Using SPUserUtil to update accounts when the NT Login Name changes

Using SPUserUtil to update accounts when the NT Login Name changes

SPUserUtil will mean either WSSUserUtil or SPSUserUtil respectively (WSSUserUtil is used to administer Windows SharePoint Sites on a standalone WSS Farm/Virtual server OR Windows SharePoint sites in the same virtual server of a SharePoint Portal Server 2003 site.) SPSUserUtil is a superset of WSSUserUtil, designed for working on SharePoint Portal Server Areas.

Consider the following:

  • We have an account named MYDOMAIN\margie.murphy.

  • This account has permissions on various SharePoint sites.

  • This accounts NT Login Name changes to MYDOMAIN\margie.richie for one of many different reasons (In our scenario, Margie married a really cool guy with the last name of Richie :))

The problem with this, is that the tp_Login column in the UserInfo table for every site collection in which Margie has permissions, is cached with her previous NT Login Name. There is also no way to update this information with a SPUser object from the SharePoint object model, and SharePoint does not synchronize this from Active Directory once the users is added to a web in the Site Collection. 

The only time that SharePoint will automatically update the tp_Login column, is if the users is completely removed from the site collection. The tp_Deleted column is then set for the user in that site collection. On the next occurrence of the user being added to a web, we gather the current information from the domain. You can however, re-sync SharePoint with the current information without removing them completely from the site collection by using SPUserUtil

To perform this action, following these steps:

  1. Prepare a SPUserUtil usermap file with a user element which has the loginname= and newloginname= attributes set accordingly.
    loginname= should be the old NT Login Name as reflected in sharepoint. newloginname= should be the new user NT Login Name.
    I actually recommend running a analyze of the site to get a complete list of all users. You can then use this file as a template.

    For example:

    WSSUserUtil –o analyze –url https://server/sites/site -usermap users.xml –asu

    Note: The –asu switch means Give me All Site Users associated on the site collection, regardless if they have any direct ACE entries on any webs.

    This will produce a listing of all users and generate the file users.xml. An additional file, users-webs.xml, will be generated that contains the web hierarchies and the location of user permissions on each web.

    Here is an example of the output (Of course, your results will be different :)).

    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>

    <!DOCTYPE SPUserUtilUserMapFile>

    <!--This file represents the user information generated and used by SPUserUtil-->


      <user loginname="MYDOMAIN\margie.murphy" newloginname=""

            displayname="Margie Murphy" email=""

            sid="S-1-5-21-5555555555-555555555-5555555555-1111" />

      <user loginname="MYDOMAIN\Administrator" newloginname=""

            displayname="" email=""

            sid="S-1-5-21-4444444444-555555555-5555555555-500" />

      <user loginname="MYPORTALSVR\administrator" newloginname=""

            displayname="MYPORTALSVR\administrator" email=""

            sid="S-1-5-21-3333333333-555555555-5555555555-500" />


    Here is a version prepared to work on the user account in question.

    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>

    <!DOCTYPE SPUserUtilUserMapFile>

    <!--This file represents the user information generated and used by SPUserUtil-->


      <user loginname="MYDOMAIN\margie.murphy" newloginname="MYDOMAIN\margie.richie" />



  2. With this file prepared, we can utilize the -o migrate operation of SPUserUtil to update the users NT Login Name.

    Note: You are not truly migrating the user, but the MigrateUserAccount() functionality provided in Windows SharePoint Services SP2 and in the Post SP1 hotfix has a great side effect of being able to use it for NT Login Name updates. The LoginName field in the object model and in the SharePoint administration pages, is readonly. Using the MigrateUserAccount() api is the only supported way to update it.

    When running the -o migrate operation using WSSUserUtil, it will read in and process all the user elements found in the xml file.

    Note: You also have to specify the –ignoresidhistory option, otherwise the Migrate functionality will attempt to look at the target accounts SIDHistory attribute for the “source” accounts SID. This is a safety check when doing “Actual” user migrations. Since this is not a true User Migration, you'll want to specify -ignoresidhistory so this check is not performed.

    For Example:

    WSSUserUtil –o migrate –url https://myportalsvr/sites/site -usermap users.xml –ignoresidhistory

    The users NT Login Name is now updated.

Using STSADM to update accounts when the NT Login Name changes

You can also perform this same process for a SINGLE user at a time using STSADM. For SharePoint Portal Server 2003 sites, you will have to use SPSUserUtil or your own custom code, as Portal does not provide an executable to perform this feature. The Post SP1 hotfix nor the SharePoint Portal Server 2003 SP2 provide an executable to provide this functionality.

For Example:

STSADM –o migrateuser –oldlogin MYDOMAIN\margie.murphy –newlogin MYDOMAIN\margie.richie –ignoresidhistory

Now that you have the NT Login Name changed, you might want to consider updating the Display Name and Email addresses for the user in case they have changed. For this, see my follow up posting here:

If you need to do a batch of users, I personally think WSSUserUtil and SPSUserUtil is the way to go.

Hope this helps!!!

Keith Richie

For more information in regards to the Schema of the Various SharePoint Tables, see te Databases section in the SharePoint Products and Technologies SDK at:


SPUserUtil is contained in the The SharePoint Utility Suite at:


For More information on the Windows SharePoint Services MigrateUserAccount() API:


For More information on the SharePoint Portal Server MigrateAccount() API:


For more information on Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Portal Server 2003:


  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2006
    Using SPUserUtil to synchronize SharePoint user Display Names and Email addresses with the information...

  • Anonymous
    February 18, 2006

    I don't know what the heck is up with the blog service here, but I can't for the life of me, get...

  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2006
    The following is not entirely correct...
    "There is also no way to update this information with a SPUser object from the SharePoint object model"

    You can re-add the user to the site if their Login Name has changed without deleting the user from the Site Collecdtion Cache. If the SID is the same it will overwrite the Login Name

    SPUserInfo[] newSPUser = new SPUserInfo[1];
    newSPUser[0].LoginName = ADuserID;

  • Anonymous
    February 21, 2006
    That's a SPUserInfo object, and not a SPUser Object.

    The SPUserInfo structure defines information about a user who is not currently registered in the content database

    Thus, you cannot "Update" a current user using that :)

    If you tried to update a SPUser objects LoginName field, you'll understand what I'm getting at.

    My statement is "There is also no way to update this information with a SPUser object..." is entirely correct :)
    Are you saying that the SPUserInfo object has a side effect in that it allows you to update a user that already exists without the tp_Delete column being set?
    If you do find a better way of doing it, please let us know :)

    - Keith

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    March 23, 2006
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    March 25, 2006

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    May 16, 2006

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    August 04, 2006
    SharePoint Account Management using SPUserUtil - Part 5 - Handling NT Login Name ChangesOriginally Posted...

  • Anonymous
    December 11, 2006
    Une question m'a été posé récemment concernant la problématique du changement de nom d'un Groupe dans

  • Anonymous
    December 12, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    July 09, 2008
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  • Anonymous
    November 12, 2008
    SharePoint :: SPUserUtil, for NT login name changes