MCS UK Solution Development Team

The blog of the UK Solutions Development Team of Microsoft Consulting Services.

Debugging the .NET framework source code

I am sure lots of us have been in the situation where, after hours of poring through compiled source...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 09/09/2010

U-Prove and why U should care

Privacy and minimal disclosure of information are important aspects of any identity verification...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 09/02/2010

Introduction to Feature Builder (part 1)

Over the course of a project (or several projects) it is common for teams to establish certain...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 09/01/2010

DesignData MVVM support in Blend, VS2010 and WPF/Silverlight

When developing a solution using WPF or Silverlight, there are normally designers working in Blend...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 08/27/2010

Microsoft Consulting Services are Recruiting

Are you looking for your next career move? Do you want to work with customers and delivery partners...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 08/27/2010

Eye On Earth update

So, we’ve just released an update to Eye On Earth that adds in Birdseye support, the new style Bing...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 07/20/2010

Windows Phone ApplicationBarIconButton not displaying icons

So you’ve added an ApplicationBarIconButton to your Windows Phone 7 Silverlight page and you can’t...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 07/14/2010

Building and deploying an Outlook 2010 Add-in (part 1 of 2)

So, you’ve cracked open your shiny new Visual Studio 2010, and you would like to build and...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 07/12/2010

Windows Identity Foundation 101’s : WS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile (part 1 of 2)

Background It is becoming more commonplace for the means of authenticating a user to be externalized...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 07/07/2010

Interrole Communication Example in Windows Azure

There are many scenarios where you will need to do interrole communication when creating a solution...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 06/29/2010

Dev and Test, Better Together

Kevin D’Souza and Duncan Millard from Microsoft MCS will be speaking at the BCS event “'Testing Then...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 06/28/2010

Common Problems Collecting Azure Diagnostics

Windows Azure Diagnostics enables you to collect diagnostic data from a service running in Windows...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 06/25/2010

Security Best Practices in Azure

Recently the Azure and security community published the “Security Best Practices for Developing...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 06/21/2010

CodePlex Community Projects

Listed below are the community projects that are currently being undertaken by the Solution...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 06/18/2010

Adventures in TSQL: Using CTEs when performing DELETE operations

In most applications these days there will always be some form of backend database. So hopefully...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 06/03/2010

SQL Azure Date and Time Functions derived from the Operating System

Transact-SQL includes a number of date and time functions that have values are derived from the...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 05/26/2010

Deploying a .NET 4 MVC 2 Application to Windows Server 2003 Using WiX 3.5

Warning: WiX 3.5 is still under development, so you may encounter things that do not work with your...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 05/26/2010

System.Reflection.AmbiguousMatchException : Why extending Silverlight through sub-classing might result in this error.

Earlier this week we spotted we had a problem with a Silverlight application that has been live for...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 05/11/2010

How does Azure identify a faulty role instance?

The Azure platform in the form of the Fabric Controller (FC) provides monitoring for a health of a...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 05/10/2010

Silverlight Arc Control in 5 Easy Steps

Whilst working on a proof of concept, we came up with an idea for an interesting menu that would...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 05/07/2010

Crash course on the TFS Integration Platform

If you are somehow involved with TFS and ALM, I bet you have heard about TFS Integration Platform...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 05/05/2010

Using Reflection and Attributes for better Tracing and Logging data rendering

In most projects there is always a requirement for tracing and/or writing debugging information...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 05/04/2010

Managed Extensibility Framework Overview

This blog post is going to explain what MEF is, the benefits of using MEF and then a walk through on...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 04/28/2010

Performance characteristics of the Silverlight DataGrid

Overview This article will discuss the performance characteristics of the Silverlight DataGrid both...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 04/13/2010

Creating a new Microsoft Word document from a template using OpenXml

When working with Microsoft Word automation there is often the requirement to create documents from...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 04/09/2010

Sending an Email from within Microsoft Word – with the Word document attached

Recently whilst working on a project I had the requirement to send an email from within Word,...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 04/09/2010

BizTalk SSO stops working after installing Visual Studio 2010

After installing Visual Studio 2010 on my Windows Server 2008 R2 box with BizTalk Server 2009 I got...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 04/09/2010

Dynamically Changing the Display Language in Silverlight

On a recent Silverlight project we had a requirement to be able to dynamically change the language...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 04/08/2010

The Extreme Retrospective

Most agile methodologies have some way of analysing past behaviour, recording it for future...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 04/01/2010

Keep your Eye On Earth

Last November saw the release to web of the project I led for the 8 months previous. Eye On Earth is...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 04/01/2010

XML Namespaces and Prefixes

This entry may be useful to people confused by BizTalk's inclination to insert "ns0" into XML...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 03/31/2010

Ruby on Rails on Windows Azure with SQL Azure

I was recently talking to a customer about the possibility of moving a web site from Linux to...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 02/26/2010

Running Memcached in Windows Azure

Memcached is a distributed cache used to help speeding up large scale web applications by taking...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 02/04/2010

Dynamic XML Reader with C# and .Net 4.0

Along with the new features of .Net 4.0 (including the long awaited Tuple classes, BigInteger, extra...

Author: MCS UK Solution Development Date: 02/04/2010
