Team Foundation Server Admin Project

A lot of the problems I come across, and this wont be a surprise to anyone who has had to do it, are installation problems.  As such when I was recently approached to host a TFS instance for an internal project I litteraly agreed to do it.  I was going to say jumped at the chance though it wasn't like I was invited to the Oscar's, but I digress...

One area in which I am lacking experience is with day to day administrative tasks relating to TFS, information my customers take for granted I simply have not had to use.  To that end I think this will be a worthwhile experience and so that I don't forget said experiences prepare to be amazed and bedazzled with the upcoming series of posts relating to the subject.  Enthralling, I know. ;)

All joking aside, after setting up the new team project (Agile) on my TFS instance and taking time to read through the 15 work items created automatically I was impressed by the level of detail in each.  For those who haven't performed this task they list such humdrum, yet important, tasks such as setting up permissions for users, adding check-in policies and even creating a mission statement for the project is quite impressive.  As someone who hasn't been involved in a develoment project since University it is nice to see how it can be done properly, though time will tell.

More, after the break.
