My first 'MZ' email!

Just moments ago, I got my first email from Mark Zbikowski. What an honor! (OK, so it was just a request to pass something along to some folks at my previous company.) Nonetheless, it was a small thrill to see the name in my inbox.

If you don't know who Mark is, try opening up any DOS, OS/2 or Windows executable in a hex editor and look at the first two bytes. Or check this link out.


  • Anonymous
    August 19, 2004
    On that famous picture 'Microsoft 1978' with Gates & Allen in the front row, which one is he, and does he still look anything like that?
  • Anonymous
    August 19, 2004
    If it's the one I'm thinking of, Mark Z. isn't in that picture. However I did meet one of the other guys (Marc McDonald?) when I interviewed at Asymetrix many moons ago.
  • Anonymous
    August 21, 2004
    Wow! Hehe, quite an honor I guess. I learnt about him when I was learning about the PE format.