與 IIS 7.0 相關的一些技術文章

Vista 都已 1 歲且 Windows Server 2008 在四月份也正式上市了,它們都是內建 IIS 7.0,以下為一些相關的文章,供參考:

The Managed Pipeline Mode setting is not available after you configure an application pool to use the .NET Framework 1.1 in IIS 7.0

You may receive an error message when you use an ASP.NET feature configuration page in IIS 7.0

You receive an HTTP 500 error message or a blank page appears when you request an ASP.NET resource or WCF resource that is hosted on a server that is running IIS 7.0

Error message when you use Server Manager in IIS 7.0 to open a feature configuration page: "Cannot add duplicate collection entry"

How to specify a custom location for the isolated configuration file in Internet Information Services 7.0

You cannot resolve the built-in IIS accounts after you set a Windows Server 2008-based server that is running IIS 7.0 as a domain controller

ISAPI extensions that send long responses to the client may not transmit any output in Internet Information Services 7.0 until the session is closed

Information about the configuration of cluster resources in Internet Information Services 7.0

Information about the UrlScan 2.5 features that are included in IIS 7.0

The HTTP status codes in IIS 7.0

Host header names that contain an underscore character are not supported in IIS 7.0

How to create a log file that can help troubleshoot IIS Admin Base Objects (ABO) Mapper errors in Microsoft Internet Information Services 7.0

How the Internet Server API filter notification process has changed in Internet Information Services 7.0

Internet Server API authentication filters that were created for earlier versions of Internet Information Services do not work correctly in Internet Information Services 7.0

The requirements for using the ODBC logging feature in Internet Information Services

The Windows Process Activation Service feature is not turned off when you turn off the IIS 7.0 feature

How to use the Appcmd.exe command-line tool to enable and configure HTTP logging and other features in Internet Information Services 7.0

