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Template/ View Selection with MEF in Silverlight

One of my favourite features in WPF is the ability to have it automagically wire up a databound...

Author: ukadc Date: 09/14/2010

Bug: Goal Based load test generates a LoadTestGoalCounterNotFoundException

I’m in the scalability labs with a customer this week and we’ve encountered an exception...

Author: ukadc Date: 09/09/2010

ADM SoundBytes: Incorporating Security Practices into your Development Lifecycle

Our next SoundByte, “Incorporating Security Practices into your Development Lifecycle”,...

Author: ukadc Date: 09/07/2010

Auto-generating XML serialization classes from BizTalk schemas

When building BizTalk applications you often need to generate the XML serialization classes for your...

Author: ukadc Date: 09/07/2010

I’m a regular Subversion user, specifically TortoiseSVN and VisualSVN, but I’m also a...

Author: ukadc Date: 09/02/2010

Extensionless URLs not working with ASP.NET MVC 2 on IIS 7/7

This post is mostly a self-serving bookmark, but if you somehow landed here and are having issues...

Author: ukadc Date: 08/31/2010

WIF based OAuth WRAP Issuer

WIF provides an API to develop Security Token Services (STSs) which can then be exposed using either...

Author: ukadc Date: 08/26/2010

ASP.NET MVC: Adding client-side validation to PropertiesMustMatchAttribute

In the last two posts (here and here) we added client-side validation support for the...

Author: ukadc Date: 08/24/2010

Controller Action Design in MVC

Validate, Act, Translate, and Respond. That’s about it. I’ve been trying to come up with...

Author: ukadc Date: 08/19/2010

Using WIF for securing REST Service

OAuth WRAP and SWT (Simple Web Token) have emerged as a standard way for employing...

Author: ukadc Date: 08/17/2010

ASP.NET MVC: Adding client-side validation to ValidatePasswordLengthAttribute in ASP.NET MVC 3 Preview 1

In the previous post we saw how we can add client-side validation to the...

Author: ukadc Date: 08/12/2010

ASP.NET MVC: Adding client-side validation to ValidatePasswordLengthAttribute

When you create a new ASP.NET MVC 2 project in Visual Studio there are a number of files that are...

Author: ukadc Date: 08/05/2010

PasswordDigest authentication in WCF

WS-Security UsernameToken Profile describes how a client can authenticate to a web service using a...

Author: ukadc Date: 08/03/2010

ADM Workshop: ASP.NET MVC 2 Development Ramp Up

Date: 31st August & 1st September 2010 Location: Thames Valley Park, Reading As ASP.NET MVC 2...

Author: ukadc Date: 07/30/2010

.NET Hidden Gems - Memory fail points

I am embarking in a series of mini post called .NET hidden gems, not necessarily new bits but...

Author: ukadc Date: 07/29/2010

We’re Hiring!

The Application Development Consulting team is hiring. Our Mission: Microsoft Application...

Author: ukadc Date: 07/28/2010

Simplifying commands in MVVM and WPF

I’ve been using MVVM since I started WPF (I was a latecomer to the beauty that is WPF) and one...

Author: ukadc Date: 07/22/2010

Providing a Reason for Stopping Project Collections in TFS 2010

When you stop a project collection in TFS 2010, it asks you to enter a reason why you are stopping...

Author: ukadc Date: 07/20/2010

Using WIF with Workflow Services

Windows Identity Foundation integrates with WCF at the host level (ServiceHost) and then various WIF...

Author: ukadc Date: 07/15/2010

A practical State Machine example

Now that the State Machine Activity Pack has been released on Codeplex (see

Author: ukadc Date: 07/13/2010

Adding Client-Side Script to an MVC Conditional Validator

In a previous post I covered how to write a conditional validator to work with ASP.NET MVC, and a...

Author: ukadc Date: 07/08/2010


I find myself answering questions related to the presentation patterns repeatedly. Since I am a lazy...

Author: ukadc Date: 07/06/2010

Creating multiple activities from the toolbox

This blog post will show you how you can add a custom tool to the toolbox which, when selected, will...

Author: ukadc Date: 07/01/2010

Deployment and Testing Automation

In Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) consulting engagements with customers, we usually cover...

Author: ukadc Date: 06/29/2010

Conditional Validation in MVC

Recently I put together samples for different types of validation for some customers, and one of...

Author: ukadc Date: 06/24/2010

ASP.NET MVC - Creating a DropDownList helper for enums

Do the types you work with in your ASP.NET MVC models ever have enums? Mine do from time to time and...

Author: ukadc Date: 06/22/2010

Designers for custom activities

When writing a custom activity you’ll typically want to provide a custom designer which is...

Author: ukadc Date: 06/17/2010

Integrating WIF with WF 4.0 and AppFabric

WIF is framework to claim-enable applications and WCF services. WF 4.0 introduced a new...

Author: ukadc Date: 06/15/2010

Collections and ASP.NET MVC Templated Helpers – Part 4

This is part of a mini-series: Part 1 – Define the problem & give a workaround Part 2...

Author: ukadc Date: 06/10/2010

jQuery.validate and Html.ValidationSummary playing nice together

A customer recently asked me how to get MVC with the MVC Futures project’s...

Author: ukadc Date: 06/08/2010

X509 based proof keys with wsFederationHttpBinding

When requesting a SAML token from an STS you can also request a proof token, which you can use to...

Author: ukadc Date: 06/03/2010

ASP.NET MVC’s Html Helpers Render the Wrong Value!

First things first – oh no they don’t J But it can look like a bug if you’re not...

Author: ukadc Date: 06/01/2010

Setting up Mercurial Under IIS 6

I was just looking at setting up Mercurial on my Windows Home Server and found some good blog...

Author: ukadc Date: 05/27/2010

Client Script Patterns: Predictive Fetch

Why do you write JavaScript? It's probably for one of two major reasons – Responsiveness or...

Author: ukadc Date: 05/20/2010

Configuring SAML Assertion Subject Name and Format for a WIF STS

In some interop scenarios, subject name and its format needs to be included in the Saml...

Author: ukadc Date: 05/18/2010

jQuery + MVC = Progressive Enhancement

If you write a lot of JavaScript, you really should consider adopting Progressive Enhancement as the...

Author: ukadc Date: 05/14/2010

Ajax Control Toolkit Coding Standards are Live

Two of our ADCs (Simon Ince and Stuart Leeks) have been coordinating work with people across...

Author: ukadc Date: 05/13/2010

Unity 2.0 – Automatic Builders

Contents Automatic Factories Property Injection Container.BuildUp Introducing “Automatic Builders”...

Author: ukadc Date: 05/11/2010

Creating Objects Without Calling the Constructor

When you use the new operator to create an instance of a class, the class constructor is called...

Author: ukadc Date: 05/04/2010

Custom ServiceHostFactory for a XAMLX based Service

For IIS/WAS hosted services backed by a physical .SVC file (WCF 3.0/3.5) you can specify a custom...

Author: ukadc Date: 04/29/2010

What on Earth is a Lambda Expression?

Recently I've spoken with a few customers that have asked what a Lambda Expression is, which...

Author: ukadc Date: 04/27/2010

Setting up WCF with a load balancer using SSL in the middle

I was onsite today with a customer who was having problems getting WCF to work, and after much...

Author: ukadc Date: 04/22/2010

JavaScript Prototypes versus Closures

Recently I've been coordinating and authoring some JavaScript best practice documentation, and one...

Author: ukadc Date: 04/20/2010

How to configure WinDbg to run other versions of the .NET

I usually receive a very common question when customers jump into the WinDbg adventure, and is...

Author: ukadc Date: 04/15/2010

Boundary Analysis

This week I hosted an interactive session at the Architect Insight Conference with my colleague Josh...

Author: ukadc Date: 04/13/2010

Collections and ASP.NET MVC Templated Helpers – Part 3

This is part of a mini-series: Part 1 – Define the problem & give a workaround Part 2 – Show an...

Author: ukadc Date: 04/08/2010

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