Windows SDK Team Releases First Part of the "Vista Developer Story"

Looking to learn about developing applications for Windows Vista? My team has posted the first part of the "Windows Vista Developer Story" to the MSDN Windows Vista Developer Center. This first set of content, "Top Ten Development Opportunities in Windows Vista", is just the first of thirteen different sets of content that we are planning on delivering biweekly in downloadable Help file (.chm) form. Among the future topics to be covered are:

  • Commuication and Windows Commmunication Foundation
  • Mobility, Tablet and other devices
  • Presentation with Aero and Windows Presentation Foundation
  • Secure Applications
  • Install, Update and Shell
  • Interoperability and Migration
  • and many more

The next topic, Search and Organize, will be posted next week. Please let us know what you think of the content.