Paul Andrew

Technical Product Manager for Office 365 at Microsoft

Software Development Times article on SharePoint Development

I got quoted in this article about SharePoint Development.

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 09/17/2008

SharePoint Developer FAQ - Got Questions?

We've started a SharePoint Developer FAQ on the new MSDN Forums. Do you have questions and you can't...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 08/30/2008

Alltop Blog Aggregation for SharePoint

Looking for a good collection of SharePoint blogs. Here's one which list lots of them. Cool new...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 08/30/2008

Need SharePoint Web Hosting?

Here's a place I came across which provides Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 hosting....

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 08/30/2008

New SharePoint Site Published - WorleyParsons was developed by SSW - Sydney Web Design. But it's not just any SharePoint...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 08/29/2008

Updated SharePoint SDK 1.4

See Randall Isenhours blog entry about the updated SharePoint SDK documentation.

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 08/29/2008

New language support for Visual Studio extensions for SharePoint

The Visual Studio 2008 extensions for SharePoint are downloadable here. They have been available in...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 08/26/2008

Visual Studio 2008 extensions for SharePoint 1.2 and x64 Development Environments

There has been lots of talk of using x64 servers for SharePoint. So naturally there has also been...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 08/15/2008

Conchango and Equiniti Case Study of Visual Studio Team System development for SharePoint

Here's a case study I came across of a successful development using Visual Studio 2005 Team...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 08/15/2008

Reza Alirezaei Blogs on SharePoint Development on Virtual PCs

I'm a fan of Virtual PC development for SharePoint and Reza has written a new blog series outlining...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 08/12/2008

Microsoft Patterns and Practices Moves on SharePoint

The patterns and practices group at Microsoft have made their first release of SharePoint Developer...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 08/01/2008

Michael Desmond of Redmond Developer News published an article linking to my new SharePoint...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 06/21/2008

I am presenting at the .NET Users Group in Wellington next week

If you're in Wellington and want to hear a bit about SharePoint development please come along....

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 06/20/2008

MSSharePointDeveloper Content

Please visit instead of this blog post. All of this information is...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 06/11/2008

New Introductory SharePoint web site for .NET Developers

Woo hoo. We launched this week to coincide with TechEd Developers...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 06/04/2008

TechEd Developers USA

My presentation at TechEd Developers this year was OFC202 Introduction to SharePoint Development...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 06/04/2008

SharePoint Firestarter Event in Redmond, Washington

Next month on June 11th 2008 I'm presenting at this public event on the Microsoft campus. Come along...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 05/19/2008

SharePoint Developer MSDN Web Cast Series

We're doing lots of things around introductory SharePoint development for .NET developers over the...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 05/13/2008

Announcing: Visual Studio extensions for SharePoint – Developer User Guide

I'm pleased to announce the release of the User Guide, Samples and Walkthroughs for the Visual...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 05/12/2008

Getting Started with SharePoint Development

How do I get started working as a Professional Developer on SharePoint? Here's a brief outline of...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 05/01/2008

David Isbitski - SharePoint Development - Making Sense of it all

Watch Davids take by screencast on SharePoint Development Part 1 -...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 04/26/2008

Pegasus Imaging Releases Workflow Activities for WF and SharePoint

If you are involved in document imaging with SharePoint or on a Windows Workflow Foundation...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 04/26/2008

Choosing the right workflow tool for your project

Kris Horrocks and I gave a talk about this at TechEd US last year. The talk described a dozen...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 04/26/2008

Values possible for PropertyName in SPMobileFieldPropertyLabel for SharePoint mobile development

I was recently asked what the valid values are for this property. This is what I heard back from the...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 04/22/2008

SharePoint Connections Talk on Visual Studio 2005 extensions for SharePoint

I did my first public talk on SharePoint today :-) I'm here at the SharePoint Connections Spring...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 04/21/2008

SharePoint SDK Additional Detail Being Added

We have been working to get more detail in the SDK for Microsoft SharePoint Products and...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 04/19/2008

SharePoint does support .NET Framework 3.5

Yes, SharePoint does support .NET Framework 3.5 on the machine so you can use the latest .NET...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 04/18/2008

SharePoint is a Great Development Platform

I think it's great because it extends .NET with the same API's and the same Developer Tools. It's...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 04/17/2008

Moving to Windows Server 2008

Now that I'm working full time on SharePoint I wanted to move my environment to be more in line with...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 04/15/2008

New Guidance Article on SharePoint Security for Developers

Reza Alirezaei has just had published a great overview of security considerations for SharePoint...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 04/13/2008

Presenting on SharePoint Developer with Visual Studio 2005

I have a talk next week at SharePoint Connections 2008. I'll be talking on SharePoint Development...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 04/13/2008

More on Silverlight in SharePoint

If you're trying out Silverlight for Web Parts in a SharePoint application then you will have...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 03/23/2008

Announcing the Silverlight Blueprint for SharePoint

Crosspost from my teams blog. The Microsoft Software + Services Blueprint folks have been kind...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 03/03/2008

What’s fixed in .NET Framework 2.0 SP1 and 3.0 SP1?

The KB945757 article detailing fixes in .NET Framework 2.0 SP1 The KB945826 article detailing fixes...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 12/14/2007

New Information on .NET 3.5 Details

A couple of great posts from Aaron Ruckman detailing the .NET Framework 3.5 installation.  Some good...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 12/13/2007

New .NET Framework namespaces and types in French

We now have a French language version of the .NET Framework namespaces and types poster available...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 11/28/2007

New book on Windows Workflow Foundation in Chinese

I can't read it. But it was written by a colleague of a friend of mine. And it's about Windows...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 11/21/2007

Hosting Quickstart Sample for Windows Workflow Foundation - IIS or NT Service

We just published a WF Hosting Quickstart sample today and it shows a common hosting model for...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 11/19/2007

Using WCF with Web Hoster DiscountASP

A little while back Discount ASP published this article describing how to use WCF in their hosting...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 11/19/2007

Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 RTM

Get your new RTM bits now. I'm running Visual Studio 2008 on my box Soma announced it here today....

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 11/19/2007

New .NET Framework 3.5 Whitepapers Published

We just published some new whitepapers discussing high level concepts of .NET Framework 3.5 which I...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 11/13/2007

Patterns for Long Running Activities in Windows Workflow Foundation

Long Running Activity Have you ever noticed that long running operations are difficult to implement...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 11/13/2007

Multipage Print Version of .NET Framework Poster

We published another version of the .NET Framework common Namespaces and Types poster. It's an XPS...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 11/09/2007

Instant Message from My Blog

From Angus Logan, you can put MSN Instant Messenger on your blog now. Check the news section on my...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 11/07/2007

My Tech.Ed EMEA Talk Today on Workflow in a Web application

I'm in Barcelona this week for TechEd EMEA. The talk I gave today was about getting Windows Workflow...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 11/06/2007

Simple Human Workflow Quickstart with WF, AD, Exchange and IM

This article that Chris Auld wrote came out a while ago with the Beta 2 of WF. We've updated the...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 11/02/2007

Announcing: The .NET Framework 3.5 Commonly Used Types and Namespaces poster

We just completed the .NET Framework 3.5 update to the Commonly Used Types and Namespaces poster....

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 11/02/2007

Just Released: BizTalk Server 2006 extensions for Windows Workflow Foundation SDK

Just released, the long awaited BizTalk Server 2006 extensions for Windows Workflow Foundation SDK....

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 11/01/2007

How to upgrade from .NET Framework 1.0 to .NET Framework 3.5

With .NET 3.5 being released about the end of the year at the same time as Visual Studio 2008 it's a...

Author: Paul Andrew Date: 10/25/2007

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