Custom WinPE Boot Image Script

I’m on a scripting rampage at the moment writing tools for the common things I do for each customer. Here’s my latest script.

This powershell script will:

- Check for prereqs (WAIK, DISM)
- Builds the WinPE dev environment (in either x86 or x64)
- Mounts the WIM
- Prompts to install non-default WinPE packages (HTA or Script Host support, for example)
- Adds Trace32.exe to the image
- Prompts asking if you want to add any other files to the image
- Unmounts and saves the custom image ready for SCCM or MDT.

########## Created by Matt Shadbolt ##########
# Global Variables
$HTA = ''
$LEGACY = ''
$MDAC = ''
$PPPOE = ''
$CLIENT = ''
$SERVER = ''
$SETUP = ''
$WDS = ''
$WMI = ''

$LongHTA = 'HTML Application Support'
$LongLEGACY = 'The Media Setup features'
$LongMDAC = 'Microsoft Data Access Components'
$LongPPPOE = 'PPOE services'
$LongSCRIPTING = 'Windows Script Host support'
$LongCLIENT = 'the Client Setup features'
$LongSERVER = 'the Server Setup features'
$LongSETUP = 'the Setup features'
$LongWDS = 'WDS tools'
$LongWMI = 'WMI support'

$RequiredCopyCmd = Test-Path "C:Program FilesWindows AIKToolsPEToolscopype.cmd"
$RequiredWinPackages = Test-Path "C:Program FilesWindows AIKToolsPEToolsx86WinPE_FPs$HTA"
$RequiredDism = Test-Path "C:WindowsSystem32dism.exe"
$RequiredTrace32 = Test-Path "C:Program FilesConfigMgr 2007 ToolkitCCM ToolsTrace32.exe"

# Start Script
Write-Host "#########################################################" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "Welcome to my WinPE Customization Script! Enjoy your stay." -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "#########################################################" -foregroundcolor yellow

# Check requirements

If ($RequiredCopyCmd -eq $False)
Write-Host "copype.cmd could not be found. Script Exiting!" -foregroundcolor yellow
Else {}
If ($RequiredWinPackages -eq $False)
Write-Host "WinPE Packages not be found. This may not run!" -foregroundcolor yellow
Else {}
If ($RequiredDism -eq $False)
Write-Host "Dism couple not be found. Script Exiting!" -foregroundcolor yellow
Else {}
If ($RequiredTrace32 -eq $False)
Write-Host "Trace32 couple not be found. This may not run!" -foregroundcolor yellow
Else {}

Start-Sleep -s 3
Write-Host ""
$Arch = Read-Host "Would you like x86 or x64?"

If ($Arch -eq 'x64')
$PackagePath = "amd64"
$PackagePath = "x86"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "I'm just creating your WinPE dev environment (C:Winpe_$Arch)" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host ""
Start-Sleep -s 3

If ($Arch -eq "x64")
CD "C:Program FilesWindows AIKToolsPETools"
.copype.cmd amd64 C:winpe_$Arch
Write-Host "$Arch dev environment created" -foregroundcolor yellow
ElseIf ($Arch -eq "x86")
CD "C:Program FilesWindows AIKToolsPETools"
.copype.cmd x86 C:winpe_$Arch
Write-Host "$Arch dev environment created" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "$Arch does not match either x86 or x64. Please start this script again" -foregroundcolor yellow
Start-Sleep -s 3
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Just going to mount your WIM" -foregroundcolor yellow
Dism /Mount-Wim /WimFile:C:winpe_$Archwinpe.wim /index:1 /MountDir:C:winpe_$Archmount
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Mounted" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host ""
Start-Sleep -s 3
Write-Host "Now we will customize the boot image" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host ""

$HTAeqYES = Read-Host "Would you like to install $HTA which enables $LongHTA? Y/N"
$LEGACYeqYES = Read-Host "Would you like to install $LEGACY which enables $LongLEGACY? Y/N"
$MDACeqYES = Read-Host "Would you like to install $MDAC which enables $LongMDAC? Y/N"
$PPPOEeqYES = Read-Host "Would you like to install $PPPOE which enables $LongPPPOE? Y/N"
$SCRIPTINGeqYES = Read-Host "Would you like to install $SCRIPTING which enables $LongSCRIPTING? Y/N"
$CLIENTeqYES = Read-Host "Would you like to install $CLIENT which enables $LongCLIENT? Y/N"
$SERVEReqYES = Read-Host "Would you like to install $SERVER which enables $LongSERVER? Y/N"
$SETUPeqYES = Read-Host "Would you like to install $SETUP which enables $LongSETUP? Y/N"
$WDSeqYES = Read-Host "Would you like to install $WDS which enables $LongWDS? Y/N"
$WMIeqYES = Read-Host "Would you like to install $WMI which enables $LongWMI? Y/N"

If ($HTAeqYES -eq 'Y')
dism /image:C:winpe_$Archmount /Add-Package:"C:Program FilesWindows AIKToolsPETools$PackagePathWinPE_FPs$HTA"
Else {}
If ($LEGACYeqYES -eq 'Y')
dism /image:C:winpe_$Archmount /Add-Package:"C:Program FilesWindows AIKToolsPETools$PackagePathWinPE_FPs$LEGACY"
Else {}
If ($MDACeqYES -eq 'Y')
dism /image:C:winpe_$Archmount /Add-Package:"C:Program FilesWindows AIKToolsPETools$PackagePathWinPE_FPs$MDAC"
Else {}
If ($PPPOEeqYES -eq 'Y')
dism /image:C:winpe_$Archmount /Add-Package:"C:Program FilesWindows AIKToolsPETools$PackagePathWinPE_FPs$PPPOE"
Else {}
If ($SCRIPTINGeqYES -eq 'Y')
dism /image:C:winpe_$Archmount /Add-Package:"C:Program FilesWindows AIKToolsPETools$PackagePathWinPE_FPs$SCRIPTING"
Else {}
If ($CLIENTeqYES -eq 'Y')
dism /image:C:winpe_$Archmount /Add-Package:"C:Program FilesWindows AIKToolsPETools$PackagePathWinPE_FPs$CLIENT"
Else {}
If ($SERVEReqYES -eq 'Y')
dism /image:C:winpe_$Archmount /Add-Package:"C:Program FilesWindows AIKToolsPETools$PackagePathWinPE_FPs$SERVER"
Else {}
If ($SETUPeqYES -eq 'Y')
dism /image:C:winpe_$Archmount /Add-Package:"C:Program FilesWindows AIKToolsPETools$PackagePathWinPE_FPs$SETUP"
Else {}
If ($WDSeqYES -eq 'Y')
dism /image:C:winpe_$Archmount /Add-Package:"C:Program FilesWindows AIKToolsPETools$PackagePathWinPE_FPs$WDS"
Else {}
If ($WMIeqYES -eq 'Y')
dism /image:C:winpe_$Archmount /Add-Package:"C:Program FilesWindows AIKToolsPETools$PackagePathWinPE_FPs$WMI"
Else {}

Start-Sleep -s 3

Write-Host "Windows Package installation complete" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host ""
Start-Sleep -s 3

$Trace32eqYES = Read-Host "Would you like to also add Trace32 to the boot image? Y/N"

If ($Trace32eqYES -eq 'Y')
copy "C:Program FilesConfigMgr 2007 ToolkitCCM ToolsTrace32.exe" C:winpe_$Archmount
Else {}

MKDIR C:winpe_$ArchmountCustomFiles
$MorePackage = Read-Host "Are there any other files you want to install? Y/N"

While ($MorePackage -eq 'Y')
$FilePath = Read-Host "Please enter source file path (no quotation marks please)"
Write-Host ""
copy $FilePath C:winpe_$ArchmountCustomFiles
$MorePackage = Read-Host "Are there any other files you want to install? Y/N"

Start-Sleep -s 3

Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Custom Package installation complete" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Now we'll clean up and save your custom WIM" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host ""

dism /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:C:winpe_$Archmount /Commit
copy c:winpe_$Archwinpe.wim c:winpe_$ArchISOsourcesCustomWIM_Arch.wim
dism /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:C:winpe_$Archmount /Discard
dism /Cleanup-Wim

Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Complete!" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Your custom WinPE WIM can be found c:winpe_$ArchISOsourcesCustomWIM_Arch.wim" -foregroundcolor Red -backgroundcolor yellow


Matt Shadbolt


  • Anonymous
    December 10, 2015
    The comment has been removed