Fear of Pink

I fear pink.

I didn't realize I fear pink until this morning. As I was stepping into
the shower, I noticed I had a pink towel set aside for myself, and I shuddered.

I'm a pinkophobe. I had no idea.

I saw my male neighbor, wearing a pink shirt, out in his yard a couple
weeks ago. I noted, to myself, just how *wrong* that was. I didn't
say anything to anyone though. I knew my wife would regard such comments with

Now, I'm admitting my fear. I not only don't like pink, I fear
it. I'm afraid to wear pink. I'm afraid to use pink.

Don't get me wrong, I toweled off with my pink towel. I'm not that far
gone, yet. I wouldn't, by choice, select pink for just about anything, though
-- clothing, paint, decorations, etc.

I'll buy my daughters pink items and gladly allow them to wear pink.
I'll not comment on my wife's use of pink. Maybe I'm not a true, blue,
pinkophobe. Is there a word for a half-phobe? A semi-phobe?

I don't run in fear from pink, and I don't cower away from pink.
I suppose I'm a pinkosemiphobe then.

I will use a pink highlighter. I just noticed I have on in my large
coffee cup on my desk. On second thought, I think I'll go trade it in for a
blue or yellow highlighter.

