Introducing the Visual Studio ALM Rangers – Esteban Garcia

Who are you?

image Casual Q&A at MVP Summit 2015


My name is Esteban Garcia. I am the Founder and Chief Technologist at Nebbia Technology ( where I focus on ALM and Azure Consulting, helping organizations with ALM best practices and getting the most out of TFS and the entire VS ALM suite of tools.  I am a Microsoft Visual Studio ALM MVP and president of the Orlando .NET User Group ( where we try to grow and improve the .NET community in Central Florida with our monthly meetings and yearly Code Camp.

You can follow my blog at

What makes you tick?

Knowing that things are done right, automating processes and helping teams use technology to their advantage. Sharing knowledge and helping others share their knowledge with the community.

Enjoying life with my wife and two children.

Where you live?

Orlando, Florida.

Where is the place you call home?

Orlando, Florida. I’m originally from Quito, Ecuador and spent my teenage years in Bradenton, Florida. I came to Orlando to go to college (UCF) and this became home.

Why are you active in the Rangers program?

I’ve benefited a lot from the documents and tools that the Rangers have made available in the past. I really enjoy working with TFS and Visual Studio ALM tools and I am really happy to be able to contribute and provide other people with the tools they need to succeed.

What is the best Rangers project you worked in and why?

I am new to the program, so I hope to get back to you with a good answer soon.


This post is part of an ongoing series of Rangers introductions. See An index to all Rangers covered on this blog for more details.


  • Anonymous
    March 29, 2012
    Congratulations Esteban, well deserved. I'll be sure to follow your work with the group.