Creating Lab Computer Objects

So I’m getting my preparation done for TechEd 2013 on the Gold Coast and needed to fill my ConfigMgr hierarchy with some dummy computer objects. My session being PowerShell for ConfigMgr 2012 SP1, of course I went straight to PowerShell to do the work for me. 

I’m not looking for anything too special; 1000 laptops, 1000 desktops and 500 servers for my demo domain

ConfigMgr can be a little picky when it comes to AD System Discovery, such as requiring a matching DNS record and a valid Operating System value. All of the options below are required otherwise you get errors in the ADSysDis.log.


Here’s my script (note: you must have the Active Directory PowerShell module installed on the local machine)


Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$LaptopCount = 1001
$DesktopCount = 1001
$ServerCount = 501
# Create Laptops
While ($Count -lt $LaptopCount)
New-ADComputer -Name "CON-LAP-$Count" -DNSHostName "CON-LAP-$" -OperatingSystem "Windows 7 Enterprise" -OperatingSystemVersion "6.1 (7600)"
Add-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName -Name "CON-LAP-$Count" -IPv4Address "" -A
$Count = $Count + 1
$Count = 1
# Create Desktops
While ($Count -lt $DesktopCount)
New-ADComputer -Name "CON-DSK-$Count" -DNSHostName "CON-DSK-$" -OperatingSystem "Windows 7 Enterprise" -OperatingSystemVersion "6.1 (7600)"
Add-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName -Name "CON-DSK-$Count" -IPv4Address "" -A
$Count = $Count + 1
$Count = 1
# Create Servers
While ($Count -lt $ServerCount)
New-ADComputer -Name "CON-SVR-$Count" -DNSHostName "CON-SVR-$" -OperatingSystem "Windows Server 2012 Enterprise" -OperatingSystemVersion "6.2 (9200)"
Add-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName -Name "CON-SVR-$Count" -IPv4Address "" -A
$Count = $Count + 1

Active Directory Computer accounts


DNS A Records


Matt Shadbolt


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003