Microsoft Office Interactive Developer Map (a WPF app)

Way better than a poster, this is a handy application that helps developers to drill down to each product and technology and learn about new features, objects, Web services, namespaces, and schemas required to extend Microsoft Office and build custom Office Business Applications (OBAs). This application also includes links and pointers to online resources available on Office Online, MSDN, TechNet, Channel 9, Channel 10, and OBA Central.






What’s in the Microsoft Office Interactive Developer Map Version 2?

1. Update to more than 200 links to MSDN portal pages, MSDN articles, MSDN reference documentation, blog posts, RSS feeds, and community resources.

2. New products and technologies such as:

· Office Development in Visual Studio 2008


· PerformancePoint Server 2007


· Unified Communications


3. User interface improvements:

· Top 2007 Office system Web sites toolbar


· Scaling and scrolling to varying resolutions

· Crisp graphics


You can install via ClickOnce from
