David Hardy's MSDN contribution

using the internet to remember stuff i care about, rather than my flawed internal memory


a page for attachments

Date: 05/12/2010

repost: MVVM, providing the Association of View to ViewModel

Jason Rainwater posted a nice summary of the ways in which you can hook up the View and the...

Date: 05/10/2010

me: the unintended use-case for Accessibility

For me, the keyboard is paramount and the mouse should only used as a last resort. It is in direct...

Date: 05/04/2010

Platform Invoke

Punch line: PInvoke should be used sparingly; there should be a managed API for almost everything...

Date: 04/28/2010

MVVM criticism

Most literature i've been reading raves about MVVM, but in the spirit of a critical pedagogy, it's...

Date: 04/26/2010

"MVVM - It's Not Kool-Aid" by Jesse Liberty

Jesse Liberty's blog post titled "MVVM - It's Not Kool-Aid" illustrates succinctly a key refrain in...

Date: 04/21/2010

"Advanced MVVM" by Josh Smith

davihard's "Cliffs Notes" of "Advanced MVVM" WPF Review/MVVM Intro XAML based layout flow and user...

Date: 04/20/2010

FlowDirection in WPF/Silverlight

A colleague of mine illustrated how easy a majority of our work would be in switching our...

Date: 04/14/2010

bidirectional text support for text element truncation in HTML

my investigation of bidirectional text was largely Silverlight based. i was removed, but cognoscente...

Date: 04/14/2010

Nikhil Kothari at MIX'10 on MVVM/RIA/MEF

A couple of my colleagues, Erich and Nathan, have been trying to impress upon me the magnitude of...

Date: 04/14/2010

MVVM deep dive

For the next few weeks i'll be doing a "deep dive" into MVVM. Below is an excerpt from a deep dive...

Date: 04/13/2010

Windows Forms new accessibility feature

Windows Forms, (specifically check boxes in this blog post), now detect that a screen reader is...

Date: 04/12/2010

before and after layout flow

A recurring concept in the i18n community is the layout flow of all visual widgets. For example, a...

Date: 04/09/2010

translations in Analysis Services cubes

Technorati Tags: internationalization,i18n,globalization,g11n,localization,L10n I had a very...

Date: 04/09/2010

Arabic? English? Both? Neither?

i'm the david of which Michael Kaplan speaks in "Arabic? English? Both? Neither?" The conversation...

Date: 04/09/2010

i vs. I

i just started this blog and my wife replies to me: you are always so gramatically correct and you...

Date: 04/09/2010