Creating Tables

A coworker of mine, Steve Marx, recently posted about creating tables only once due to the performance hit you take when you go to create tables that already exist.

This is a good thing to know and I decided to update my Simple Table Storage sample to follow the pattern that our Personal Web SIte SDK sample uses where on the first request, I create the tables. (same solution as Steve described).

I actually went back and forth a bit because the goal of the Simple Table Storage sample is to introduce folks to using the Windows Azure Table Storage service and thus I wanted to keep it as simple as possible. 

I found that the changes are really minor and since even simple sample code has a way of making itself into production, I went ahead and updated the original post and sample code attached to that post.


  • Anonymous
    January 23, 2009 Tags: Windows Azure , Table 本系列文章 是一个有关Azure Services开发基础性的学习记录,由于时间有限,所以希望自己讨论和探索的过程是从零开始,到能够进行Azure