The Suitcase that Brings Digital Literacy Across Nepal

By Junu Thapa, Manager, Microsoft Innovation Center (MIC) Nepal

There is a suitcase that my team treasures dearly. It follows us from village to village in Nepal, when we travel to our digital literacy trainings. Over the last three years, it has visited dozens of rural communities, from the eastern district of Lahan to the western Dailekh District.

[caption id="attachment_13051" align="aligncenter" width="518"]Accessing the training centre at Rangkhani-Baglung meant crossing several minor rivers as there was no transportation facility. Pictured here was a man transporting a suitcase of 40 Surface tablets to the training venue Accessing the training centre at Rangkhani-Baglung meant crossing several minor rivers as there was no transportation facility. Pictured here was a man transporting a suitcase of 40 Surface tablets to the training venue[/caption]

It may seem that it only carries 40 tablets, but to us, it contains answers to dreams. Dreams of understanding what has been going on in the global community, and seeing the face of a loved one halfway across the world.

[caption id="attachment_13041" align="aligncenter" width="957"] Ms Samjhana Bhandari (centre), Senior Instructor from MIC Nepal, showing the class how to use Microsoft Office solutions on their Microsoft Surface devices[/caption]

The Microsoft Surface tablets have passed through the hands of not less than 8,000 people who, by the end of each training, would know how to use productivity tools and access the Internet for information, communication and entertainment. We met a school teacher, Ram Bahadur Thapa, who joined us simply because he was curious about computers, only to discover that Excel is a panacea for calculating students’ results easily.

It is important for us that the trainings are as much a means as they are ends in themselves. Our programming design seeks to enhance inclusivity and works toward equalising outcomes, or at least, opportunities, such as with women’s rights.

[caption id="attachment_13031" align="aligncenter" width="719"] Participants using the Internet during their e-training, to understand how they can leverage these technologies to improve their daily lives[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_13021" align="aligncenter" width="943"] Use of Surface by youth during an e-literacy training[/caption]

Confronted with numerous challenges, including poor access to rights and resources, women are among the most-excluded groups in Nepal. To encourage the participation of women in our trainings, we conduct women-only workshops where they would feel comfortable and supported in learning and speaking up.

[caption id="attachment_12991" align="aligncenter" width="733"]Female participants eagerly learning how to use technology at a Digital Literacy training session in Nepalgunj Female participants eagerly learning how to use technology at a Digital Literacy training session in Nepalgunj[/caption]

In Bhaktapur, I met Annapurna Jonchhen who, in her 60s, was the oldest participant inthe women’s workshop. She had badly wanted to learn how to make video calls with her only daughter, now in the United States. But mortified by the idea of being too slow and holding up the class, she refused to join the mixed youth classes. Then, she got wind of the workshops for mature women. I remember her smiling and saying, “Although I could not pick up everything, I did learn a lot! Now, I can turn on the computer, and use Skype to chat with my dear daughter.”

The mastery of a new skill helps women like Annapurna build their self-esteem and change their perception of themselves—and most importantly, of other women as well. Another woman told me, “I used to think that women could only do household work, but now I know we are capable of much more.”

Can all this training be done even better? That’s for sure. For one, we will be holding sessions for public school teachers on using ICT in education, as well as cyber-safety classes for youth. In addition, in partnership with United Mission to Nepal (UMN) and Technology Alleviating Poverty (TAP), we are setting up 50 rural schools with state-of-the-art computer labs.

[caption id="attachment_13011" align="aligncenter" width="836"] Computer labs at Baglung public schools are established by Microsoft Innovation Center Nepal and Technology Alleviating Poverty (T.A.P) Trust to provide access, education and opportunities through technology to Nepali youth, even if they are studying in rural and underprivileged public schools[/caption]

And maybe it’s finally time to restore that piece of battered luggage, so our work can continue unhindered.


  • Anonymous
    January 10, 2016
    As MIEExpert from Bangladesh, I have the dream to spread Digital Literacy to every citizen of Bangladesh. Can Microsoft Asia assist me in this regard?