
此 PowerShell 脚本示例会将所有企业应用程序(其机密和证书将在未来 X 天后过期 - 如果你选择这样做,则已过期)以及所指定的企业应用的所有者从目录导出到 CSV 文件。

如果没有 Azure 订阅,请在开始之前创建一个 Azure 免费帐户

此示例需要 Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK 模块。



This is not an official PowerShell Script. We designed it specifically for the situation you have
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Please do not modify or change any preset parameters.

Please note that we will not be able to support the script if it's changed or altered in any way
or used in a different situation for other means.

This code-sample is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied,
including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a
particular purpose.

This sample is not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service.

Microsoft further disclaims all implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied
warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose.

The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the sample and documentation remains with

In no event shall Microsoft, its authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or
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Microsoft has been advised of the possibility of such damages.


Connect-MgGraph -Scopes 'Application.Read.All'

$Applications = Get-MgServicePrincipal -all
$Logs = @()

$Messages = @{
    ExpirationDays = @{
        Info   = 'Filter the applications to log by the number of days until their secrets expire.'
        Prompt = 'Enter the number of days until the secrets expire as an integer.'
    AlreadyExpired = @{
        Info   = 'Would you like to see Applications with already expired secrets as well?'
        Prompt = 'Enter Yes or No'
    DurationNotice = @{
        Info = @(
            'The operation is running and will take longer the more applications the tenant has...'
            'Please wait...'
        ) -join ' '
    Export = @{
        Info = 'Where should the CSV file export to?'
        Prompt = 'Enter the full path in the format of <C:\Users\<USER>\Desktop\Users.csv>'

Write-Host $Messages.ExpirationDays.Info -ForegroundColor Green
$DaysUntilExpiration = Read-Host -Prompt $Messages.ExpirationDays.Prompt

Write-Host $Messages.AlreadyExpired.Info -ForegroundColor Green
$IncludeAlreadyExpired = Read-Host -Prompt $Messages.AlreadyExpired.Prompt

$Now = Get-Date

Write-Host $Messages.DurationNotice.Info -ForegroundColor yellow

foreach ($App in $Applications) {
    $AppName = $App.DisplayName
    $AppID   = $App.Id
    $ApplID  = $App.AppId

    $AppCreds = Get-MgServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalId $AppID |
        Select-Object PasswordCredentials, KeyCredentials

    $Secrets = $AppCreds.PasswordCredentials
    $Certs   = $AppCreds.KeyCredentials

    foreach ($Secret in $Secrets) {
        $StartDate  = $Secret.StartDateTime
        $EndDate    = $Secret.EndDateTime
        $SecretName = $Secret.DisplayName

        $Owner    = Get-MgServicePrincipalOwner -ServicePrincipalId $App.Id
        $Username = $Owner.AdditionalProperties.userPrincipalName -join ';'
        $OwnerID  = $Owner.Id -join ';'

        if ($null -eq $Owner.AdditionalProperties.userPrincipalName) {
            $Username = @(
                '**<This is an Application>**'
            ) -join ' '

        if ($null -eq $Owner.AdditionalProperties.displayName) {
            $Username = '<<No Owner>>'

        $RemainingDaysCount = $EndDate - $Now |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty Days

        if ($IncludeAlreadyExpired -eq 'No') {
            if ($RemainingDaysCount -le $DaysUntilExpiration -and $RemainingDaysCount -ge 0) {
                $Logs += [PSCustomObject]@{
                    'ApplicationName'        = $AppName
                    'ApplicationID'          = $ApplID
                    'Secret Name'            = $SecretName
                    'Secret Start Date'      = $StartDate
                    'Secret End Date'        = $EndDate
                    'Certificate Name'       = $Null
                    'Certificate Start Date' = $Null
                    'Certificate End Date'   = $Null
                    'Owner'                  = $Username
                    'Owner_ObjectID'         = $OwnerID
        } elseif ($IncludeAlreadyExpired -eq 'Yes') {
            if ($RemainingDaysCount -le $DaysUntilExpiration) {
                $Logs += [pscustomobject]@{
                    'ApplicationName'        = $AppName
                    'ApplicationID'          = $ApplID
                    'Secret Name'            = $SecretName
                    'Secret Start Date'      = $StartDate
                    'Secret End Date'        = $EndDate
                    'Certificate Name'       = $Null
                    'Certificate Start Date' = $Null
                    'Certificate End Date'   = $Null
                    'Owner'                  = $Username
                    'Owner_ObjectID'         = $OwnerID

    foreach ($Cert in $Certs) {
        $StartDate = $Cert.StartDateTime
        $EndDate   = $Cert.EndDateTime
        $CertName  = $Cert.DisplayName

        $RemainingDaysCount = $EndDate - $Now |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty Days

        $Owner    = Get-MgServicePrincipalOwner -ServicePrincipalId $App.Id
        $Username = $Owner.AdditionalProperties.userPrincipalName -join ';'
        $OwnerID  = $Owner.Id -join ';'

        if ($null -eq $Owner.AdditionalProperties.userPrincipalName) {
            $Username = @(
                '**<This is an Application>**'
            ) -join ' '
        if ($null -eq $Owner.AdditionalProperties.displayName) {
            $Username = '<<No Owner>>'

        if ($IncludeAlreadyExpired -eq 'No') {
            if ($RemainingDaysCount -le $DaysUntilExpiration -and $RemainingDaysCount -ge 0) {
                $Logs += [pscustomobject]@{
                    'ApplicationName'        = $AppName
                    'ApplicationID'          = $ApplID
                    'Certificate Name'       = $CertName
                    'Certificate Start Date' = $StartDate
                    'Certificate End Date'   = $EndDate
                    'Owner'                  = $Username
                    'Owner_ObjectID'         = $OwnerID
        } elseif ($IncludeAlreadyExpired -eq 'Yes') {
            if ($RemainingDaysCount -le $DaysUntilExpiration) {
                $Logs += [pscustomobject]@{
                    'ApplicationName'        = $AppName
                    'ApplicationID'          = $ApplID
                    'Certificate Name'       = $CertName
                    'Certificate Start Date' = $StartDate
                    'Certificate End Date'   = $EndDate
                    'Owner'                  = $Username
                    'Owner_ObjectID'         = $OwnerID

Write-Host $Messages.Export.Info -ForegroundColor Green
$Path = Read-Host -Prompt $Messages.Export.Prompt
$Logs | Export-Csv $Path -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8


此脚本无需修改即可直接使用。 系统会询问管理员到期日期,以及他们是否希望看到已过期的机密或证书。

“Add-Member”命令负责在 CSV 文件中创建列。 “New-Object”命令创建一个对象,用于 CSV 文件导出内容中的列。 如果希望导出为非交互式,则可以在 PowerShell 中使用 CSV 文件路径直接修改“$Path”变量。

命令 注释
Get-MgServicePrincipal 从目录中检索企业应用程序。
Get-MgServicePrincipalOwner 从目录中检索企业应用程序的所有者。


要详细了解 Microsoft Graph PowerShell 模块,请参阅 Microsoft Graph PowerShell 模块概述

有关应用程序管理的其他 PowerShell 示例,请参阅应用程序管理的 Azure Microsoft Graph PowerShell 示例