程序

    在控制台窗口(例如 cmd、PowerShell 或 Bash)中,为应用创建一个新目录并导航到该目录。

    mkdir myapp && cd myapp

    运行 npm init 命令以使用 package.json 文件创建一个 node 应用程序。

    npm init
  2. 安装 @azure-rest/ai-vision-face npm 包:

    npm install @azure-rest/ai-vision-face

    应用的 package.json 文件将使用依赖项进行更新。

  3. 创建名为 index.js 的文件,在文本编辑器中打开该文件,并粘贴以下代码:



    const { randomUUID } = require("crypto");
    const { AzureKeyCredential } = require("@azure/core-auth");
    const createFaceClient = require("@azure-rest/ai-vision-face").default,
      { FaceAttributeTypeRecognition04, getLongRunningPoller } = require("@azure-rest/ai-vision-face");
     * NOTE This sample might not work with the free tier of the Face service because it might exceed the rate limits.
     * If that happens, try inserting calls to sleep() between calls to the Face service.
    const sleep = (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
    const main = async () => {
      const endpoint = process.env["FACE_ENDPOINT"] ?? "<endpoint>";
      const apikey = process.env["FACE_APIKEY"] ?? "<apikey>";
      const credential = new AzureKeyCredential(apikey);
      const client = createFaceClient(endpoint, credential);
      const imageBaseUrl =
      const personGroupId = randomUUID();
      console.log("========IDENTIFY FACES========");
      // Create a dictionary for all your images, grouping similar ones under the same key.
      const personDictionary = {
        "Family1-Dad": ["Family1-Dad1.jpg", "Family1-Dad2.jpg"],
        "Family1-Mom": ["Family1-Mom1.jpg", "Family1-Mom2.jpg"],
        "Family1-Son": ["Family1-Son1.jpg", "Family1-Son2.jpg"],
        "Family1-Daughter": ["Family1-Daughter1.jpg", "Family1-Daughter2.jpg"],
        "Family2-Lady": ["Family2-Lady1.jpg", "Family2-Lady2.jpg"],
        "Family2-Man": ["Family2-Man1.jpg", "Family2-Man2.jpg"],
      // A group photo that includes some of the persons you seek to identify from your dictionary.
      const sourceImageFileName = "identification1.jpg";
      // Create a person group.
      console.log(`Creating a person group with ID: ${personGroupId}`);
      await client.path("/persongroups/{personGroupId}", personGroupId).put({
        body: {
          name: personGroupId,
          recognitionModel: "recognition_04",
      // The similar faces will be grouped into a single person group person.
      console.log("Adding faces to person group...");
      await Promise.all(
        Object.keys(personDictionary).map(async (name) => {
          console.log(`Create a persongroup person: ${name}`);
          const createPersonGroupPersonResponse = await client
            .path("/persongroups/{personGroupId}/persons", personGroupId)
              body: { name },
          const { personId } = createPersonGroupPersonResponse.body;
          await Promise.all(
            personDictionary[name].map(async (similarImage) => {
              // Check if the image is of sufficent quality for recognition.
              const detectResponse = await client.path("/detect").post({
                contentType: "application/json",
                queryParameters: {
                  detectionModel: "detection_03",
                  recognitionModel: "recognition_04",
                  returnFaceId: false,
                  returnFaceAttributes: [FaceAttributeTypeRecognition04.QUALITY_FOR_RECOGNITION],
                body: { url: `${imageBaseUrl}${similarImage}` },
              const sufficientQuality = detectResponse.body.every(
                (face) => face.faceAttributes?.qualityForRecognition === "high",
              if (!sufficientQuality) {
              // Quality is sufficent, add to group.
                `Add face to the person group person: (${name}) from image: (${similarImage})`,
              await client
                  queryParameters: { detectionModel: "detection_03" },
                  body: { url: `${imageBaseUrl}${similarImage}` },
      console.log("Done adding faces to person group.");
      // Start to train the person group.
      console.log(`Training person group: ${personGroupId}`);
      const trainResponse = await client
        .path("/persongroups/{personGroupId}/train", personGroupId)
      const poller = await getLongRunningPoller(client, trainResponse);
      await poller.pollUntilDone();
      console.log(`Training status: ${poller.getOperationState().status}`);
      if (poller.getOperationState().status !== "succeeded") {
      // Detect faces from source image url and only take those with sufficient quality for recognition.
      const detectResponse = await client.path("/detect").post({
        contentType: "application/json",
        queryParameters: {
          detectionModel: "detection_03",
          recognitionModel: "recognition_04",
          returnFaceId: true,
        body: { url: `${imageBaseUrl}${sourceImageFileName}` },
      const faceIds = detectResponse.body.map((face) => face.faceId);
      // Identify the faces in a person group.
      const identifyResponse = await client.path("/identify").post({
        body: { faceIds, personGroupId },
      await Promise.all(
        identifyResponse.body.map(async (result) => {
          try {
            const getPersonGroupPersonResponse = await client
            const person = getPersonGroupPersonResponse.body;
              `Person: ${person.name} is identified for face in: ${sourceImageFileName} with ID: ${result.faceId}. Confidence: ${result.candidates[0].confidence}`,
            // Verification:
            const verifyResponse = await client.path("/verify").post({
              body: {
                faceId: result.faceId,
                personId: person.personId,
              `Verification result between face ${result.faceId} and person ${person.personId}: ${verifyResponse.body.isIdentical} with confidence: ${verifyResponse.body.confidence}`,
          } catch (error) {
            console.log(`No persons identified for face with ID ${result.faceId}`);
      // Delete person group.
      console.log(`Deleting person group: ${personGroupId}`);
      await client.path("/persongroups/{personGroupId}", personGroupId).delete();
  4. 在快速入门文件中使用 node 命令运行应用程序。

    node index.js


========IDENTIFY FACES========

Creating a person group with ID: c08484e0-044b-4610-8b7e-c957584e5d2d
Adding faces to person group...
Create a persongroup person: Family1-Dad.
Create a persongroup person: Family1-Mom.
Create a persongroup person: Family2-Lady.
Create a persongroup person: Family1-Son.
Create a persongroup person: Family1-Daughter.
Create a persongroup person: Family2-Man.
Add face to the person group person: (Family1-Son) from image: Family1-Son2.jpg.
Add face to the person group person: (Family1-Dad) from image: Family1-Dad2.jpg.
Add face to the person group person: (Family1-Mom) from image: Family1-Mom1.jpg.
Add face to the person group person: (Family2-Man) from image: Family2-Man1.jpg.
Add face to the person group person: (Family1-Son) from image: Family1-Son1.jpg.
Add face to the person group person: (Family2-Lady) from image: Family2-Lady2.jpg.
Add face to the person group person: (Family1-Mom) from image: Family1-Mom2.jpg.
Add face to the person group person: (Family1-Dad) from image: Family1-Dad1.jpg.
Add face to the person group person: (Family2-Man) from image: Family2-Man2.jpg.
Add face to the person group person: (Family2-Lady) from image: Family2-Lady1.jpg.
Done adding faces to person group.

Training person group: c08484e0-044b-4610-8b7e-c957584e5d2d.
Training status: succeeded.
No persons identified for face with ID 259dd648-be70-499c-9942-3512594e21eb
Person: Family1-Mom is identified for face in: identification1.jpg with ID: b7f7f542-c338-4a40-ad52-e61772bc6e14. Confidence: 0.96921.
Person: Family1-Son is identified for face in: identification1.jpg with ID: 600dc1b4-b2c4-4516-87de-edbbdd8d7632. Confidence: 0.92886.
Person: Family1-Dad is identified for face in: identification1.jpg with ID: e83b494f-9ad2-473f-9d86-3de79c01e345. Confidence: 0.96725.
Verification result between face bb7f7f542-c338-4a40-ad52-e61772bc6e14 and person de1d7dea-a393-4f69-9062-10cb66d4cf17: true with confidence: 0.96921
Verification result between face 600dc1b4-b2c4-4516-87de-edbbdd8d7632 and person 05fd84e4-41b0-4716-b767-4376e33fa207: true with confidence: 0.92886
Verification result between face e83b494f-9ad2-473f-9d86-3de79c01e345 and person c5124fe2-39dd-47ba-9163-1ed2998fdeb2: true with confidence: 0.96725

Deleting person group: c08484e0-044b-4610-8b7e-c957584e5d2d



如果想要清理并移除 Azure AI 服务订阅,可以删除资源或资源组。 删除资源组同时也会删除与之相关联的任何其他资源。


在本快速入门中,你已了解如何使用适用于 JavaScript 的人脸客户端库来执行基本人脸识别。 接下来,了解不同的人脸检测模型,学习如何为你的用例指定适当的模型。

开始使用人脸 REST API 进行人脸识别。 通过人脸服务,可以访问用于检测和识别图像中的人脸的高级算法。


此快速入门使用 cURL 命令来调用 REST API。 也可以使用编程语言调用 REST API。 使用语言 SDK 可以更容易实现人脸识别等复杂方案。 请参阅 GitHub 示例,查看 C#PythonJavaJavaScriptGo 的相关示例。


  • Azure 订阅 - 免费创建订阅
  • 你的 Azure 帐户必须分配有 Cognitive Services Contributor 角色,这样你才能同意负责任 AI 条款并创建资源。 若要将此角色分配给你的帐户,请按照分配角色文档中的步骤进行操作,或与管理员联系。
  • 拥有 Azure 订阅后,请在 Azure 门户中创建人脸资源,以获取密钥和终结点。 部署后,选择”转到资源”。
    • 需要从创建的资源获取密钥和终结点,以便将应用程序连接到人脸 API。 你稍后会在快速入门中将密钥和终结点粘贴到下方的代码中。
    • 可以使用免费定价层 (F0) 试用该服务,然后再升级到付费层进行生产。
  • PowerShell 6.0 及以上版本,或类似的命令行应用程序。
  • 已安装 cURL




  1. 首先,在源人脸上调用检测 API。 这是我们试图从更大的群体中识别的人脸。 将以下命令复制到文本编辑器,插入自己的密钥和终结点,然后将其复制到 shell 窗口中并运行它。

    curl.exe -v -X POST "https://{resource endpoint}/face/v1.0/detect?returnFaceId=true&returnFaceLandmarks=false&recognitionModel=recognition_04&returnRecognitionModel=false&detectionModel=detection_03&faceIdTimeToLive=86400" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: {subscription key}" --data-ascii "{""url"":""https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-sample-data-files/master/Face/images/identification1.jpg""}"

    将返回的人脸 ID 字符串保存到临时位置。 你将在最后再次使用它。

  2. 接下来需要创建一个 LargePersonGroup,并为其指定一个与正则表达式模式 ^[a-z0-9-_]+$ 匹配的任意 ID。 此对象将存储多人的聚合人脸数据。 运行以下命令,插入自己的密钥。 或者,在请求正文中更改组的名称和元数据。

    curl.exe -v -X PUT "https://{resource endpoint}/face/v1.0/largepersongroups/{largePersonGroupId}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: {subscription key}" --data-ascii "{
        ""name"": ""large-person-group-name"",
        ""userData"": ""User-provided data attached to the large person group."",
        ""recognitionModel"": ""recognition_04""

    将创建的组的指定 ID 保存到临时位置。

  3. 接下来,你将创建属于该组的人员对象。 运行以下命令,插入自己的密钥和上一步中的 LargePersonGroup 的 ID。 此命令创建名为 Family1-Dad 的人员。

    curl.exe -v -X POST "https://{resource endpoint}/face/v1.0/largepersongroups/{largePersonGroupId}/persons" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: {subscription key}" --data-ascii "{
        ""name"": ""Family1-Dad"",
        ""userData"": ""User-provided data attached to the person.""

    运行此命令后,使用不同的输入数据再次运行它,以创建更多人员对象:Family1-Mom、Family1-Son、Family1-Daughter、Family2-Lady 和 Family2-Man。

    保存创建的每个人员的 ID;务必记下哪些人名具有哪个 ID。

  4. 接下来,需要检测新人脸并将其与已有的人员对象相关联。 以下命令从图像 Family1-Dad1.jpg 检测人脸,并将其添加到对应人员。 需要将 personId 制定为创建 Family1-Dad 人员对象时返回的 ID。 图像名称对应于所创建人员的名称。 此外,请在相应的字段中输入 LargePersonGroup ID 和密钥。

    curl.exe -v -X POST "https://{resource endpoint}/face/v1.0/largepersongroups/{largePersonGroupId}/persons/{personId}/persistedfaces?detectionModel=detection_03" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: {subscription key}" --data-ascii "{""url"":""https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-sample-data-files/master/Face/images/Family1-Dad1.jpg""}"

    然后,使用不同的源图像和目标人员对象再次运行上述命令。 可用的图像包括:Family1-Dad1.jpg、Family1-Dad2.jpg、Family1-Mom1.jpg、Family1-Mom2.jpg、Family1-Son1.jpg、Family1-Son2.jpg、Family1-Daughter1.jpg、Family1-Daughter2.jpg、Family2-Lady1.jpg、Family2-Lady2.jpg、Family2-Man1.jpg 和 Family2-Man2.jpg。 请确保你在 API 调用中指定的人员 ID 与请求正文中的图像文件名称相匹配。


  5. 接下来,使用当前人脸数据训练 LargePersonGroup 。 训练操作教模型如何将面部特征(有时从多个源图像聚合而来)与每个人相关联。 在运行命令之前插入 LargePersonGroup ID 和密钥。

    curl.exe -v -X POST "https://{resource endpoint}/face/v1.0/largepersongroups/{largePersonGroupId}/train" -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: {subscription key}" --data ""
  6. 检查训练状态是否为已成功。 否则,请等待一段时间,然后再次进行查询。

    curl.exe -v "https://{resource endpoint}/face/v1.0/largepersongroups/{largePersonGroupId}/training" -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: {subscription key}"
  7. 现在,你已准备好使用第一步中的源人脸 ID 和 LargePersonGroup ID 调用识别 API。 将这些值插入请求正文中的相应字段,并插入密钥。

    curl.exe -v -X POST "https://{resource endpoint}/face/v1.0/identify" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: {subscription key}" --data-ascii "{
        ""largePersonGroupId"": ""INSERT_PERSONGROUP_ID"",
        ""faceIds"": [
        ""maxNumOfCandidatesReturned"": 1,
        ""confidenceThreshold"": 0.5

    响应返回一个人员 ID,指示该人员由源人脸识别。 它应该是对应于 Family1-Dad 人员的 ID,因为源人脸是这个人。

  8. 若要执行人脸验证,需使用上一步返回的人员 ID、LargePersonGroup ID 以及源人脸 ID。 请将这些值插入请求正文中的字段,并插入密钥。

    curl.exe -v -X POST "https://{resource endpoint}/face/v1.0/verify" `
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" `
    -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: {subscription key}" `
    --data-ascii "{
        ""faceId"": ""INSERT_SOURCE_FACE_ID"",
        ""personId"": ""INSERT_PERSON_ID"",
        ""largePersonGroupId"": ""INSERT_PERSONGROUP_ID""



若要删除在本练习中创建的 LargePersonGrou,请运行 LargePersonGroup - Delete 调用。

curl.exe -v -X DELETE "https://{resource endpoint}/face/v1.0/largepersongroups/{largePersonGroupId}" -H "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: {subscription key}"

如果想要清理并移除 Azure AI 服务订阅,可以删除资源或资源组。 删除资源组同时也会删除与之相关联的任何其他资源。


在本快速入门中,你已了解如何使用人脸 REST API 来执行基本人脸识别任务。 接下来,了解不同的人脸检测模型,学习如何为你的用例指定适当的模型。